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Everything posted by Musoliasla

  1. It really sucks doesn't it!! :rolleyes::p

    Hahaha! Woo for stalking!! :awesome:

    I'm not suprised!!! :ohmy: You are so luckkkyyy!!! :awesome:

    Awesome, that's where I stayed!! :happy: It's so cute there! Is it snowing or you then now? :p

  2. Ahhh, it's alright!! :happy: Don't worry about it! :)

    How have you been??

  3. In Production you add EQ to your tracks and make final touches to your sounds and master your track. I love to get it perfecft :happy:

    Oh, that sucks :/ i'm not suprised! Not your fault, they should have used them anyway!

    Yeeah :) I can't wait for sleep haha! :p

    Ooooh, sounds nice! :D I hope you enjoy it! :happy:

  4. It reallyy is!!! I just love to watch the snow fall!!! :happy: It makes me happy!!

    :D Yeey! :kiss:

    I LUV YOU TOO!! :kiss: You are awesome, sweetie!!! :happy:

    My day has been pretty good to be honest, had band rehearsal, and then fell asleep at my friend's house!!! :chuckle:


    I am so sorry for my late reply, I have had a busy few days!! :( <3

  5. High fives are just a sign of being awesome!! :cool:

    Awww, bless! Cuute! :p Muse dreams are awesome!! :awesome: I have some weird Muse dreams!! :chuckle:

    I have no idea :/ Muse, is just awesome, one syllable so it's easy to say/ remember, and it has meaning, like when he says.. "you are my muse" aww :)

    Hahaha :chuckle: Not quite catchy that one Meg!! :p

    Yes..... :) .:dance: :dance:

  6. :p

    Ohhhh yes!!!! :awesome::chuckle: Awesome ideaaa!!! :D That can be a goal on our mission! :cool:

    Hahaha! I still say we do that one though :eyebrows: Wooo!!!! :awesome: I would not say no to that!! ;) So similar!! I love both missions though!!! :D


    It is awesome!!! :happy: I love it, it's what I do!! :) What I want to do in zee future!!

    I have been asked to put my tracks on youtube, so when I finish, and I have more time, I will put them on! :) I did Like a Prayer by Madonna last year, turned out quite well, I got 38/40 for it :D I was so chuffed with it!!!!! :dance: Ahhh, how I love Music Technology!! :')

    But yes, of course you can hear it my dear!! :D

  7. It would be!!! :awesome: Yes it would be!!! If we can't get many people, we should definitely meet up :cool: Wooo!! :D

    Haha! :chuckle:

    Noo, we just recorded it on freeview, we have it somewhere I think! D:

    Awww, that sucks!!! :( I did at first, but I kept waiting and we tried to speak to each other, I broke up with him, and I was like.. I can't loose you as a friend too!!!! I didn't like someone else, it was distance and he was ohhh so possessive, he kept saying I couldn't see my friends which are guys... which is basically most of them.. and I was getting depressed :/

    That really doesn't sound good, two girls since a month ago :erm: that's bad!

    You poor thing!! :( It always sucks when you can't help the way you feel about someone!! He is not on doing that to you!! On your birthday! That's horrible!! I hope that you find someone soon that deserves such a lovely girl as you!! :)

    If you lived near me.. I would say sleepover for chats! :chuckle: I wish I lived closer to some Musers :(

    Ooooo, sounds funn! I never saw the first one :LOL: I'm not a real fan of scary films :p I don't see all the point in them, but I would still watch them! :) Aww haha, bless you!!

    I jump so much! When something sudden happens! My friends laugh at me for it! :chuckle: xxxx

  8. I like him, he's cheeky and friendly, he is definitely a good actor, no doubt! David Tennant is fantastic, I loved him in Cassanova, his little smile is so cute!! He was more of a serious doctor though he was amazing though, still the best doctorr for me!! Prooves it by the the time he was on there before!! :D

  9. Woo! :awesome: Hehe!

    Thank you so much!! :D

    Nice mixture you have there!!! :D I miss PE lessons!! and I used to do Geography! Which is your favourite??

    I study Music Technology, Art & Media :happy:

  10. Aww! :chuckle: Long film, but I really do quite like it :happy: He's good in it as the serious character! I quite like Orlando Bloom in Lord of the Rings!


    Yess!! :) So happy for him!! :happy: He seems so happy! :D


    It really is!!! :chuckle: Awww, makes me want to hug them!!

    I knoooow, sucks!! :p Wooo!!

    Exactly!!! There just get given thiss too them as well!!! They don't deserve what they get at all!! :rolleyes:

  11. Oh awesome! :) Awww :( I'm sure they will, they always look to expand their touring and gigs! I hope they come for you! :happy: Have you never seen Muse live then?

    I'm from England :) my name's Olivia, nice to meet you! :happy:

  12. Ahahah! :p That must have been so funnyy!!! :LOL: I am really not suprised!! What's the worst you have done when drunk?? :p

  13. Ohh lmao!! :p I hought you were shouting Banana at me hahah!! :LOL:

    We will now sing badly for you to make you feel better!! :awesome::chuckle:

    YEEESSS!!! :awesome: Good plann!!! :cool::ninja: Mission 2!! Less abusive than the first xD haha!


    All the different instruments, if I can't play the instrument, I get someone in to play that instrument, but I will have the whole track at the end, I bought a megaphone for it too, for when I get round to doing the vocals!!! :awesome: So exciting!!!

  14. Aww, poor thing :( I'm so lucky to be doing subjects now which don't have many exams!! But I have other stresses like my recordings, arrangements, and loads of course work and paintings to do! :erm:

    Yes, you do by the sounds of it!! :( What is camp like?

    I stayed behind in show band, I play one of the main piano parts in the school production!! I play the organ part :) apart from that I bought a Megaphone for my Feeling Good recording!! Looking forward to that :happy:

    But so soo tired these days!! D:

  15. WOW!!! :D The snow is so pretty :happy: Not snowing here yet!! :( It's just coldd!! And recently really windy, we had to leave school early due to the strong winds!!! :ohmy: I could hear it outside my bedroom window at night!!!

    I sure hope soo!!! :awesome:

    Hehe, you are must welcome!! :D & Thankyou very much!!! :kiss:

    It is my pleasure!!! :happy:

    YEEEEYYY!!! :D:kiss: :kiss:


    How was your day?? :happy:

  16. Ahh :) I miss those days sometimes!

    I only do Music Technology, Media & Art :happy: I love it, not many exams at all!! Which is lucky for me!! I fail at exams! :p

  17. Wooo! Can record in to it and play it back :cool: really excited for it now!! :awesome:

    Yeah, will be awesome!! I'd hope to meet another Muser :p and hopefully I can get to Huddersfield :) What do you study at school?

  18. That is awesome! Hahah xD My friend fell asleep in the bath last time... so of course I took photos and put them on facebook :ninja::chuckle:

    Ahhhh, always a funny night? Did you find what your friends were doing, or did they go out of their way just to make sure it was just you? :p

  19. Yeaahh, the openings are really good! :D

    After Inglorious?? :p aww haha. Brad Pitt just makes me laugh!! :') Brad Pitt was in Troy, have you ever seen it?? :ohmy:

    Who's stopped? :ohmy:


    Compact Bellamy and Howard :chuckle: awww!! :p Good for Chris!! :D That's greatt!

    I know, like Dom does and it's just like ew xD to be honest, but I still love theem!! We all do!! :D


    Yeah :rolleyes: they should just go away!! He's just way too young, and rather than acting older, he just even acts like a kid, he just annoys mee! :/

  20. You more of a David Tennant than a Matt Smith person? :happy:

  21. Ahahahaha! :LOL: BANANAAA!!! :D

    Yeaah :( Aww, bless him!!! So cute, he didn't deserve it!!! <33 We will always love him!!

    Of course we did, we should do, we can go ninja, sneak back stage and go maake him feel better :ninja:


    Yesss!!! I am!!! :D It's fantastic, so much fun!!!! Yeeey! :awesome:

  22. 17! :)

    I'm only on this, it's all I seem to have time for :p a long with deviantART which I have :) they are so addictive!

    Was £9.99 haha! :awesome: I thought it seemed decent, although I have never really seen many in shops!! :chuckle:

    Yeah, I'm in second year of college, I leave for University next Summer!! :) Woo!!

  23. Yeeeesss!!!! :awesome: *plays piano* :D

    (Slightly better quality) :chuckle: Just about to watch it!!! :)

    Awww :( I'm glad he is happy on stage, he appreciates us! You know he just wants to jump down and join in with uss!! :awesome:

    Nowww to read "POOR MATT :(" :ohmy: :ohmy:


    Oh yesss! Aaaaaaaand, he could sing on my recording of feeling good, and I could get top marks :awesome: Yeeeeeyyy!! I love Matt :p

  24. Ohh yeeahh ;):cool: Haha!! Where are you from?? :)

  25. Ooooo, fantasticc!!! That's awesome!!! :awesome:

    I play mainly Piano and Bass, but I also have a guitar, I play guitar, and also a bit of saxophone, but only a little, I wish I knew more :(


    :happy: Thank you so muchh!!! You are too cuute!! :)

    You are very welcome , my love!!! :kiss:

    YEEEEYYYY! You make me happyyy!!! :D:kiss:

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