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Everything posted by BreakingOut

  1. One of my friends has one of the same ones on Tumblr :LOL:

  2. School is my favourite :awesome:

  3. A teacher at my friend's school was guilty of pedophilia :awesome:

  4. You might get extra marks :awesome:

  5. When they're up there ;)

    But in front of your class works too so. :awesome:

  6. :(

    Or you flash back :eyebrows:

  7. If that happened to me I would make sure everyone else saw :joker:

    100 bucks? That's expensive. How did you lose it?

  8. That's quite strange. :stunned:

    I have to hand in a book tomorrow that I can't find :'(

  9. It would've been okay if I didn't start laughing in the middle of it. Someone kept pulling faces at me :LOL:

  10. :LOL:

    Bah. Had to do a speech today. How was your day?

  11. :LOL:


    I've done that before :$

  12. :LOL:


    I live in NSW. Your state is inside mine :D









  13. Thanks :)


    What state do you live in?

  14. Hey :D Thought your profile looked a bit empty. How are you? :)

  15. If it hasn't been suggested before, SfA should be pretty easy.
  16. I'm so sorry, I had my answer sitting on my profile not here :chuckle:


    first link :happy:

  17. Just type up 'scary Korean comic'. Make sure you're nOt home alone :stunned:

  18. I am going to do my folder like yours :D

    I'm probably too embarrased though... i might do the pictures on the inside and band names on the outside :LOL:

  19. My friend just showed me the scariest korean comic. I was :eek: for long after. Do you wanna see it?


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