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Guitar Hero shut down. Is rock really dying? Can Muse save rock?


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No, she's a proper fan. She's posted on the board in the past (can't remember which thread).


Thanks. I love YOU!


I ended up talking about Muse because I love Muse, and I started thinking about Matt's avatar being mentioned as a really cool thing in the Teignmouth doc and that his avatar is now going to be unemployed. And I felt horrible for a friend of mine who works at Activision and made several pained postings on Facebook about losing coworkers and that no one talked about the human component of shutting down Guitar Hero, so I did.


The Day the Music Died: Guitar Hero stops production and lays off employees



Then the article atated getting too long, so I split it and put my opinion part here and all the Radiohead people got mad.




Here are some of the other articles I have written if anyone gives a shit.


Muse Nominated for 3 Grammys



Best Band in the Universe at Staples



Muse wins an AMA and the press manage to annoy Muse fans



Matt Bellamy and Kate Hudson are expecting


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Oh my :LOL:


If you're gonna survive in your career, I suggest that you start accepting criticism instead of attacking people.


Your article missed a lot of very important points. You started going on about guitar hero and the shutdown, hip-hop and how it's mixed with rock, major labels deal in hits, Muse can get a crowd going.


You didn't connect any of these points.


"Is it possible that the definition of rock has broadened to include whatever beat patterns one would like."

Rock is being broaded all the time, that's what the progressive rock is doing. What Undisclosed Desires is....is simply a R&B song. It doesn't bring elements into rock, it is simply doing what others in these pop/r&b/synthpop genres has done before them.

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The whole point of mentioning all that hip hop stuff was to say that hip hop uses rock to score hits, and rock sometimes incorporates hip hop elements, so rock isn't really dead. Indie rock is still rock. Muse was indie rock when they started.

Rock isn't dead. You know why? Because there are millions of rock bands out there.


There are two definitions of indie. Either independent, which is what it started out as, and the correct term according to a lot of people, me included. And yes, ofc Muse started out as independent, 99% of all bands did.


If you are referring to the newer term that is the GENRE indie, Muse has never really been a part of that.


Rock isn't a dying genre, it is evolving and growing bigger.

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I am sorry for your friend and everyone who worked at Activision.


Don’t be bothered about the Radioheadfans. They don’t know better ;)

I don't know why they get so aggressive towards Muse. And what they say often proofs, they don't know much about Muse.


TBH your article was a bit confusing to me. GH is dying. Is rockmusic dying? made me think you meant the popularity of GH is showing us how popular rockmusic is or visa versa.

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First of all, Guitar Hero and the survival of rock have nothing to do with each other, except that they both involve guitars. If a video game ends, based off of rock--which I'll remind everyone, came first--than rock will happily go on its way existing without it.

Calling Muse a rock band is also a balance between the most fitting and the least fitting title. They are so all over the map that the easiest way to describe Muse, is they are a band, simply put. A band. If you need something before that, a three-piece band, or a British band... but as soon as you add a genre, you can argue forever how fitting that is, or how inaccurate it is or whatever. Therefore, using Muse as proof that rock isn't dying... probably not your best argument.

Just because rock isn't always getting the same attention as Lady Gaga, doesn't mean it's dying. Pop is popular because of the types of fans it has: outspoken, flashy, sometimes shallow (not all... its too bad few people make these fans look that way), generally popular people. Rock fans, IMO, are way better fans, more honest fans, more loyal fans, more true music fans. These fans raise their kids with rock, so it'll take a long time for it to die.

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With Guitar Hero dead, Muse can now come to Rock Band and bring all their glorious music with them.


Since Rock Band 3 has keyboards playable (and learnable), I think "Exogenesis: Symphony" would be good. :D



Honestly, in all seriousness, Muse needs to license songs to Rock Band ASAP. There are fans who have been waiting for three, yes 3, years to get more Muse songs in that game.

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With no more Guitar Hero, hopefully we'll get more Muse in Rock Band, or even a Muse: Rock Band (please :( )


I would sell my soul to the Dark Lords Satan, Voldemort and Darth Vader and I would serve for 1000 years in the court of the Crimson King to make this happen.


*You're not JrManPT on the Rock Band Forums, by any chance?*



Rock Band is also cancelled apparently.


Rock Band has nothing AT ALL to do with Guitar Hero.


Guitar Hero, in it's last years, was created by Neversoft. Rock Band is made by Harmonix. Two separate companies. The only thing that relates the two is that Harmonix made Guitar Heroes 1 & 2 before the brand was bought by Activision and handed to Neversoft.


Rock Band is still going strong.

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Rock Band has nothing AT ALL to do with Guitar Hero.


Guitar Hero, in it's last years, was created by Neversoft. Rock Band is made by Harmonix. Two separate companies. The only thing that relates the two is that Harmonix made Guitar Heroes 1 & 2 before the brand was bought by Activision and handed to Neversoft.


Rock Band is still going strong.

He never said anything that suggested the games had anything to do with eachother.

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Yes I am, and yes, now with a grammy, theres no reason not to license the songs and make a ton of money :LOL:


:awesome: I'm RBR over there (the poster with the Origin Of Symmetry avatar and the weeks since "Hysteria" was released sig).



Yeah, with Muse winning a Grammy, there's no reason for their music to not be licensed and bring in the cash.

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I don't equate Guitar Hero to playing an instrument. It's just a video game and as such it's tons of fun.


Yeah I never got that argument seeing as it's nothing like playing a real instrument and being able to play the real instrument and playing the game don't appear to be mutually exclusive seeing as plenty of people who play instruments have played it.


Not that I find it fun anymore. The novelty has worn off. But yeah, it's just a game...nobody apart from a handful of wackos would play it to pretend they're a rock star!

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Erm, Guitar Hero shut down because it couldn't compete with Rock Band. :erm: Nothing to do with rock as an art form. And as far as I remember, the company that made Guitar Hero 1 and 2 make Rock Band, so it's not as if any talent is being lost.


The games were terrible after the third incarnation anyway. Bad songlists, rubbish graphics, and just bloody awkward to use.

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If you didn't notice, alternative rock died a long time ago and every rock band has had to change fashion EVERY album they release because the music industry is moving far faster than it ever has in regards to music, hip/hop is in, rock is out, it still sells, but it isn't the priority anymore.


Hell, even Biffy Clyro have to jump well into the mainstream now.

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