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leave it out in the sun, if the sun ever bloody comes out again!


Lucky you. it's been over 100 °F in the past few days with only some rain last night. can't even go swimming it's so nasty out there.


Looks nice as always, how's the sound? I've got the brown sugar in my ash bodied tele and it's nice. Also, how do you find the quality of the neck for being priced like that?

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Lucky you. it's been over 100 °F in the past few days with only some rain last night. can't even go swimming it's so nasty out there.


Looks nice as always, how's the sound? I've got the brown sugar in my ash bodied tele and it's nice. Also, how do you find the quality of the neck for being priced like that?


yeah brown sugars nice. and what do you mean quality of the neck? its the same as my other necks. its figured rock maple. it was only that cheap cos it was from a wood yard where they just price by the board foot not by how pretty the wood is

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yeah brown sugars nice. and what do you mean quality of the neck? its the same as my other necks. its figured rock maple. it was only that cheap cos it was from a wood yard where they just price by the board foot not by how pretty the wood is


ohhh ok then, so it's really just from a different source then?



What does F mean? does it have something to do with all the cars having the steering wheels on the wrong side and everything being measured in some random fractions thing? :awesome:


i dunno lol


but that guitar's finish..it's my new favourite colour

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ohhh ok then, so it's really just from a different source then?


yeah. i normally get neck wood from a specialist guitar wood place so its always going to be more expensive. but if you take the time to look through a wood yard you'll find as good pieces for a fraction of the price

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someone on project guitar did a photoshop tutorial so i decided to download it and follow it. never used photoshop before but its not as hard as i imagined. there's a few things need working on but its a good go for a first timer




Is that set of Ernie Ball 11's ?

















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yeah cos the finish is kinda fucked anyway.


i got a plank of maple for £5 and have had two necks out of it. so £2.50 per neck. yup


where da fuck ya get that???


link plz nao!!!!


wants cheap neck blank making my own guitar in few weeks!!!!


im srs!

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hehe no. i could do the front, and i could do the back. as separate things. not sure how to go about getting a complete view so you can see the whole lot


I dont think you can :( There may be programs however where you can upload the front, sidem end elevations etc and it might create it :LOL:

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