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Everything posted by Musoliasla

  1. And that sounds awesome too!!! :D Woo!!

    I think that's what I'm going to do if I get a bass, hopefully I can sort my job out soon. I'm meeting with the woman after school.... must not forget!! Or I will be eaten xD ... by myself!! Ahhhh guitarss :happy:

    Wheeeyyy!! :awesome: Woo! Awww, bless you!!! :chuckle: hehe!


    Yesss!!! See you there ;) haha!

  2. :)

    Well, even I don't have a piano, I have a little keyboardy thing, but no where near as nice as the real thing!! Let's hope we both get one!! :happy: & that we both get to see Muse again soon, I'm listening to Plug in Baby, and I miss them so much!! :( I want to see them again!!

  3. Yeah exactly, my best mate's sister got rushed in, not enough people were there to catch her, all the kids ran away from this tiny little girl! :ohmy:

    Haha, I just got.. "III WISHH I COOOOOULD" running through my head :chuckle: aww haha, bless, but we only get anywhere with practice :happy:

  4. Haha, yess!! Very much so :chuckle: do you have a favourite album then? :p

  5. I really hope that they do Leeds and Reading D: as soon as I hear they are anywhere, I am there!!! :D :D Saving up and all!! Ahh, must.. meet them! D:

    They are :happy: awww, they are such cute guys!! :) I's funny to imagine that they were doing all this while we were waiting on the other side :chuckle:

  6. I'm not surprised!!! :p But I bet the Harry Potter was good! :ohmy:

    Awesomee!!! :D Well done!!

    Aww, greatt! :) happy for youu!! :happy:

    It seems so yes, which is brilliant!! :D

    Ahhh, you have reminded me!! I will remember to get it from my teacher today! :happy:

    How are you doing?

  7. Sorry for mine!! :ohmy:

    *hug* ooo, awesome!!! :D

    At least it is the weekend again now!!! Yey! Off in to town for me tomorrow!!1 :happy:

    Awww, well that's good to get rid of the stress of school and work! So lucky you ;) hehe!


    Yeah, been fine thank you!! :happy: How about youu??

  8. You are seeing Muse in Decemberr???? :ohmy:

    Haha, ahh snow, I'm glad it isn't snowing today!! I'm in shorts dressed as a basketballer for the Charity Children in Need!! :chuckle:

    :D:chuckle: Apple of me eye!! :kiss: :kiss:

    You are very welcome, my dear!!! :happy:

    Wow, that is so awesome!!!! :awesome: I hope it goes well for you!!!! :D

    If it is what you love to do, and you enjoy it, then why would youu?? :happy:

    I'm great thanks!! :D:kiss:

    It's a friday!!! Yeeey!!!! :awesome:

  9. What's your boyfriend like? :happy: hehe! How's school been? :)


    I'm dressed up as a basketballer!! For a charity occassion in school!! :D it's awesome! Except my legs are frozen in this weather!! :chuckle:

  10. Omgzz, I'm dressed up as a basketballer!!! ;D For Children in Need at school! :awesome: It's so awesome!!! Cept my legs are freezing in this weather haha!! :chuckle:

    But apart from that, had parents evening last night! Went well, I got called strange and quirky, he asked who my favourite bassist was, and he approved of the Wolstenholme ;) Oh yeeeaah! :awesome:

    How's the clothes designing going? :happy:

  11. YEEAAHH! I saw them when I was at schooli yesterday!!! :D It's so cute to think they are so nervous before coming on!! :chuckle: Awww!! Love them!! :happy:


    Hahahah. sorry!!! :LOL:


    Oooo, go on!! :D :D

    No :( Oh, I live in between Manchester and Liverpool! Good if you want to go to a concert at either of the venues though :chuckle: You owe me fussball, and I owe you popcorn.. oh :(

    Wheeey, thank youuu!!! :awesome:

  12. Hahah! :p xylophones = awesomeness!!! :awesome:

    Woo!! What are you hoping to gett?


    You were supposed to put a ward in :LOL: Hahah!



    My friend can get free tickets and put on the guest list and is gonna take me. Yeah, they are going to go on tour! :) No idea yet! :p You should come!!! Whenever it is!!! :D


    Woooo!!!! :dance:

  13. Good decision imo! :chuckle: I'd have to say out of Hyper Music, Sunburn, New Born, Hysteria, Citizen Erased, Bliss, Unintended.. :) what would you say? :p

  14. :chuckle:

    Wooo, yeeey!! :awesome:

    Thanks youu! :D

    Music is life and energy, yes!!! :D Oooo, you sing?? :D I'm sure you will be awesome at piano in the future :happy:

  15. I still remember Ello Poppet ;D it can't be the same without Bloom :( why isn't he doing it?

    Awww haha, I'm sad enough to just want to watch Muse again instead at home :chuckle:


    Awww, that's awesome! He must be the coolest Dad in the world!!! :)


    Ahh, it doesn't matter then :happy: hehe. Aww, poor you and Matt speaking so fast!! :LOL: I'm sure he would speak slower to those from other countries! :) hehe, I think he would laugh at that, stand in front of him with your dictionary.... RIGHT.. READY!! :awesome:

    It's part of his character isn't it, so cute! :happy: I can't imagine how it is for you!!!

  16. Me tooooo!! I can't remember the last time I went out and bought clothes!! D: haha! I need a new pair of converse too :( sucks!!

    YESS!! I saw that at school yesterday!!! :D :D Woo! Damn I miss seeing them! It's funny to think how nervous they are before they come on stage though!! :happy: Again please?! :D

  17. Umm not much just finished the next radio show which just needs mixing now and then putting on our site :D woo! Parent's evening tonight aswell :O

    What about youu? :happy:

  18. Ahh, awesomeness! :happy:

    I will probably end up getting it on DVD :chuckles: when it is the affordablee! :p Damn I need a job!!

  19. Good stuff! :happy: Ahhh yes, are you thinking of taking the English and History? :)

    Woooo!!!! :D I will see if I can gether some peeople to watch it.. but if I can't... NO SPOILERS!!! :ohmy: :ohmy: :chuckle:

  20. Awww, I believe that more will come in December!!! I have concerts in December!! Thank goodness they are inside, or we would all freeeze!! :chuckle: Do you think it will snow moree?? :D

    I'm very happy they do!!! :happy: Beautiful little Storm!! :kiss: :kiss:

    Thank you very much, my dear!! :D I hope you have fun too in whatever you do!!

    :happy: I have been busy editing in the recording studio and preparing for band rehearsals :chuckle: When this show is over, I will have so much more free time!! :p

    How are you today? :happy:

  21. Hahaha, when it is Muse, although I would much rather speak to them and then follow them after!! LET'S GO... *follows* Kay Matt! :awesome: hahah! :chuckle:

    Ahhh, at least it snowed rather than just stayiong absolutely freezing!! It's awful and cold over here!! D:

  22. Good idea! Haha, all the occasion of going out, getting smashed is also funny!! :chuckle:

    Yeah fine thanks, just had to give a presentation on how my college is fantastic and how the teachers give you loads of support!! *coughs* bullshit *coughs* :chuckle: but nahh, things are going well, I'm happy! :) How about youu?

  23. It's better if you play an instruments, so that you are familiar with notes on a keyboard and match pitch to a note roughly, but it can still be taught if you don't know! Quite a few in my class don't know! :)

    Yes they are!! :D It's awesome!

    Oooo, well I may be a bit late, but I wish you the very best of luck, my dear!! :) Yeah, you need any help, just ask! :happy:

    Pianos are a thing of beauty!! :happy: Same with me!! :( If only I had that... and the money to buy one too :rolleyes::chuckle: I love the ones at school... I feel at peace when playing the piano :happy:

    Haha, if they have a piano in school though :awesome: where you can take breaks and play! Woo!

    They are so, sooo cool!! :D Awww! :happy: hehe!! I hope you do!!

    I'm great thank you, how about youu? :)

  24. :D awesome!! I will let you know when I put some of my stuff on to youtube!! :aww:

    Oh, well that's great! :erm:

    Think positively!! :) How do you think that you did! I hope you did well!! :happy:

    Oh, that's awesome!!!1 Well done!! :D :D

    I have just had to give a presentation to the lower schools!!! :chuckle: was funny!! My heart was going so fast, I'm usually awful at stuff like this, but it went really quite well!! :awesome: so I was happy!

    What about youu? :)

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