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Everything posted by Musoliasla

  1. Heey! :) I'm fine thank you! A little cold though, why does it have to be so cold this time of the year! :p

    How about youu? ^ ^

  2. I must say the leather jackets do it for me, he is so so cute! With his glasses on, trying not to laugh, like yeah I'm bad ass his hair is really cute too! He is just so talented it's inspiring! Someone who plays their instrument so well is just so attractive! You can see it in his face when he plays how much he puts in to it, he must love it so much! <3
  3. It was awesome! So cute! I got a lovely video of the back of Dom while he was going round on the platform! It was might fine! He was dodging glowsticks was so funny! Bless my mum, she missed it because her eye sight is so bad! :')
  4. Cute icon of Matt! :)

  5. I hope to be able to later :p would be mighty useful!

    My ex got a black and Gold epiphone when he came to England to see me :) that was such a gorgeous guitar! :) & with saying that, you said you would get one! Haha :p

    Gibsons are awesome! :D

    If I ever work at one in the future, you can come :cool: haha! :p

    Oooo office work! xD Awww, :p sounds like me! I just can't seem to keep to it for long enough, I just want to check everything... write a line... aaargh, must check everything agaiin! ;)

  6. D: You got to meet Muse? Oh so so jealous! I was at the LCCC gig too!

    What did it mean by in your signature sound check? You were at the sound checck??

  7. Yess! :LOL: It is genius!


    How old are you? :)

  8. I wish I could learn more! I want to learn more about he instruments they play! & why they use these weird and wonderful techniques that they do! :D

  9. Hahaha lmao! Poor thing! xD Way too put in gently Musewiki!! :p I didn't know he was in Blackout either! :ohmy:

    You learn something new every day! :')

  10. Aww thanks a lot! :D x

    Haha, bless! ^^ Woooo! Mine too! I have an ace tuner! But it still such a pain in the arse! My friend can tune it by ear -.- how rubbish! Wish I could! Although a better guitar would be best :p Any ideas which one you'll get?

    Aww, for work experience I went to a primary school, was cute! :) I love kids! ^^ I tried a recording studio, but was quite young and so many health and safety things etc :/ You shortened it down? :p

    I am from Warrington, inbetween Manchester and Liverpool :)

    I seem to have no life atm! I seem to be living on the computer xD supposed to be doing work atm! Not getting very far with it! D: Fail.. haha!

  11. They truely are! ^^

    :eek: I am!!! :p Hehe, I just also like to have funn! :LOL: I am resposible when I need to be :yesey: & I am currently spamming you with smileys because I am going through them all! :cool:

    I do see your point though xD haha, well played! :p It is good funnnnn!!! :D I am just crazy! ^^ Woo! Go team! Haha!


    Ooo! I love MK Ultra! :D Another good part of Making of the Resistance, with Matt playing Uprising on UFO!! :) Funny stuff! Woo, loving Undisclosed desires aswell! Niice choices!! ;D

  12. Hahah! I had heard Dom was an Andy Williams fan but not that! :LOL: That's hilarious! Poor Dom for not being able to sing very well!! :p Hehe!

  13. And I love Bliss, Sunburn, City of Delusion, Hysteria, Filip, Unintended, Hyper Music <3


    Some of my favourites! Although I love so many for so many different resons! :')


    Ooo! I love Undisclosed Desires aswell! It is so cute! I love in the video how Matt plugs his shoe in! So simple, but such a cool idea! :D

  14. Really? Haha xD Lmao, that is beyond obsessive! I love socks, I used to have toe socks, I remember when they were the craze! I could open a shop with the amount of socks I have :p haha!

    Aww, well I'm 17, I am a responsible adult :cool: we shall run to Muse and leave them a note! ;) And then just jump up and down like yeeeeeyyy!!! :D


    Ahaha, awww, bless! :p Have you ever been on a bouncy castle with washing up liquid on itt?? :D That is one of the most fun things to do everrr! It is so awesome!! Such a laugh, you slide everywhere! :D Just... don't do handstands... doesn't end well D: I ended up biting my tongue and falling funny! My clothes were soaking, had to walk home in a guys clothes :p hehe!

  15. Ahh yeah I love Deadstar! :) & Can't take my eyes off you is so cute! I do wonder who decided for them to cover an Andy Williams song! xD

    Which one is the mother fucker track off again, can't remember :p

  16. Woo! :D

    Aaaaargh, omg, realllyyyyy???!!! Where did you hear this?? :ohmy: !!!! I hoped they would! I am dying to see them at a festival! <33


    I wanna go to Uni at Huddersfield! That's near Leeds isn't it? ^^

  17. I think it would be best having all the grades, but I am too old D: and I don't have the time anymore! :( I need to get in to uni!! I'm really looking forward to it! :D

    I hope not, I get awful like stage fright, I hate it when people i'm not comfortable with are sat like analysing me, it scares me! :p I mess up majorly!

    Awww! Hehe! :D Can I have a go on you new guitar ;) woo! Mine falls out of tune so easily :( it sucks!

    I am going to Uni next year! Hehe! Hopefully to do Popular Music Production (BSc)

    Where abouts are you from btw? :p Can't believe I haven't asked!

    Awww, year 10! ^^ hehe! It's awesome you are Grade 5 then!! Great to start ahead! That's where I failed xD

  18. Hmm.. I really quite like Futurism :) But I love the House of the Rising Sun song! How about youu? ^^

  19. I love Citizen Erased, I'm also quite in to Falling Away with You at the moment! :)


    But I would have to say Bliss, Map of the Problematique and Sunburn ^^ I love Sunburn, I love the early stuff! :)

  20. Wow, lucky! Haha :p

    :ohmy: That's ridiculouss!! Haha! She must be so awesome! xD I'm only grade 5 on piano, well... doing my grade 5, not done a grade before D: so quite anxious!

    I love Matt's keytar, cos it's just so cool! :) I wish I had that kind of money lying around! :( But unfortunately I have to save for uni next year! I hope I get like a bass for christmas! That would be great! ^^

  21. Hysteria is one of my favourites! :) I am yet to learn it on basss though :/ on my list to do! :LOL:

    Ohh nice! :) Have you got a favourite Muse song?

  22. He's probably the most manly because he has a wife and kids! And smokes a pipe, although that's more old man than just man xD

    Next concert, we shall stay behind and hope we get asked to meet the band instead of others! :p Can't believe that, that someone got asked :( oh that sucks so bad!

    Piggybacks are amazing!! :D Yeeey! I would just jump on them and they would spin me round and bully me xD ahh dear! :p We could, or even, we should!! :D


    Ohh that's cool ^^ thank youuuu! <3

    I do, like we had a camp out, and were playing stupid games and we had drank a little bit, then someone walked past me and knocked me back on my plastic chair, and I broke a bit off the tent!! D: lmao! It was hilarious!!

  23. Wooo! I'm glad you did! Because then we all get to see it too ;) I love some of the really random threads you get on here! :p

    I'm Liv btw! :)

  24. Wooo! :) Awesome! Which was number 1? :O

  25. Aww, it so iis!! ^^ Haha, oh he squeeks! It is so so adorable!!!! It makes me want to hug him so bad! :D

    I love Chris' laugh on that video aswell! :)

    Oo! I would just want piggybacks! Or come up behind them and have an amp, and strum really loud xD Oh it would be so funnyy!! The laughs!! Let's go find themm! ;)


    Ahaha. I love that face! But I don't know the faces! :( It's rubbish!

    Awww! Haha, that's cute xD I always get patted when I say something completely blonde, oh so patronising :p haha! I love it when people are so blonde, makes me laugh ^^

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