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It's so rare to find happy pwoper muse fans, these days.

They are a band. At the end of the day (though I do compare them to god quite often) they are a band. They are going to change and they are going to try to appeal to wider audiences. They aren't betraying you or being lazy or what not; this is a corporate world. They try the best they can to get through with it, but there's only so much they can do at the end of the day. Why does everybody lose faith in them just because they are doing some more popular stuff? I swear, if you were my fan base, I would give up too :LOL:


I don't know what the new album will sound like...but I don't think that much of Resistance is going to stay in the setlist. I really, don't. Uprising, yes. Resistance, maybe. Undisclosed Desires, yes (but only because Dom has to have a go on the electric drums...and if they put more electric songs into their next album then UD may be dropped). And probably nothing else. MK as a rarity, maybe. They'll keep the main stuff from black holes, abs, oos, and no they probably won't play showbiz. But, I think that's what makes showbiz so great. Because it is so rare that when they play it, or if you are there when they play it, it's the best moment in the world. Same thing with the better side of OOS. I know I heard Citizen Erased in NJ and it was...no words. But it was no words because they hardly play it (well minus Australia...-_-) So, I actually like rarities. It makes concerts more special and such. But that's just me.


Anyway, I hated all the negativity. I have full faith in Muse. They could do bluegrass and I would still love it. I'm pumped for their next album and I hope I can catch them again in 2011.

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It's so rare to find happy pwoper muse fans, these days.

They are a band. At the end of the day (though I do compare them to god quite often) they are a band. They are going to change and they are going to try to appeal to wider audiences. They aren't betraying you or being lazy or what not; this is a corporate world. They try the best they can to get through with it, but there's only so much they can do at the end of the day. Why does everybody lose faith in them just because they are doing some more popular stuff? I swear, if you were my fan base, I would give up too :LOL:


I don't know what the new album will sound like...but I don't think that much of Resistance is going to stay in the setlist. I really, don't. Uprising, yes. Resistance, maybe. Undisclosed Desires, yes (but only because Dom has to have a go on the electric drums...and if they put more electric songs into their next album then UD may be dropped). And probably nothing else. MK as a rarity, maybe. They'll keep the main stuff from black holes, abs, oos, and no they probably won't play showbiz. But, I think that's what makes showbiz so great. Because it is so rare that when they play it, or if you are there when they play it, it's the best moment in the world. Same thing with the better side of OOS. I know I heard Citizen Erased in NJ and it was...no words. But it was no words because they hardly play it (well minus Australia...-_-) So, I actually like rarities. It makes concerts more special and such. But that's just me.


Anyway, I hated all the negativity. I have full faith in Muse. They could do bluegrass and I would still love it. I'm pumped for their next album and I hope I can catch them again in 2011.

I was going to prove you wrong, but instead I just bolded parts that makes your argument invalid, cheers.

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It's so rare to find happy pwoper muse fans, these days.

They are a band. At the end of the day (though I do compare them to god quite often) they are a band. They are going to change and they are going to try to appeal to wider audiences. They aren't betraying you or being lazy or what not; this is a corporate world. They try the best they can to get through with it, but there's only so much they can do at the end of the day. Why does everybody lose faith in them just because they are doing some more popular stuff? I swear, if you were my fan base, I would give up too :LOL:


Music itself is not corporate and there's no reason to try to appeal to wider audiences.

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It's so rare to find happy pwoper muse fans, these days.

They are a band. At the end of the day (though I do compare them to god quite often) they are a band. They are going to change and they are going to try to appeal to wider audiences. They aren't betraying you or being lazy or what not; this is a corporate world. They try the best they can to get through with it, but there's only so much they can do at the end of the day. Why does everybody lose faith in them just because they are doing some more popular stuff? I swear, if you were my fan base, I would give up too :LOL:


I don't know what the new album will sound like...but I don't think that much of Resistance is going to stay in the setlist. I really, don't. Uprising, yes. Resistance, maybe. Undisclosed Desires, yes (but only because Dom has to have a go on the electric drums...and if they put more electric songs into their next album then UD may be dropped). And probably nothing else. MK as a rarity, maybe. They'll keep the main stuff from black holes, abs, oos, and no they probably won't play showbiz. But, I think that's what makes showbiz so great. Because it is so rare that when they play it, or if you are there when they play it, it's the best moment in the world. Same thing with the better side of OOS. I know I heard Citizen Erased in NJ and it was...no words. But it was no words because they hardly play it (well minus Australia...-_-) So, I actually like rarities. It makes concerts more special and such. But that's just me.


Anyway, I hated all the negativity. I have full faith in Muse. They could do bluegrass and I would still love it. I'm pumped for their next album and I hope I can catch them again in 2011.


they don't..

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they don't..

Exactly. No one would mind a few rarities. A rarity doesn't lose the novelty because it has been played a few times before on the tour. Some gigs DID get rarities. Unintended, Cave, Sunburn, (Bliss and CE are not ratities, I am even doubting to call Unintended and Sunburn rarities). The rest didn't.

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Matt's gotta chuck the guitars again for this tour. And play Muscle Museum and Uno more often. That has to happen.


(Warning: Some of the below might sound like complete nonsense)

If they make an album more personal, like Showbiz, they should play some more personal songs from the Showbiz era, like Escape and Sunburn.

The set lists should be about 23 songs (including any bass & drum jams and the B side instrumental [Hopefully Bedroom Acoustics or Minimum]).

That would end up as 21 real songs. If they play 3 songs from Showbiz (Showbiz, Muscle Museum OR Uno, Sunburn), that would make more people happy.

Then they have 18 songs to do what they want, although I think that with those last 18 songs they should do 5 new album songs (one of those on rotation), and with the last 13 songs, they should play:

Plug In Baby

New Born rotating with Stockholm Syndrome

Bliss rotating with Citizen Erased


Time Is Running Out

Ruled By Secrecy

Supermassive Black Hole

Map Of The Problematique on rotation with Starlight AND Take A Bow

Knights of Cydonia


Undisclosed Desires on rotation with Mk Ultra


United States Of Eurasia

+ The 3 Showbiz Songs i mentioned above


Although most people are not so hopeful for good set lists, I think there is a chance we could see some rarities played. Above I listed some rarities (most'll be rarities by the time of the tour) on rotation (Take A Bow, MK Ultra, Citizen Erased, Bliss & Ruled By Secrecy). Apart from that, we could get the possibilities of Dead Star, Can't Take My Eyes Off You, Nishe (Occasionally before USoE), Feeling Good, Back In Black (if they decide to do that Nic Cester thing again), Exo 1, I Belong To You and Neutron Star Collision.


They should have a stage which is a mix of Hullabaloo's Shadowy Things, most of the Abso stage, some bits of the BHaR Tour Stage, and maybe a couple of hexagon screens or 2 mini pillars either side of the stage.

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I want them to come back to the UK and play a small-ish show. SOON! I'm getting Muse-live withdrawal again just by listening to RAH and Teignmouth gigs :(

I don't recall a single year when they've not played at least ONE UK show - they've def done it within the past five years, so they MUST come back this year. I dun care where, I don't even care if the setlist is mediocre, I just want to see a Muse show and bloody soon :LOL:.

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If Matt tries to pull another Neutron Star Collision or Guiding Light on us, I sincerely hope that Chris smashes his head in.


Haha totally agree, i dont mind some slow songs but i think this was just to appease crappy twilight fans instead of the fans that have been with them since the beginning!!!

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Haha totally agree, i dont mind some slow songs but i think this was just to appease crappy twilight fans instead of the fans that have been with them since the beginning!!!

Why the hell should they make music to appease anyone?

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That's the makings of a sell-out band. I don't think they've sold out or pandered to a certain group, I just think Matt was being a sappy git and it just-so-happened to fit well with the theme of Twatlight, haha.

The day they do music to please fans, they have sold out, imo.


And I don't think that day has come yet.

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