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What's your favourite part of the HAARP DVD?


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New Born. It's really good on that DVD. The DVD in general though I find to be quite boring, and the set list is crap. They were better live before they got all slick and polished. Still pretty good, but not the best.

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Guest QueenOfNerds

Blackout - because it was the coolest moment. When the women on the ballons came out there was some guy was standing next to me who shouted "get your tits out"

about 5 minutes later he said "that is so beautiful".

I thought it was sweet that it touched even the manliest of men in the crowd.

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best on the DVD by far, from the moment he plays the first 2 notes of that awesomest of all piano intros and the crowd realise its New Born and go crazy, then the clapping to the piano and Chris' bass, everyone singing along... then matt's crazy kaoss pad transition to guitar, and that awesome chunky new born riff, and then... the knee slide!!!


best moment by far, closely followed by (as many have already stated) the moments when you know they're having the time of their life, eg. Chris looking up at the crowd and thinking "holy shit!" before cracking a smile :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I believe I'll bump this and say that I adore the entire thing! :D However, I will say that the part on KoC where Matt is about to do the riff that is repeated to the end of the song, he says HOW ARE YOU WEMBLEY! then just kicks to the riff. I love that.


Also, has anyone noticed....that on Map of the Problematique where Matt gets on top of the amp....his shoes are red? What's the deal with that? His shoes are black the entire shoe except there....wonder what the deal is.

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