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Everything posted by DreamWalker104

  1. ZOMG!!!:D He just sounds like hotness reincarnated!!! :LOL: Could i have permission to marry him??? :chuckle: Naww :( I can totally see where Hollie is coming from though :happy: And Dad's :noey: always suspecting the worst :rolleyes:

  2. OMG!OMG!OMG!OMG!MUSCLES!OMG!!!!!! :eek::awesome::eek: Sorry, just having a little moment there!!!! :LOL: What colour is his hair and eyes??? :happy: I have many Mad Hatter things :yesey: I love Alice in Wonderland :D When my mates burst out laughing he turned round to look at me and he saw my mates and frowned but then smiled at me :$ I went bright red!!! :chuckle: He could go if you want him to and if whoever is taking you let's him :erm::happy:

  3. Awesome :awesome:!!!! Your so lucky, I think i might move to your school :LOL::ninja: I love that T-shirt!!! :D I saw some gorgeous converse on this shop called blue banana :D

  4. Have your mates mentioned anything else about Andrew today??? :) Haha, i would probably be the same!!! :LOL: I would egt to distracted by the fact that we would be pretty much holding hands (me and Connor that is :LOL: ) I'm just totally mental, so I'm not normal :noey: I told my mate and she was like "Has he seen your bag!?" :eek: It's because i have a Mad Hatter bag :yesey: No he hasn't, and I'm glad in a way!!! :LOL: We were walking behind him today and i was talking and i was like "So have you s...." :eek: And then i noticed him and my face just went :stunned::awesome: My mates were laughing so much :LOL:

  5. I know!!! :D He looked so adorable when he was younger :yesey: I don't have any advice for you there :( staring competitions ftw!!! :D Awww, you should go!!! :D It'd be awesome :awesome: Ooo la laa :eyebrows: What was the magic trick??? :) He said that apparently i was 'normal' :noey: I'm not by any stretch of the imagination but apparently we were the only normal ones in the whole classroom :rolleyes: And i thought he knew me so much better :noey::chuckle:

  6. Haha :LOL: Well none of them do look their age, they never have!!! :D Aww, he sounds cute :happy: But don't go out with someone if you fancy someone else, it doesn't end very well :noey: Has anything happened with you and Liam recently??? :happy:

  7. Puffball!!! :LOL: Wow, that's a pretty awesome name!! :chuckle: I'm good thanks, I just watched Kick-Ass (for the millionth time :rolleyes: ) How are you??? :)

  8. :LOL: Mum's can be so helpful :D I have one more at the Derngate in April (i miss a day off school!!!:D) If we win the competition we will then perform at London :happy: Chris is good looking :yesey: He has the cutest eyes :happy::chuckle: Oooh!!! :D Who!?! :D
  9. Primary was amazing :D I miss it so much :( Pasta pots are just my saviour because i always end ud dropping plates and them smashing on the floor and every then gets angry at me :$ The performances went really well :D Although my family came to watch on the last night where i had my weakest performance :( But yeah :) I have to go back to school tomorrow, that's not a nice thought :noey: How was your weekend??? :happy:

  10. That is amazing!!!! :D I have dreams a bit like that :yesey: I have daydreams like that!!! :LOL: It's a totally gorgeous soundtrack, i actually watched the film yesterday :happy: I've not heard of them actually :erm: Their really good!!!:D What doe's their name actually mean??? :$

  11. We usually get about three but that's it, at primary we had tonnes, like twenty a year or that's what it seemed like!!!! :LOL: Coolbeans :D You deserve to treat yourself seeing as you seemed to have had a pretty crap week :( I love pasta pots!!! :D Their so cute and easy to eat :LOL: I'm performing tonight and tomorrow :erm: I'm not really looking forward to it though :( Sunday is my free day though :D

  12. Awww :( That's not fair!!!:( I hope it all went well though :happy: Our headteacher wouldn't let us come in in non-uniform :mad: I hate him :mad: Shopping = WIN :yesey: Connor came waltzing through the hall and i began to stalk him without him noticing :LOL: I also stole the pasta pot that he wanted :chuckle: I'm so glad it's the weekend!!! :D Have you got any plans for the weekend??? :happy:

  13. Fingers crossed they do :happy: Well he basically just made me laugh and stuff by being an idiot as usual :yesey: Your lucky!!!! :eek: I want a day off :mad: We did the first show for the Beauty Manifesto today!!! :D It was good although i got really panicky and I'm prone to panic attacks so i had everybody calming me down :( It was my ex who calmed me down in the end by giving me a hug and going over my lines with me :erm: that was an awkward moment!!! :LOL: So have you got any plans for your day off??? :happy:

  14. Sorry i haven't replied :$ I think we're both as bad as eachother :LOL: I've heard mixed reviews about it, some people loved it, others hated it :erm: I'm taking your word for it though because i trust your judgement in films :yesey: After all, you like Fight Club, and anybody who likes that film ahs brilliant taste in movies ;P Haha, that scene is pretty cool :LOL: I really want to watch that film now!!! :D I've been good thanks, how about you??? :happy:

  15. I really feel sorry for you :( But at least it's not like your moving schools or anything, you can still meet up with them and stuff :) I feel so bad for you about leaving Liam :'( Having to leave someone you really like sucks, i know :'( I was feeling really down today for some reason :( But in history my mate Josh cheered me up :D How was your day??? :happy:

  16. I really liked them both :D I was actually really surprised at how much I liked the second one ebcause it's not really my style but i can understand why you like it :yesey: The first track was brilliant, I loved the piano in it :Dhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLcsAOt6DUo I love this track, it's in the trailer of my favourite film ever too :D Oh and alos this one, which is also from my favourite film http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDgx7aUlShw :D

  17. Awesome!!! :D I'm really liking this whole music swapping thing :yesey: I only like the second Narnia film because of Ben Barnes, who plays Prince Caspian and I haven't seen the third one yet :erm:

    I really love this track, It's from the film District 9 :happy:
  18. Oh yeah!!! :D I love that one too!!! :awesome: the scene that goe's with it is epic :D Kick Ass is kind of about a teenager called Dave who becomes a superhero without anyone knowing, he just doe's it to help people get kittens out of trees and all that sort of stuff but then he get's involved with two other superhero's and then a really bad 'gang' type guy and there is this awesome fight scene at the end :chuckle: It sounds awful from the descriptions and i thought it would be rubbish but it's one of those films that you have to watch to understand and before you make opinions on it :yesey: The second half is way better than the first though!!! :D That film looks quite cool :yesey:

    This track is brilliant :D Another one of Hans Zimmers pieces, I don't know if you've heard before or not but absolutely love it :yesey::D
  19. Awww bless you :'( Oh right :LOL: I thought you meant he didn't talk to you!!! :LOL: Well stuff went down in year seven with all my mates in primary and with this guy who i was really really close too, we were best mates :'( And now we just don't talk and now he's hanging around with all the 'popular people' but he's changed you know??? :( But i can still see a bit of his old self in there :'( I miss him so much but we haven't spoken in ages but i can't exactly waltz up to him and pretend everythings fine because it's not :'( Besides, I'd get crucified because he hangs around with all the 'popular people :rolleyes:' as i said so they would just kill me :( I just hope they don't mess up his life like they do their own and everybody elses :mad:

  20. :LOL: Yeah I have one of the main parts :happy: It's good because i gain more respect from the theatre as i get larger parts but in other ways it's bad because i have so many lines to learn :'( Oh that's not fair!!! :( I feel really sorry for you :'( Won't he come and say hi and stuff or not??? :( And it sucks being separated from all your friends, it happened to me and i miss them so much :'( My day was crap too :( Nothing happened with Connor so i guess i can join the club there :(
  21. I'm really small and fairly thin but i can still hold my own pretty well :D I play fight alot with one of my mates so he's kind of trained me to get out of difficult situiations :LOL: Horoscopes are awesome, I don't believe them that much, only if what they say seems relevant :LOL: We're doing a play called the Beauty Manifesto :awesome: it was written specially for the competition and it's amazing :awesome: How was your day??? :) Anything happenw ith Liam??? :eyebrows:

  22. I really like the first one but the second one i think I'm in love with!!!! :D It's beautiful :happy: You have very good taste in music :yesey: What's the film about??? :) I'm loving the hat in your profile picture :D

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzpcK_yAs_4 I love this piece of music, it's from the Kick Ass soundtrack :happy:

  23. I'd love it because I've already taken down half the boys in my year already :LOL: Yeah, i hope he doe's because my love horoscope for wednesday is awesome!!!! :D Also I have my next lesson with him on Wednesday :happy: I'm rehearsing all week for a play that I'm doing for some competition :D If we win we get to perform it at London :awesome: We actually start performing it on Thursday and carry on until Saturday :$ I'm scared :$

  24. We just do stuff like basketball, football, dance, stuff like that :erm: I prefer rugby but we aren't allowed to do full contact :( Awww!!! :D Connor was ill today :( Jack (his best mate) said that he was feeling really ill all weekend so yeah :( I feel so sorry for him!!!! :(

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