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Everything posted by Musoliasla

  1. Ooo, flute! :) Niice!

    I play just basically piano, guitar and a bit of sax and bass! Sax is so cool! :D Hehe!


    I love drums, there is something about a good drummer which is just so so awesome!!! :D A good drummer is just so attractive! <3 :)

    Hehe, I am always wanting to learn more instruments! I would love to have a house full of music! ^ ^

  2. Come and see them over here! :D Woo! It's awesome seeing them!! You never forget your Muse concerts! ^ ^

  3. Haha, yes then I do! I have you as a friend!! ^ ^ nice to meet you too!


    Thank you for the friend invite! :)

  4. I hate it when you are having such a good dream! Then all of a sudden you are interrupted! D: That just sucks so much!

    I have like one every week! I remember once I dreamt of being in a reseraunt and they were playing in the little club room next door, and my brother had the only ticket left and he gave it to me, and when I came in they welcomed me and Chris was dressed as a cactus for some bizarre reason! xD Was so funny! I dream of meeting them so much! :) They are just amazing! <3

    Wow, yes! I wish my friends were as in to Muse as I am, then I could do that with them! :( Gett the train home the next day!

    Wasn't fair, but it was funny! :p hehe! I got spares last time, well mum did, so we brought people witth us! ^ ^ It would be so awesome to get a big group to all go together! :D I hope you can make the next one!! :)


    Awww! Thank you so much! <3 Yes it is! ^^ You have a really cute name too! I have never heard it before! :)

  5. Couldn't agree with you more! ;) Haha!


    Thanks very much! :D One of my favourite parts from the making of the resistance! ^ ^ <3

  6. Heyy! I love your icon so much! It is so so cute!! ^ ^ <3

  7. Hahha, niice icon! ;)

  8. Aww, that sucks! :( I really do hope you get them over there this year!! x

  9. Yess, Matt talk!! Haha, throwing in a couple hand actions here and theere, although trying not to seem so crazy! :p

    It really would, wouldn't it, I had a dream last night, Matt turned up at my school, and I was like omgg!!! :p Turned up at my school, and I had to stick my hat on his head so no one knew who he was, it was after hours, but the teachers would know xD Oh it was such a good dream haha! :D

    It really sucked! Had my mum with me, and she wannts to beat traffic <.< hmmf! :p

    Yeah he did! And he's the biggest! You must have big hands to play bass!

    I know, I feel so luckyy! ^ ^ It was such an awesome night! You never forget a Muse concert! They are just so epic! :D


    I'm Liv! :) Nice to meet you Ailish! :D

  10. This year?! Maybe if they liked it they would come back then! See if you can find others from Greece and bring them to you!

  11. Aww that sucks! Start a petition to get them to come down again!! I missed out on the Black Holes tour! :/ I met my best friend the day after she went, if I had known her earlier! :/

    They should come down there after 4 years I would think! :(

  12. Oh nice! :) I'm from England! ^ ^


    I have seen them twice, yes :) have you seen them?

  13. For almost every album, but one :/ I must say.. you are letting it slip Chris!

  14. Yey! ^ ^ I take it that you shall be going to the next then? Haha :D


    Yes it was! :) How did you know that? :p

  15. Ahh :) okay! Awesome! I think that they are just all truely amazing, as they can play their instruments so well! Can make them so attractive!

  16. The magic pipe, working wonders (:

  17. I'm liking your icon ;) haha!

  18. I'm loving your Dom icon ;) haha!

  19. Ahaha, I love it... Boom, Pregnant! :p The pipe just is not helping his case at all! ;)

  20. Aww, I love how he keeps himself so quiet as well! :) You just can't not like Muse!! :D


    Very nice to meet you Anastasia! :) Or even Anastasia Bellamy ;) haha, we all know who you like! ^ ^

  21. Matt is just genius! Hehe, his jokes make me laugh, like when he flushed the toilet in the making of Resistance! I love it ^ ^

    And thank you very much!! :D

    I'm Liv btw! :)

  22. Awww, that was so funnyy! Loved that, sad that I missed not catching anything though, they threw them to the other side! :( I got a glow stick off Chris though that someone had lobbed at his head, haha!

    I have a video of Dom dodging them! So funny to watch! :D

    Was that your first time seeing Muse? :)

  23. Nice icon and picture! I love Matt on that shot! ^ ^

  24. Oh, awesome! You play bass?! :D I'm just starting out, I play random bass when I'm at school in the Music Department! Cos I don't have a bass at home! :( I just try to play bass on my guitar! Haha!

    I'm a piano girl though ^^ drums... I fail miserably! xD It's shocking!

  25. I love your icon and picture!! ^ ^

    That look on your picture is just legendary! Haha! <3 Love it!

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