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Everything posted by Musoliasla

  1. Haha, I really wanna know nowww! :p Haha! My accent is boring! :p I sound like a douche xD

    If it ever does Meg m'dear.. you shall be the first to know :awesome: woo!

    Ahahah, very good point!! I hadn't thought of that, it would leave me with Dom then! I'm not gonna complain! If they are blindfolded, we can swap over after :LOL: and they wouldn't even know!! :p Aww his laugh is just adorablee!! :happy: He's so cuteee!



  2. I shall be the judge of this Miss! ;) Haha!

    Yeeeah!! I'm so happy with what I do as well! I still hope it leads me to Muse one day!! :happy: Ahh, try and get experience in a past studio with the likes oh John Leckie or whatever his name was.. :chuckle: that'd be funny! If only!

    Who would you run do poke and go after first? :awesome: Yeah! What a decent guy! ;D


    Haha, exactly!!! :chuckle: Evil laughs ftw!! ;):cool:

  3. We'd just have to get Dom after ;) for not being on our team!! We can take them both!! Wooo! One each?! :awesome:

    Haha, poor guy!! Being a dunkey! It must heart him deeply! :chuckle:

    We are such cute and small and young girls.. we never do any harm :happy:


    >: ) Muahahha!! Brb! Changing in to my ninja costume!! ;):ninja:


    Ahahah! :LOL awww!! :p Poor thing!


    Ooo, go for it!! There are bound to be good designs out there! Who will be interested in your designs! You just need to submit them to the right groups, and then they will get the right attention! :happy:

    Thank you very very muchh!! Thank you for the favourites by the way!! :D

    Pleasure hun!! :)

    Ahahah, oh my goodness me!! I had to write something.. but I didn't know what to write! :facepalm: Poor children all over the world looking at it! Oh my god! >< you have to laugh but... lmao! PMT in the next level!! Some of them are just getting worse and worse!! :LOL:

  4. Aww! :chuckle: but that's cuute! I just have a kinda normal accent O.o nothing really accenty! :p Aww, tiny! :D

    I presume as much, why I want to get down to London, check out the surroundings! But there is no chance of me changing what I want to do! :)

    Ahhh, again,,, video time!!! :awesome: Hahah! Just poke them so that they fall over the tickle them ;) Wheey! Haha, poor Chris!! Aww, it's so good of him to be doing Movember again! Good on himm!! <33


    Lmao!! I thought so too! xD Ahh.... my random thoughtss! Yesss!!! See.. it works :awesome: haha!! Who says you need to be any good at basketball ;) Wooo!!! Thanks! :D All the better for thinking up the evil plans ;) Muahah! :chuckle:

  5. Which do you think is the most beautiful song by Musee?? :happy:

    Yeeeyy!! You are amazing hun!!! :kiss:

    Yesss!! I am thinking positively this eveningg!! I can get some practice in on the piano too!! :happy: so I think I will be okay tonight!!!

    Ah brilliant!!! ;) I hope you have a lot of fun at your party!!! It sounds like a very good night!! :D


    Aww, thank youu!! :kiss: I will just look after the children that come by our door!! :chuckle:

  6. DOMM... *shakes fist* :chuckle:

    Hahaha, so can I, have you never tried, with your tongue to the ridge of your mouth just behind your teeth. It is so tickley!! :p Ahaha, yess!! Like a monkey/dog, so like a donkey! :O But that is so mean! :( Unless we call him a dunkey! xD

    Woooo! Than this is definitely what we must do!! :awesome:

    We are so ninja that he would just not be able to not love us ;) hehe!

    After having one smushed in to his face, scarred for like!! :LOL:

    Ahahah lmao! :chuckle: Poor girl! Can I video and then we can split the £250 from you've been framed?? :awesome:


    What designs are these? :ohmy: Yeeeah! Go for itt!!! :D Wooo!! My gallery has died, I have music/Muse photos, and I have my photos and plants and landscapes and what so ever! So kinda jumbles it around a bit? :/ But yeeees!!! Do it!! :awesome:

    Ohh, I made a picture folder for you if you didn't notice! :happy:

    It is so awesome... I love them :$ haha!! Some shots which people gett! Have you seen the recent one called "happy pants" - Oh my God :facepalm: how embarrassing!!!! :chuckle:

  7. Ohh yesss!! :D It is brilliant to be able to put on any song you want at any time!!! :happy:

    :D hehe!!

    Ohhhh, so cute!!! :kiss: I am so flattered!! :$ Thank you very muchh!!! You are so very very sweet too Storm!! :D


    Thank youu!! :kiss: It is a great shame yess!!! :( But my work can go further at least!! I will go out next year!!! Are you going out this evening?? :happy:

  8. Yeaaahh! :) I hope she can go with you too!!

    Ahh xD really not good!! Exactly, could be druggies and whatever or rapists.. why my Mum wouldn't let me go to Leeds last year, she decided I could go to late >< I mean your parents don't know each and every one of your friends, my mum was all like, no, I don't know them! :(

    Oh good! Well that's great you guys got along then! :happy:


    Yes!! I know that feeling! Haha :chuckle: Haha, in russian, I get the word for grandma and butterfly mixed up! :facepalm: They are very similar!!

    Yes reallyy!! :D


    Haha, cheeky boyy! :p They spoke about it themselves?? :ohmy: I hope so then!! Oh yey!


    I really wish I had that special!! But I've never had the money for magazines! :( When was this from?

    Dedicated to Muse! Sounds like heaven haha! :chuckle: What's been in it so far that you have read?

    I can't wait for the calender! Another addition to the wall!! I think I will have a big list of things to buy off the website for christmas!! ;) Anything musey would be appreciated to be honest! Hehe!


    I'm saving up, but Christmas is coming up and I have to buy presents for my family and friends! So a lot will go!

    I hope there will be too! They should do a festival in the UK I think! I doubt they could go without!! :chuckle: I shall be going to that one when they come!!!

    Ahh, I saw the Big Pink when they supported Muse! :p

    Upcoming I have Scissor Sisters and Pendulum in December! :) Should be good times!!

  9. English Lit, I did last year, and I really enjoyed it! I think that it is a good subject!! You do about some really good books! Ahh, it's no problem, you have years yet.. when you get to my stage in year 13, then a little worrying! :p Just do what you want to do, and the obvious career plan which you will enjoy, will follow! :)

  10. Yes positive!!! :D

    Yes I would imagine it to be soo!! :happy: I can't wait until I have some programmes to play around with!! :chuckle: Wooo! Hours and hours of fun!!

    My pleasure my dear! :)

    It is going very nicely so far!! Yes I will, I am going to a friends later, we are turning up late because he takes his younger brother out first! :happy: Do you??

  11. Aww, no problem!! :happy:

    Ahhh, I love having such vivid imagination!! :awesome: it is so much funn!!! Against the madness of the boardies!! They wouldn't stand a chance ;)

  12. Haha, you just seem at lot less giddy than half the people I speak to on here, all the 13/14 year olds :p

    I am in the second year of sixth form college yeah.. I study Music Technology, Media & Art :) what about youu?

  13. Oh really? You seem so much older! :p I've just tuned 17 in August!

  14. Well yeeey!! :D

    Oh I love that song so much!!! :happy: I have the Black Holes Album on now!!! :chuckle:

    I think I must have every Muse CD!! :happy: I love them all so very much!! :D

    :happy: I am very glad that they do darlin!! :kiss:

    Thank you so much!!! :chuckle::kiss:


    I am sad though!! I am unable to go out tonight!! I have too much work to do for my school!!! :( and I was looking forward to dressing up this evening!!! :(

  15. Yeah if only we were all that fortunate!! I hope with me hoping to get in to the production business it may help too! I'd like to get experience at an arena/stage. Would be so great!!! Good luck with getting your tickets darlin!
  16. :LOL: Ahhh, join the club! How old are you by the way?
  17. My mum's friend got us ours, her plane was running late, and in the back of her taxi she was moaning about how she wouldn't be able to get one now... and the guys wife worked at ticketmaster.. and he said he could get her some. Of course my mum's friend didn't believe him, and said she would need them in hand.. and he took her to the office, and she got them there and then, fully checked. How lucky was that?! I'm going with my mum, and her friend!
  18. :chuckle:

    Ohh, very good!!! :D I like to dip biscuits in to milk at night!! :happy:

    Aaaaww!! :chuckle: I'm glad to hear so!!!

    That's good!! :D What would you like to get this year for Christmas??

    Yesss!! Veery much so!! You see some gorgeous photographs around with the snow!! :) It adds class to even the largest of cities!! White looks very classy!!

    So cute of youu!! :happy: such a heart you havee!

    I think that I love Christmas more, becasue it is more of a worldly thing, and everyone celebrates it, and you can sit around with your family!! And share it with everyone!! It is the best time of year!! :D

  19. Positive thinking! Like it! Well I wish you luck dude! I just wish I had more motivation...

  20. :happy:

    Aww, do you have an accent? :p How old's your brother?

    I'm not sure, I like where I live, not uber comercial, but near enough to the places I need and has a nice town! Trains to get around, but I think I would have to experience a city area more, if not for my career choice too! With wanting to be involved in music & production! :)

    If not then we shall just have to miselead them... Mat... Dom... there is a bear next to you, quiiiiiccckk!!!! Run inside!! ;D Youu'd hope they could tell the way when blindfolded! :LOL: hahah! Or that would just be one of thhe funniest disasters ever! Which we would ofc film ;) muahah!

    Yesss! I can see it being a lot of funn!! :awesome:

    Hahaa! Thankya chick! I shall try! Orrr.... could just walk round with a rolling pin in the other hand and shout MIENN!! at everyone! :p ahh, that would be funny. My false teeth about to all out! Oh dear :facepalm: My imagination is just strange! :awesome:

  21. Oh... I know the feeling >< I am so screwedd! I'm in part of a school band as well where I have to learn parts... just fail! :/

    I don't know if I will have much option but to stay in and eat chocolate tonight! :/ but I'm sure my friends will talk me round and get me in to more trouble :facepalm:

  22. They really are, but yeah, not really heard an awful lot from it! :/ Bleed It Out though on gh! Very good choice imo! :D Love that song, I love Given Up, Crawling, Numb... etc! :) Which do you like??

    :ohmy: Oh noo!! I got a DS XL for my birthday in August! :happy: But it doesn't play the old gameboy games! :/

    Haha :chuckle: aww, I can imagine!!

    I have my fingers crossed for a better laptop for Christmas!! :) Which can help me with my work on ProTools and my music technology work!! :D Yey!

    What would you do next? If you had Muse locked in a van right by your house?! :LOL:

  23. Yeahh! :happy: It's kinda peaceful too!!

    Haha! Would you rather live in a city, or in the countryside?

    Haa, woo! We can still fit Muse in to your house then, yes? :awesome:

    Wow! :happy: Haha, sounds cuute! Then a huuuge puddle afterwards! :awesome: Slide down itt? That is so cooll!! :D

    I play a little, I can get the shots in from a reasonable distance.. but I can't run brilliiantly with not looking at the ball, it gets out of control and I am walking at granny pace hadly moving to keep it under control :facepalm: Hahah! :p

  24. I think I will be getting 6 for Christmas! Mum wants to have a new guitar because I keep using the shiny red one from band hero, she wants is cos it looks like Matt's :/ :chuckle: But has some really good songs on it! I like Linkin Park too!

    Awwww! Noo, that sucks! :p they truely are!!

    Sounds great funn!! :happy: What songs are there on it?

    I have only been on it once at a friends on their PC :( I'm hoping it will be awesome! Yey! Can't run games on this rubbish thing :rolleyes: can't do anything but internet, good sometimes, but aaahh :/

    Well.... at least we would have Tom's approval ;) haha! Success!! :ninja::cool:

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