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Everything posted by DreamWalker104

  1. Hmmm :wtf: strange old ladies :noey: I would have been like "Erm, okay then :erm:," then behind her back I'd be like :wtf:!!!! :LOL: I'd also tell her that she shouldn't talk to strangers :noey: How was your day??? :) Oh and your profile picture is actually awesome!!!! :awesome::LOL::chuckle::LOL::awesome:

  2. My day was good thanks :D I like the lead singer, he's rather nomnom :stongue::chuckle:

  3. :( Stupid buses :mad: I know the feeling :rolleyes: Don't worry about it, if your teacher has what you've written then I'm sure they can take care of everything, maybe your teacher gave it in for you or something and just hasn't told you yet :erm: Don't worry about it, it'll all work out fine and in a few days time you'll be wondering why you were so worried about it all :happy:
  4. :LOL: Good good :yesey: Yeah, we've always had two weeks off :happy: It's great, we are hardly at schol for april because of the royal wedding and bank holidays and stuff :awesome::LOL: I'm not suprised i would probably think you guys were going out if i heard him shouting stuff like that!!! :chuckle: Awww, bless him :( I hope you have a good time in Florida!!! :D x

    It was last Sunday :$:chuckle: but no worries :kiss: I got the ladies striped piano top from the muse shop and some badges and the Hullaballoo DVD and Absolution DVD alon with a small flastscreen TV for my room :happy: I didn't get much else because my parents and family dnon't have much cash :( Anyways, have a good time :D x

  5. I just celebrated with my family :happy: Because it's the easter holidays most of my mates have gone away to some hot country or something so yeah :erm: How have you been??? :) Got any plans for the weekend??? :)

  6. Sorry my reply is so late :$ I wanted Piraya to win but he came in 19th which is dead last :( Still, he made it round :happy: How have you been? :)

  7. iPod shuffles are cute little things :) I want the iPod that is the same size as a shuffle, or a little smaller but it has this cute little screen :D Good good :yesey: I'm addicted to the boards to, there is just so much drama and beef :srsb33f: My day was pretty boring but I'm on holiday now so it's all good :happy: Are you on easter holidays yet??? :happy:

  8. Awww :( I hope you feel better soon :kiss: if it makes you feel any better i'm getting a cold too :( I got the ladies striped piano t-shirt and some muse badges, i also got the absolution DVD and the Hullaballoo DVD i also got a small flatscreen TV and this gorgeous hand made bracelet from one of my friends :D

  9. Thank you!!!! :D Sorry my reply is so late :$ How have you been??? :happy:

  10. Thank you!!! :awesome: So how did your visit go for seeing Frankie?? :happy: I didn't really want much for my birthday, i don't really like people making a fuss over it :LOL: The Grand National is this massive horse race, 40 horses compete and they go round the circuit twice and there is some massive, really scary jumps!!! :eek: Two horses got killed though, one broke it's neck as it fell so is good in a way so it didn't feel much pain but the other one had to be shot, i think it broke it's back :( The horse i went for ended up finishing in dead last but only 19 horses out of 40 finished so it was an acheivment!!! :D I watched Kick-Ass because I adore that movie!!! :) How have you been??? :happy:

  11. Hmm, i think i might be a bit freaked out if he did that!!! :LOL: I'd probably think he was someone else and end up punching him or summin :unsure: I've only got an iPod shuffle :( It's cute and blue though :happy: Oooh la laaa!! :D Have a good time :) Will you still go on the muse boards??? :happy:

  12. It'll be amazing no matter who you get :happy: Seeing as you organised it will you get to meet the bands and everything? :D My day has been good, i just wtahced the Grand National, it's just such an amazing race :happy: How about you??? :)

  13. OMG!:awesome: He is beautiful!!! :D I love horses with wall eyes :happy: Will you be able to ride him??? :happy: It's my birthday tomorrow so I'm looking forward to presents :D I watched the Grand National today and as usual i felt sorry for the horse at the back so i went for that one :rolleyes: amazingly he still finished, and he was just so adorable!!! :awesome:

  14. I hope you get better soon!!! :kiss: Converse are legendary shoes :yesey: And that coat is gorgeous!!! :D I don't really like the colour pink but in blue i bet it's beautiful :happy:

  15. Hmm, sounds like you have, interesting, drama lessons :chuckle: Awww, that's so cute :happy: He's your knight in shining armour :LOL: I hope he will be stalking me, but then i don't know what would happen if we were both stalking eachother, we'd be like stuck together like glue all day :LOL::rolleyes: It looks like a yummy sundae though!!! :D I had to load all the songs back onto my iPod and put them in order because it died and went all weird :( I need a new iPod :supersad: How about you??? :happy:

  16. Thanks :LOL: I've asked for A LOT of muse stuff and i also asked for a cape because i want to become a superhero :chuckle: So you don't have too long to wait until your holidays then :happy: I'm also riding tomorrow so I'm gonna have a pretty good day all in all :D What have you got planned for the weekend??? :)

  17. That's really good :awesome: It tells people what they need to know and it's not over-complicated, I like it :yesey: Have you got any more news on the 2 big acts? :) I'm fine thanks, and you? :)

  18. I'm good thanks :happy: I'm on holiday now and on Sunday it's my birthday :D I'm looking forward to it :awesome: When have you got your next holidays??? :)

  19. Awww bless :happy: He sounds so cute around you and everything :happy: Has anything else happened with him??? :D I think he did but then when i was reading some text i noticed him watching me so i glanced at himn and kinda smirked at him :LOL: And is that sundae in your profile pic because it's massive!!! :LOL:

  20. Good good :happy: Awww how come??? :D Nothing much, i went to the wall today and that gave me an oppurtunity to stare at him :LOL:

  21. Sorry I haven't replied in aages, I've been so busy :indiff: Usher is only fractionally better than Justin Bieber :rolleyes: Awwww :( I hope yoru feeling better now :kiss: How have you been recently??? :happy:

  22. Yeah, apparently it's pretty normal :happy: That will be awesome!!! :awesome: and what an epic name!!! :D I love paint horses as well :happy: I haven't heard of that film before, I'll have to go and look it up on IMDB :yesey: I've not seen him in anything before, I'll have to look him up to!!! :LOL: I've been good thanks, and you??? :D

  23. Sorry I've not replied in aaages!!! I've been really busy :rolleyes: Hmm, Africa essay, how fun!!! :rolleyes: I'm loving your avatar, and yes, that would be pretty damn hot!!! :LOL: How have you been??? :happy:

  24. Yeah, I tried the spray stuff and it doe's work but it makes me go really high as soon as i get home :awesome: Thinking back to Avatar now just makes me cringe :facepalm: It's okay, no worries :happy: Well it's good that she's back home now :happy: I hope she gets well soon :kiss: That's great news!!! :D It'll be rgeat for you to be able to ride again!!!! :D How have you been recently??? :happy:

  25. Going mental is something I'm very good at :awesome: I wish my maths teacher was as cool as yours!!!!! :LOL: Actually, I wish all of my teachers were sliughtly more interesting :erm: Justin Beiber is a dipshit through and through :yesey: I think i might tell them next time i visit just to get that sundae!!! :LOL: I went to my aunt and uncles house today for mothers day, it was pretty fun :happy: What did you do??? :happy: I think there should be a children/teenagers day :yesey:

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