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Everything posted by Musoliasla

  1. Thanks for joining the Muse - Best Live act group!! :)

    I love your avatars!! :D

  2. It is brilliant! :) Such a homely warm feeling! I feel very Christmassy this year! :chuckle: I don't know why, but this year is going to be a good one! :D I can feel it!!! :happy:

    There is indeed! I want to explore more countries and see around nature! :) The world is so beautiful! :D

  3. Born Protectors of the Universe, maybe Muse will let us b there bodyguards? :awesome: and so we have to be there a lot to keep them unharassed! :p

    Ahahah, I know the feeling! :chuckle::p

    Haha, by them stupid presents, how has seeing Chris' kids not made them slightly want kids though :p Matt would be great I think!! :) I can't quite imagine him and Dom as family men though :p well not yet anyway!!

    Ooo :happy: hehe!! I think I would have to agree, wanna go on a mission Maddy? :eyebrows:

  4. Ahhh very nice! :) Lol... Popcorn!! Hahah! Umm.. I love Futurism! :) Although I love quite a few... and consideing the whole of Hullabaloo is all B-Sides :/ Ashamed, Map of your Head, and YES PLEASE!!! :awesome: Love that one! :dance:


    Hahaa :p Was so embarrassing with friends round and dad shouting... SCOOBY DOOOBY DOO.. It was just like... uuurgh! :facepalm::chuckle:

    Ahh, I see! A shame Muse didn't do well, people probably just spam twitter instead of voting! xD lol! I'm doing anything but the homework I have to do :/

  5. Haha, yeah!! Some people! :chuckle: Us musers should take over again one time!! :D It was awesome!! :happy:

  6. Yess! <3 :happy: Aww, a long way ahead then! D:

    It was great fun! :D

    I love McDonalds! :chuckle: yumm! Haha, it's for funs though, so it's allowed (; woo! :dance:

    I want for the Christmas holidays to come, I really look forward to Christmas this year!! :D Wooo! Can't wait at all! This year is going to be good!! :awesome:

    I'm fine thank you!! :happy: How about you??

  7. Ahh okay! I presume it is very very nice though!! :happy:


    Aww, I am jealous!! :p I have to sit by the fire for warmth! :p

    All the leaves are orange and falling to the ground : D It is such a lovely sight! :) I love being out with nature! :)

    Hehe! :p

  8. I do think he is, it think he's adorable, but he seems gay :p

    I should do, I'll ask the band! If I ever do, I shall let you know chick! :)

    A maths teacher as a mum = torture! :LOL: I can do maths, but it hurts my head and generally depresses me!! ><

    Woo, come join iin? :awesome:

    Oh, wow! :D Omg!!! That is so so awesome!!!! :D WOW! Must have been epic! What happened?? xxx

  9. Yeahh, I know :( but I think they would get absolutely harassed!! :p haha! Aww :( how come?


    Ahaha, that film, I saw at the cinema!! I had not a clue what it was on about!! Lol! :LOL: As for that weird chair... I didn't know what to think! xD


    I should doo!! :D Aww Buster :) It's cute that Chris is so happy!! :happy:

    How's the awards going? I hear the Linkin Park beat them for LiveAct?!! :ohmy:

  10. Wooo! What's your favourite B-Side? ^ ^


    Ahaha, it was my nickname when I was younger :chuckle:

    What are you up too? :happy:

  11. Woo!! Yes, exactly!! :p:chuckle:

    Hahaha, I did that too!! :D

    He does :) aww!! It's cuute! Can you imagine, uncle Matt, and uncle Dom ;) hehe!!

    I doubt we could complain! :eyebrows: haha! :p Who would you most want to see?

  12. :D Ahh, I'm still a Hyper Music lover! :) I love Futurism as a B-Side too!


    How was Scooby Doo? :happy: hehe

  13. Aww, they should have their own twitter pages!! :( What is your twitter? :)


    Aww, I hope so!

    Woo! :p haha!! Aww haha! :happy:

    Ahh yeah, I just think he's funny :)


    Awesome!! :D Sounds good!!

    The baby? :)


    What channel is it on? And What time?? :)

  14. It is!! The reactioons are hilarious!! :p I said Matt Bellamy = God, and then thhis guy was like how dare you! You are going to hell for your Blasphemy! You Bastard!! xD Oh Deaar!

  15. Haha! :p Oh so soo much Muse spam there is! xD


    Aww, yey, thank you! :D:chuckle: You have a favourite Muse song at the moment? :)

  16. Why would I not want a free £250!! :awesome::chuckle:


    I love the name Stumpy!! It's so cute haha, for a three legged cat, other cats just jump through our windows, mum goes mental! xD They all meow at her, but stumpy, she lovees him! :D

  17. Hahaha, LOVE IT! :LOL: Some of mine say... I'M FROM CYDONIA... Not you again /facepalm Hahah! :p

  18. Haha, again.. my mum ran off to save herself, while I videoed it! YBF here I come. £250 :D Hahaa! :p Was awesome!

    :chuckle: So cuute!

    Oh niice! I have none, but there is a cot down our road with 3 legs that pops around all the time, we call it Stumpy! :chuckle: Love him! :happy:

  19. Exactly, and you are just shouting random crap out at them! xD It's funny if you get disconnected straight away :chuckle: The amount of people saying asl, is a pain in the arse though!

  20. Ooo, sounds nice!! :chuckle: I do too! I have an essay to do!! :( I did fireworks, one went wrong, a rocket, and shot past my head, it didn't fit in the hole, and so never moved when it exploded :LOL: Ahhh, it was great, but because it missed! xD

    But wooo! Aww, she can play with Hendrix :p haha! I wwish I had a dog!! :(

    Do you have pets?

  21. And Jiu Juitsu! :shifty::ninja:

    It can, especially if your head it near a wall and you bang it >< eeeouch! Painful! :chuckle:

    Hahaaaa, feeling my faith erooode! or something O.o Woo! :chuckle:

    Yeah, awww!!! He is so adorable!!! :D :D

    Of course, we ninjas need our super cool suits! To protect ninja santa! Of coourse, I thought you meant of Muse first, then reread and thought aaaaahh, off yourself! :p

  22. :D

    I would love to go to Italy, then Paris :p It would be gorgeous!!! :happy: If only I could have that kind of money! :p

  23. I'm on it now :awesome: yey! Not as many musers though, apart from those shouting pwoper fish at me :chuckle: it's good fun! :D

  24. Hahaha, awww! :happy: I love Doctor Who too! :happy: The tardis kicks ass! ;)

    Aww, well good luck with them! :happy:

    Yeah, a little :chuckle: Thanks a lot!! :D

    It has been great fun so far! :) My parents attempted to, why my choices got so cocked up! >< Last year I was doing Mechanic maths ffs :p failed well and truly!! xD

    Yeeey! Thank you! :happy: I want to be a producer or presenter! Working in radio, or a studio! :) I do the radio show at school, and it's good fun!! :D What about youu? xxx

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