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What's your favourite part of the HAARP DVD?


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Let's see I have a //few// moments.


Dom: "Nice one wembuhley!" // "How you guys doing in the BACK?" ~ Starlight

Then there's Matt rushing to the speaker at the end of MotP to play the end riff.

Matt during ALL of KoC.

SMBH Kaoss Pad solo.

The camera going crazy during the build up of invincible to the solo.

The very last second of Take a Bow when the screen lights up and Matt's pointing upward. (My desktop wallpaper)


There's more =P

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i just can't pick the best moments.. but i'll try, let's see..


the beggining of the first Maggie's Farm riff, when matt's on the speaker

B&H.. the whole thing i guess

Matt's slide in New Born

the beggining of Plug In Baby

Take a Bow.. and Dom's exausted face while almost hanging from the effects machine :LOL:

oh! and Chrissy's cheeky smiles throughout the show ^^



maybe the best buy i've ever made, srsly

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i dont hav a best moment coz i love it allll!!!!!:D

but i hav a funny part in feeling good near the end when the camera is on chris and his grin ha ha priceless!!!:D


Meee about 3 mins in to the extras going, "We want Muse" How painfull x :LOL::LOL:

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when Matt recreates New Born ohh oh and whe some guy throws a mexican flag at Matt after Plug In Baby,, before Plug In Baby he makes that alarm sound with his guitr like the one in the menu, thats by far my favorate sound EVER and the whole movie was fucking excellent

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I really loved the SS/Maggie's Farm riff - that was AWESOME! :D

Apocalypse Please :happy:

The Improv. They performed that riff at Reading and I thought "wow, they should make that into a song" and they had a whole track dedicated to it :happy:

Matt's weird hand movements in SMBH :LOL:

Blackout ♥

Unintended :happy:

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Possibly when Matt is going through the underground tunnel =P


Nah I dunno... it's all so absolutely amazingly good... probably when Matt's on the piano during Butterflies&Hurricanes or during Improv cos it's sexy ;]


I wrote about my experiences on the 16th in my English GCSE exam because I'm cool like that. I hope I did it justice... I'll find out on results day...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Think I may have aleady posted in this thread but oh well here's a kinda *3 months on* assesment hehe


1. Post Stockholm Syndrome riffs...talk about epic! Especially the bit straight after the song when it's all highpitched then Matt hits that first riff note and BAM!


2. Post New Born riffs. They rock as much as that ^. F***** awesome can't get enough of it! It's the best part of the DVD to think "screw the neighbours" and crank the volume up for a bit :)


3. Invincible sliding Intro: The Reading one was good, but this is even more beautiful. I LOVE it so much.


4. KOC - the Close Encounters riff...Matt's screaming after the first solo...the end riff - all PERFECT


5. Plug in Baby - amazing performance, loving the dazzling "alarm" intro and rocking outtro.


6. SMBH - probably the best live song by Muse in terms of how much better the live version is than the studio one...as seen here.


I could go on but those are my absloute favourite bits :)

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Ok...has anyone else noticed this...


At the end of supermassive black hole on the cd (16th)...literally the last few seconds...if you listen closely (ideally though headphones) you can hear a woman shout (what I think is) 'Hello Muse!.....Fart!'.


Comments? It's there, seriously.


Do you mean an actual fart or a woman shouting "fart"?


Cause I can hear an actual fart during Stockholme Syndrome at 0:48 like so: "yeah she had a name [iNSERT FART HERE], yeah she had a name!"



I dunno if that's just a slight scratch on my CD making a wierd noise but it seriously sounds like that lol, please say it's not me :p



Oh and also seeing Morgan playing bass was pretty cool :p



Oh and the riff at the end of Map of the Problematique they used from the Saturday night (look at his shoes ;) ) cause that's the night I was at! :D

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Cause I can hear an actual fart during Stockholme Syndrome at 0:48 like so: "yeah she had a name [iNSERT FART HERE], yeah she had a name!"


I dunno if that's just a slight scratch on my CD making a wierd noise but it seriously sounds like that lol, please say it's not me :p


*can't stop laughing* :LOL:

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