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Everything posted by Musoliasla

  1. How are you doiing? :D Find many other Musers? :p

  2. Amen to that! ;):cool:

    Awww, haha! :p it does sometimes!

    I do, I will ask when I'm not completely wet! :chuckle: It would be so awesome!! :cool: I want Dom now, I wannna hug him, take his jacket off, and wear it myself!!! ;D Woohooo!

    He is, he must be the coolest Dad in the world!!! :LOL: I knoooooww! He is so cuute!! :awesome:

    Ohhhh yesss!!! ;):cool: haha!! :p

  3. I just met you on Omegle!!! ;D Omg, you joined today... HAII!! :awesome: <3

  4. Ahh, I just found out about this, people are meeting loads of musers, i keep meeting american guys D:lmao!!! I got asked what pwoper fish was :p I wanna meet more musers!!! :(

  5. Oo, what did they write?? I'm new to twitter! :( So not known anything before middlish october :/ more in to it now!! :happy:

    Oh nice! :)

    Haha, awww, I hope you get one at some point! :D No problem!


    I'm not a brilliant fan of popcorn, give me maltesers or minstrels any day ;D woo! Nom!

    Ooooo, good choice! He's come out in a comedy hasn't he? Is that what you were talking about xD haha. Umm, I must say I'm a Brad Pitt or Ashton Kutcher fan, I love Ashton!! :p woo!

    Sounds great! I'd love to see it!!! :happy:

    I wish I could ask them, but I wouldn't know how, haha!!

    Have you seen him? :happy:

  6. Ahh, no worries hun! What have you been getting up to??

    Haha, awww! :p so cute!!


    Studio living = my heaven!! :awesome: Woo! Aww, is your sister a Muser? :D Awww haha! SO COME ON!! :awesome: Resistance? :O Woo! Sounds like my dad, haha!

    Starlight is pretty cool! :D Woo!!

    Thanks very much!!! :D I hope so too, there is only so much bass you can play on a rubbish out of tune guitar! :p

  7. Ahhh, no worries, I just reply when I get the messages! :chuckle:

    Aww noo!! :( How so? What have you been up to?

    I've been fine yeah, a little tired, but work has been going great!! :) I love my work!! :happy: how about you dude? :D

  8. Aww!! :p haha. I didn't get to wait, went with my mum, and she wanted to shoot off in the car <.<but I am so sooo determined next time! When I next see them in concert, I will find them!!! :LOL: I just have to meet them! :p

    :) The highlight of mine was take a bow/plug in baby/the jam, cos they were so close, but also citizen erased, was great! :)

    Oooo, yes! I know where that is! :D My dad works over in Norway sometimes too, and he often goes to Bergen! :happy: I'd love to go back to Norway again! When I went over, there was snow everywhere, I went to a town called Rjukan, I don't know if you know where it is :p

  9. Oh, nice! How did it not do them justice? What happened?

    Ahhh, I'd have loved to have gone to that, but I couldn't make it! :(


    I saw them this September at LCCC ground in Manchester, and also the November before at Liverpool echo arena in England :)

  10. What's that? Have you got a link? I wanna see him! :p

    Scaring people how? O.0

  11. You are so cute Storm!! :chuckle:

    They really are, you could just dream and imagine all day long :happy: I am determined it will happen one day in the future!! :D

    Baby Buster :ohmy: is Chris' most recent baby!!! Really cute!! Have you not heard??

    Awww, well lucky youu!!! :chuckle: hehe!!

    It's no problem at all!!! :happy: You are no where near a jerk my dear!! :)

  12. What is it like outside? :)

    I like to be organised! :p It minimises stress when I already have a lot to worry about! This way I can take my time and really think about things :happy: hehe!

    I do too! Although it is really very cold outdoors! :p But I do love it! My favourite part of the year!

    Wow! That sounds awesome! :D You take japanese lessons? :ohmy: I spent my day clearing up leaves from the driveway! :chuckle: My hands are now frozen! I couldn't play piano very well at all after!! :p

  13. Yes I was! :chuckle: It sounds like a very nice place! :)

    It's my favourite part, it's yummy :awesome:

    I am very happy for the weekend!! :awesome: I get longer to stay in bed and sleep! I am so very tired recently!! :chuckle: I need more sleep! I get to go out to town too, I am starting to buy presents for christmas!! :)

    What have you got planned for this weekend? :happy:

  14. :ohmy: How could you! :chuckle: Hehe!

    Yeaahh, just to come and sit by you, I would love the company!! :happy:

    They truly are!!! :happy: *sigh* I can only imagine for now! I would think about it all day long! I wanna just be close to them and talk normally!! :) I can't wait for the day!! It will happen!

    I wish!!! :D Then I would just hug him and say aww! :chuckle: oh so cute! :) Well I do my best! ;) hehe!


    Yeeey! ^ ^ My alarm clock, has a very bright blue light, I have to cover it up when I go to sleep!! Wooo!! :D

    Haha! Yes :p

    No problem at all! Thank you so much!! :D Oh nooo, don't worry! :happy: It's fine!!

    Awww! :( How did you manage to do that??

    Just recording and learning some new piano parts! Not much, but we have set off some fireworks tonight!! That was nice! Was really pretty!! :D What about youu my dear?

  15. Woooo!!! :awesome: Haha!

    If I was at bizzare, I would have tracked him down!! Haha xD I remember in the video, just one guy with really curly hair, jumping with his arms by his sides looking like a penguin :LOL: Oh how amazing it would have been!! :awesome: They were :( and we could have found them easier as they had less fans! Let's build a time machine :cool::chuckle:

    Ahhh :/ bummer! I have no January exams, ohhh how lucky I am :awesome: I love my subjects!! :') sounds like some interesting subjects there though!! :) Good luck in your exams!! :happy:

    Umm, college, well, was in the studio after school today recording vocals for my Madonna track! Which went really well, done it 2 takes! :cool: I was impressed! Took longer to set up and take down that to record! :LOL:

    Also been playing in parts in to the keyboard in to the computer! :) Watching film clips and trailers for media and also painting and making prints in art! :happy: Woo! xxx

  16. Where????? :ohmy: Awww, that is so cuuute! Me too!! He is so sweet!! :happy:

  17. Yeah, exactly, and what Chris wrote on Twitter! It was like.. awwww :happy: how cute!!

    Yess, they will want to better themselves! :) and get bigger! Yeah, would be awesome!! :D

    Oh, aww, that sucks! :p

    My friend, is amazing! Self taught, just.. genius!! :) Just go for it!! :D The more you get in to practice, the better you will be!! :happy: Good luck with that!!


    Oooo, popcorn can get stuck in your teeth, but for the cinema, I make an exception! :cool: Yeahh! They rip you off! :p We have a supermarket opposite, and sneak in our food and just cos we're ninja :ninja:

    Oo, who's your favourite actor? :D What's Due date? I'm so out of date with what's on at the cinema!! :p

    I'm sure you can find something, get the calander!! :awesome: I think that the muse,mu shop should make guitar straps!! I would get one if that did, likee band one or resistance shapes!! :awesome:

    It's adorable!!! He should be happyyy!! :D

  18. Hii!! You should!! :chuckle: You too!! Where are you from? :)

  19. Wow, that sounds awesome!!!! :D I only got to the side barrier, but was right by the podium bit, so they were like a metre in front of mee!! I must meet them one day!!!

    Ohhhh.... you got Bliss!!! :ohmy: Lucky, that must havee been amazinggg!!!! <33 It sounds perfect!

    Where about in Norway are you from?? :happy:

  20. Woo, awesome!! Where about are you from? & Where have you seen them? :)


    Yess it is!! So are the photos on here too!! So many good photos! :happy:

  21. Ohhh, no, don't worry about it!! :p It's kind of like smooth jazzy kind of music, the pianos really nice!! You get like your little improvisation solos :) the music is quite relaxing and swingy.

    Our school is just doing a school play, and i'm in the main band which is needed, I play the organ, and keyboard based instruments! :happy:

    Urrgggh, I hate High School Musical xD but listening to it all the time, drives you mad! I get told of for not listening to it enough, yet I still know all the words :/ it's a pain, but brilliant experience for in the future for me! :)

    Funny you should say that, I did a performance of plug in baby, singing and bass the other week! :D Was great fun! Did Vertigo by u2, too!

    Aww, I love the violin! :happy: Only thing I ever learned to play was Titanic, but that was years ago! I'd have absolutely no idea now!! :chuckle::p

    What have you been up today? :)

  22. Yeeey!! You too!! :D

    I want to meet him so badly!!! :ohmy:

    Aww :( but now rather than death, we have life!!! :) With baby Buster!! :happy:

    I get too much homework now!! :(


    It's no problem at all sweet!! :happy: Don't worry about it!!!

  23. Thank youuu! Awww :chuckle: haha, cute!! :happy:


    Ahhh :) good luck with that, glad to hear it's going well! :)

  24. Woo!! :ninja::D

    Haha!! :p


    Yeah :chuckle: verey good point! Maybe if we ask him very nicely :awesome: His must have quite a few! :p Oh my God, I so do, it is just so sexy! :p

    Wooo!! :D Chris is awesome!! :awesome:

    Hahaha, ahhh that would be so hott!! xD So many layers!

  25. Ahhh :D oh, woo!!

    Ooo, nice!! :D I did like it... up until that goofy dance at the end, was kind of a killer tbh! :p

    Haha, sorrryy! :p

    Oo, thank you! :D It is isn't it! Especially at Bizarre as well! Legendaryy!! Thanks!! ^ ^

    Wuu2 in school? :) xxx

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