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Everything posted by DreamWalker104

  1. I've been back at school for two weeks :indiff: I don't like school :noey: My best friends are called Becca and Beth :D I have my other mates in my 'group' but they aren't my best friends :happy: Have a nice day at school!!!! :LOL:

  2. Sorry I haven't replied in ages :$ Awesomesauce :awesome: I think I understand :happy: She sounds amazing :D:eek: there is some random things on youtube!!!! :LOL: How have you been??? :)

  3. Sorry I haven't replied in ages :$ If our PE teacher lost one of their shoes they would probably make us do it anyway :indiff: So how have you been??:happy:

  4. Hmmm :LOL: Green is a cool colour though :D I'm talking to that Cleverbot thing, it's awesome :D You???

  5. Yeah, I'm definately gonna go :LOL: As long as Jack goe's to the next one, Connor will go, and Beth will (Jack's girlfriend, my best friend :happy: ) I'm an unlucky person I think :'( Not much really :( I might go riding tomorrow (hopefully :D ) How about you??? :happy:

  6. Squeaks :eek: I bet that's pretty odd!!!! :LOL: What doe's it look like??? :happy:

  7. Awesomesauce :awesome: I usually buy a lot depending on what place I'm shopping at and how much money I have :LOL: I really must go shopping soon actually :erm: I need shoes and tops and a new school bag :rolleyes:

  8. Awesomesauce :awesome: I might move to your school right now :LOL: Cool, I really wanna buy it now :D How was your day??? :happy:

  9. Awww bless him!!!! :D He totally fancies you!!!! :LOL: Connor's best mate plays guitar and went to my best mates band practice today, Connor came along but I missed it :( The one fucking time I don't go :mad:

  10. Awww :( That's not fair :( Didn't you say you got to choose what week you have your holidays on??? Why didn't you choose the same week as your friends??? Is sims 3 any good??? :happy: i wanna buy one of the sims games but i don't knopw how good they are and i don't want to waste my money on summin if it's going to turn out really bad :erm:

  11. That is gorgeous!!!! :awesome: Oh bless you guys!! :happy: you make me chuckle :chuckle: I hate people like that who fake stuff :mad: Today in design a sliced my finger open with a pair of scissors by accident and it bled everywhere :( I got back after having it bandaged up (badly) and Connor goe's "Oh, have you cut your finger?" in one of those voices you would put on to a small child and with a massive smile on his face, i did the same voice and said "Yes," and we both burst out laughing and then he goe's, "Hey, that's your middle finger, you could get away with swearing at everyone!" and then he starts swearing so i swore at him as a joke and then he pretended to be upset and goe's "You bully me," and i was like "What!" Then he burst out laughing :LOL: Very good lesson :yesey: anyway, essay over, how are you??? :LOL: Oh i like your top in your profile pic btw :D

  12. I hope so :p Ever since i sat my first buck I've loved them for some odd reason :erm: I'm a pretty socially awkward person too :( I'm not good around people as I find it really difficult to make conversation with them :( Awwww :( That's not fair!!! :mad: You will ride again eventually :happy: I know, my computer usually never goe's wrong but it's being really slow and the internet has gone all weird :erm: No I haven't seen it yet, but i really want to!!!! :D Have you seen it??? :)

  13. Awesomesauce :awesome: What doe's the backpack look like??? :happy: Awww bless him :D Have you been texting him much ;) Why and how were you getting your anger out can i ask :chuckle: Not much really :erm: School is taking aaages and we've only been back a week :(

  14. I know, it's so unfair :'( Awesomesauce :awesome: What stuff did you buy??? :D Me and Connor actually had a really good conversation today :D And he helped me clear up my table :eyebrows: I may not be his type but he's being a really good friend to me :D How are you and Liam??? :eyebrows:

  15. The simpsons is epic :D I used to watch it all the time and then i didn't watch it for like aaages but i just rediscovered the awesomeness of it a few months back :awesome::D How was your day??? :happy:

  16. It was an awesome ride and i tried a canter but she didn't buck :erm: in some ways that's a good thing i guess but it's been aaages since i've had a pony do a decent buck with me :( He is a good mate, i love him to pieces :D I like being at home for weekends because i like doing my own thing, I'm a pretty independant person :happy: I don't mind being by myself :erm: So did you get to ride in the end??? :D No, I've not seen it yet, I really want to though but my computer is all weird :wtf: I'm gonna look at it in IT tomorrow at school :ninja::chuckle:

  17. :LOL: Mine are Top Gear and The Simpsons :happy: have you seen either of them?? :)
  18. I'm going riding in a minute, I'm excited because i get to canter her and apparently she bucks :awesome: this is going to be fun :D Apparently in Britain only 3 teachers a year get sacked or something like that :( It's ridiculous :mad: I've known him for three years, we're pretty good mates :happy: He always cheers me up :D I will!!! :D Usually i don't have much planned, i like being at home :yesey: but this weekend is pretty busy, my parents plan stuff and i just go along with it :erm: Anyway I hope you have a good ride if you do ride :happy: You have to tell me all about it!!! :D

  19. It started on Tuesday sadly :( No cute goth kids came :( It's not fair :'( It's brilliant, the first two books aren't brilliant but the rest are just :awesome: My day was boring :( How about yours??? :happy:

  20. Yep, that's a very good point :yesey: That'll be great for you to get back in the saddle!!! :awesome: the day after will be hell though :yesey: Thing is we have a lot of sucky teachers :( The amount of detentions I've got from them for something someone else has done :mad: it makes me sad :'( Same with my week, awful weather, it's been freezing cold and awful lessons and lot's of horrible gossip :( The only goos thing was history where one of my guy friends cheered me up :happy: I have got a pretty good weekend planned though :D I'm riding tomorrow and we're going to pick up some orphan lambs, one of our ewes lost her twins so we need some to make up numbers because we can't afford to lose any money :( How about you??? :happy:

  21. Awesomesauce :D I love ponies likes that :happy: I'm riding tomorrow :) Um, I think so, I don't watch it so I can't be sure :$ Why??? :happy:

  22. It's gorgeous isn't it?!? :awesome: He is beautiful, and he says so little but you tell so much :D I cried tonnes :'( But I cry at a lot of films so yeah :unsure:

  23. :D Sleepy Hollow isn't as good :erm: as long as you don't take it seriously, and take it as a lighthearted joke you'll really enjoy it :D There's a lot of blood but it's full of :LOL:
  24. Haha :LOL: Don't worry about it, I don't think I like him that much anyway now :erm: spending the holidays away from him kinda of killed the attraction :erm: EDWARD SCISSORHANDS IS AN AMAZINGLY, AWESOME, GORGEOUS, BEAUTIFUL, BRILLIANT FILM!!!! :awesome::D:awesome: You wait until you see how cute Johnny Depp is in it!!!! :D I cried at the end but it's just gorgeous :awesome: I love Tim Burton :D

  25. He is busy, but getting through it :erm: IMDB is my second most frequently visited website, after this place :D The Kick Ass soundtrack is just great but the awesomness only really kicks in halfway through :happy: I know the feeling :( I just cannot be bothered with homework or anything atm except riding :erm: My grades are dropping but at least i have the excuse of bad teachers to blame for that :erm: Our house seems pretty depressed, it's actually so nice to get out of it sometimes!!! :LOL: Nothing exciting happening with me :( I'm okay, but back at school now :indiff: How about you??? :happy:

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