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Status Updates posted by .BleedTheSame.

  1. Lol. MUSEum.


    Ok gotta go eat dinner. Brb.

  2. OMG :eek:


    Dommeh's my favorite too :awesome:

  3. :eek:


    OMG. Tell me about it, kay?

  4. :facepalm: It was like, "She was old but I did it anyway"


    I was like, "Umm. Okay then."


    But anyway, I think its a really good book. Its interesting. And Musey :awesome:

  5. CE? Really? I haven't picked that up either...:/


    LOL :facepalm: It was talking about sex on page 69 :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:


    I'm such an idiot :facepalm:

  6. LOL Yeah, I'm like, "Holy crap, Matt I don't even need to read this book cos I listened to The Resistance so many times"



    Yeah like all of my friends on here are from Aussie and theyre like, "OMG THIS IS TERRIBLE WHEN CAN WE SEE THEM?!?!?111" SO YEAH THATS AWESOME!!


    Lol I'm reading 1984 :facepalm:. Yeah I'm like, "OMG Thought Police LOL" "OMG the Ministry! lol" "OMG I bet Maffoo enjoyed reading this one LOL" And it was like, "Chocolates in Oceania" and I was like, "WE'RE NOT CHOCOLATES IN THE OCEAAANNN!!!" :facepalm: Its so :facepalm:

  8. good-ish? Only 4 months and, like, 28 days left till my concert! :awesome:


    I can't believe I started this conversation cos now I have to get off...:facepalm: Sorry xD Ya know, school, and stuff...

  9. Hello :awesome: We haven't really talked for a few days D:

  10. Orly?


    Now its gone D: I put a pic of me on Vlad's CT a while ago. Too bad you weren't there...


    My concert was at a pretty small venue, like, really small. But it was fun as crap, and we had barrier so that made it, like, 100x more fun. Me and my 2 friends who went with me kept turning around to look at all the people behind us, and we'd go, "OMG! We are SO lucky!" We did it like, 20 times before the concert when we were waiting. Ooooh, you are gonna have so much fun in GA, while I'm stuck with seats.

  11. Lol its okay.


    Poor Doris, she kept spazzing out on me too. D:

  12. D: he's not an idiot or anything, but people keep asking if he likes me and he yelled at one girl and made an iffy statement to the other and I bet he thinks I keep asking them to and him and now he thinks I'm desperate when I'm really not and its just so weird and confusing.


    D: boys...


    So anyway, I've always wondered, is that you in your prof picture, or just some random, nice looking gif you found? xD

  13. yay for sexay matteh :awesome:

  14. i actually like that one you posted better.


    since im a girl and all...and i dont rly care about sxy ladies. and id rather see awesome matteh eye movements. :awesome:

  15. Oh Jaimee, boys are such trouble. They give you feeling then you're like, "Does he like me too?" Then 2 girls ask him and he gets p/o'd and now you're scared he's never gonna talk to you again...


    Stay away from boys. Unless its Maffoo. Then you can go near him.

  16. :awesome: Thats so cool!


    awww...I have to go to school after having such an awesome weekend D:

  17. You strike me as a person like that...:shifty:


    Yeah it'll be fun, I promise. Yesterday we were talking about this subject yet again, and my mom won't let me get GA D: But she said we could wait around after the show near the buses and stuff :awesome:

  18. Um, we kinda got crushed xD At first, we weren't at barrier, then we moved up at the time when was probably the least likely time we could have moved up.


    First, we were second row-ish, when the first band everyone hated was playing. Then, when the second, most awesome, Circa Survive played, everyone pushed up and moved up and we got pretty squished, then after them, the girls in front of us left and we had barrier for the biggest band of the night :awesome:. That was when we were the most squished. Some girl next to me put her foot RIZGHT IN MY SPACE and I had to stand on one foot. I pushed her a little, then I was finnaly like, "Could you, like, MOVE your foot?", but she didn't even look at me. -__- Eventually she moved her foot though =D. Then, some girl right behind me fainted on my other friend who was there, but was behind us cos there wasn't enough room at the barrier. So after she fainted right on my friend, that girl and her mom left, and my friend moved right up to barrier with us. This all happened JUST as the band started playing my favorite song.


    Moral of the story- You will be squished and pushed, fight for your place, though.

  19. i have sexy ladies on my ipod o:


    ok i gotta go now. :D nice talking to you again.

  20. :awesome: At one time he pointed at our direction and said "I like you the best!"


    What band was it?

  21. I don't get the difference, though. I guess cos I don't know which is cut and which isn't since I've only seen one. I bought mine from iTunes, and all I know is that I bought it without realizing what was actually in the video...

  22. I know I was like, "Coheed was probably more rowdy, and I only got pushed around a little."


    Plus I liked that, it kept me on the edge. :awesome: I'd almost get knocked over, but there were people behind me, and plus, I could push back without people caring that much. I had a crapload of fun. :D:dance:

  23. Holy crap, I LOVE THE UNO VID!


    I think he's sexiest in that one, he's so skinny and his head/hair is just...OMG I LOVE IT :dance:

  24. Hi! Just saying hi again :D?

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