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Everything posted by DreamWalker104

  1. Oh:( I hope your okay :) She was probably pretty excitable!!! :LOL: How have you been??? :happy:

  2. Happy Birthday!!!!! :dance::party:

    I wouldn't mind him stalking me :eyebrows: And yeah, hopefully he won't say, or hopefully he didn't hear me going mental!!!! :LOL: What happened in maths???:happy: What else have you got planned for today??? :D

  3. I know!!! :D He probably won't, he's probably forgotten by now or something :rolleyes: Awesome, I'm not very good at technology :unsure: I get rather distracted by a certain someone :ninja: Those girls don't stand a chance with him :phu: It's obvious it's you that he wants!!! :happy: Well today I was in the maths block waiting for my mates to come out of class and he got let out and he came walking round the corner whilst i was just casually listening to my music :happy: (It was Newborn, the HAARP version :chuckle: ) And anyway i snuck a glance at him and then i realised that he was actually watching me as he walked round the corner so i was kind of like :eek: and then he pulled my earphone out with this sly little half grin and walked past half smiling at me over his shoulder with this flirty look on his face and i was just left staring after him looking mentally retarted and unable to say anything!!!! I was a bit like :eek::happy::eek: my jaw fell open and everything and then like five seconds later i finally managed to squeak "Oi!" it was such a :facepalm: moment!!! Also, whilst i was telling my friends what had happened one of his close mates was around so i hope he doesn't report back to Connor how mental i was!!!! :LOL: I was shaking and everything though!!! :LOL: Anywho, how was your day???

  4. I noticed that :chuckle: That's going to be awesome!!! :awesome: I hope you win :yesey: I really want to watch that film :happy: My day was good thanks, and yours? :)

  5. I have the Music one too!!!! :D Awww bless :happy: Has your brother mentioned it to you?? :chuckle: I'm lucky i didn't faint!!! :rolleyes: How has your day been??? :happy:

  6. Yeah i read it and i was like :rolleyes: that sounds ike something Matt would say :rolleyes: I know, they just seem such great friends, it's sweet :happy:

  7. Ahh, perfume :happy: Something i really need more of :erm: Oooh la laa :eyebrows: My friends do that with people i don't even fancy!!!! :mad: What was Liam's reaction to it??? :happy: How did your brother react!?! :chuckle: Well i was waiting in the queue at school and Connor was like five people away (I almost put Matt because of all the twitter mayhem atm!!! :rolleyes: ) And anyhoo he was suddenly right behind me and kinda squished up against my back and i was having a heart attack!!! :LOL: My mates were just like laughing and commented on how scared and red i looked :chuckle: He was also basically talking into my hair he was that close, i could feel his breath on my neck and everything!!!! :LOL: I also got married to CleverBot today!!! :LOL:

  8. It is a brilliant film :happy: I watched it at the weekend :D I really need to get twitter!!!! :yesey: Bless him, it probably takes him ages to get through all the messages he's got!!! :LOL: I know, i was reading and i was like ":yesey: Good point!"

  9. I know, I love it!!! :chuckle: If i met them i'd be so excited i'd probably crush the pen in my hand and crumple up the paper and take like a gazillion photos of the floor in excitement because I'm shaking so much!!!! :LOL: How have you been??? :D

  10. That is just disgusting :vomit:!!!! Girly stuff :yesey: Very important to have those kinds of chats :yesey: Shopping is fun :D Did you buy much??? :) How has your day been??? :happy:

  11. So far the teenage years have been pretty crap for me too :erm: My gran is the only person who is a bit funny about going to places in my family :( My cousin went through a phase around my age of hating travelling in the car but she got carsick and also, as far as i know, she didn't mind being at the actual place, i worry about both :( I've tried some spray stuff that's meant to be calming but i dn't know if it's worked yet because i took it on a journey that wasn't long enough for it to be effective :erm: I was like that when i watched Avatar, i loved it when i got out of the cinema and then i slowly realised how bad it was :chuckle: Wow!!!:D Johnny Depp is my favourite actor!!!! :awesome: It's a diary a girl called Anne Frank wrote in the war when her family went into hiding because they were Jewish, it's really amazing :) Her family got found and taken out of where they hid, I think only her father survived and he found the diary and then carried out her wish to have it published :happy: It's a true story obviously because it's her diary :rolleyes: I really have to read that book now :D It sounds brilliant :D

  12. Eeeew :vomit: If your a pe teacher you really need to :yesey: Not much actually :erm: I was texting my friend about girly things :LOL: How about you?? :D

  13. It was really long but now i've had it cut really short and the ends go al spiky and stuff :D It's awesome!!! :awesome: Awesome!!! :D I'm riding tomorrow and i also jumped on wednesday :happy: I rode a mare called Tiggy and she's really sweet :happy: You might get to meet them!!! :eek: It would be awesome if you were shopping or something and then just bumped into them :awesome: I've seen the Orphanage, it's so scary!!! :eek:

  14. Inorite!!! :D Violent sports ftw :awesome: Ooopsies!!!! :LOL: In our geography lesson someone noticed that miss wasn't wearing a bra and she's really old so it's not a pretty sight and when she left the room we all started talking about it and then someone said "This is a strange conversation, talking about Miss's nipples," and then she walked in and goe's "This is a geography lesson not a biology lesson!" :LOL: It was hilarious!!!! :chuckle:

  15. Good idea :yesey: Aww bless him :happy: I got a lot of compliments like that today because i had my hair cut last night :D Me and tennis don't mix, neither do me and most sports except hockey (because it's violent) and rubgy (because it's violent) and running (because i run all the time) :LOL: Nothing much happened with me today :erm: Bitched about teachers a lot today though!!! :chuckle:

  16. Sex education, fun! :rolleyes: I had my hair cut last night :happy: It's awesome (even if i do say so myself :chuckle: ) The weather is surprisingly sunny here at the moment :happy: although apparently it won't stay that way :( How was your day apart from the cinema trip??? :chuckle:

  17. Oh yeah, we have to do that to :( I have no idea where i wanna go, maybe a theatre or summin :erm: I dunno, he's nice to me and everything and we're good mates and he cheers me up when I'm sad and stuff i just don't know if he doe's or not :erm: boys :rolleyes: I might change my mind about him, i just really don't know :LOL: Naawww :happy: that's so cute :D Anything happen with him today??? :eyebrows:

  18. Cool :happy: We don't do anything like that but then our school is crap :erm: Well I think he's more into the plastic popular girls but he's mates with me anyway :rolleyes: My mates think he doe's but i don't know how serious they are about that :rolleyes: Besides, I wouldn't go out with him because I don't really like him in that way :erm: I'm really tired to and I've done barely anything!!!! :LOL:

  19. What's an into work day??? :$ Bless you :happy: My day was awesome :D It was so sunny and warm so we sat outside to eat and everyone was in such a good mood and me and Josh had a water fight at the back of the history classroom :chuckle:

  20. I usually can't sleep either but I can still function fairly well :happy: I get panicked at the thought of going out of the house atm :erm: apparently it's just a phase or something but I just don't know how I'm gonna get out of it :( That shows it's a very good film if the more you think about it it get's better :happy: Usually average films would get slowly worse the more you think about them, or I find that anyway :LOL: I really want to read that book now!!! :D It sounds awesome :awesome: At the moment I'm reading the Diary of Anne Frank :happy: It's so devastating but kind of uplifting at the same times if that makes any sense :erm: It's because no matter what happened to her she always seemed generally happy, and always found something to write about other than the bad circumstances in her life :happy: Also, her family and the other family lived in luxury accomodation compared to most Jews that were in hiding and yet when i read it it seems so awful :( How have you been??? :happy:

  21. Seven pages about Africa!!! :eek: Whoa, that's a bit of an overload!!! :noey: I think you should start a protest :yesey: Your very busy at the moment then :eek: I was last week but the busy time has ended thankfully :happy: Whoa!!! :D Hot teacher alert who is also a major flirt!!! :D That's the type of person I would develop a rather large crush one :chuckle: How was your day??? :happy:

  22. Your not the only one :rolleyes: My mates are teasing me for finding it cute that Connor looked up at the sky to watch a plane go over :LOL: It was so adorable though!!!! :D Like, heart-meltingly adorable :chuckle: So, anything happen with Liam today??? :eyebrows:

  23. I get what you mean, sounds like the hair a very sexy guy has in our tutor group :D I'd love to swap schools with you for a day :happy: It'd be awesome :awesome:

  24. :yesey: I'll have to nag my parents into buying it or borrowing it from someone ;) No, although I'm gonna have a sleepover at my mate's house soon and that's on the list of films to watch so I might sometime soon :D I'm pretty good without sleep actually :erm: I spend most of the time just watching films :D Apparently i think obsessively about films, it's a disease i think :chuckle: Sorry the reply is so late :$ How have you been??? :happy:
  25. Yes please!!!!!:D How long is his hair??? :LOL: Sorry, I'm so weird but he's just caught my attention lol :D

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