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Everything posted by Bumpypotato

  1. Re: Aenima. The production really lets it down in a lot of places, imo. Undertow is pretty meh, with some great moments.


    Re: Linky. It was okay. Nothing spectacular.


    AND NOW FOR THE MAIN EVENT: Martyr's is proper fucker up. That is totally the right reaction.

  2. Well sung, but the lyrics just aren't funny.
  3. To be honest, now that you mention it I can't actually think which songs I was thinking of. It might just be an overarching vibe with the album, rather than individual tracks.


    Link me, bb.

  4. I should know this...

  5. Whatever the artwork is meant to represent, it's pretty crap.
  6. Turns out I won't be able to do a meet up anyway, so oh well, another time.

  7. Is anyone else coming? A meet up would be good. Unfortunately I won't be making the second night :L

  8. All sexism aside, try as I might, I could never call a video with naked women the worst video ever.
  9. Why would he be? Disappointing, as ever. I must say, I'm a bit surprised to see Muse nominated for worst band. It made sense after T2L due to the backlash from Survival and Madness, but I would've thought that after such a successful world tour that they might have returned to people's good graces a bit.
  10. Yeah, I guess if it's not really noticeable it doesn't matter That snippet of Survival (which was actually still quite awesome) was too extreme in my opinion, though. Edit: dat grammer.
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