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Status Updates posted by .BleedTheSame.

  1. I just listened to it for the, like, 40th time! I love it, even though the beginning is a little cringeworthy xD

  2. Thank yew :D


    They are pretty much my 2 favorite Muse songs :awesome:

  3. Yeah hers is June 7th. And she's a Muser, but not like me. She's like, "Great now Matt's birthday will be more important than mine and you'll forget about me" Me: "NO I could nevah forget about you! Yeah, I will."

  4. Got my SMBH tee and I'm making my tour hoodie now :awesome:

  5. Omg I saw a girl with a resistance shirt at tennis courts and my mom out loud was like "OMG DO U SEE HER SHIRT??11/!?!" me: YESS I LURVE IT!! (i was wearing MY muse shirt in fact)


    Lol my Muse shirt...Its got SMBH lyrics on it but when I bought it I didn't know that. It says "You set my soul alight" and those were the only lyrics in the whole song I didn't understand.

  6. lol them: "OMG PRETTY COLORS! :D"


    Them: *walks away* It was fun while it lasted.

  7. Lol Jaimee, I could hardley understand him either. When he was talking about the stage all I could really understand was "aliens" "The Ministry from 1984" and "big eyeball" I was MATTEH I CANT UNDERSTAND SLOW DOWN I NEED TO KNOW THIS INFORMATION.


    Today I found out my friends birthday was 2 days before Matt's *shock*

  8. Poor Matteh. D: And all these people are bashing on it. D:


    Its ok that I'm not in GA though, cos I'm not squished, I'm right next to the stage and I'm in the first section. So I can see really well and hear really well and not be squished! :awesome:

  9. lol same. I talk about them alot though, and people are like, "Oh, its just Hannah, we're used to it by now." I'm pretty sure the block me out though D;

  10. Yeah seats. I tried convincing my mom to sell the tix and get GA, but she was liek, "UR TOO YOUNG TO MOSH AT MY00Z CONCERT" My mom was a little punk rocker when she was my age, she's had enough moshing. D:


    Here you are. For NSC go to the 00:30:00 and after that is the interview

  11. I know. Some people like it but most don't and its really being bashed right now. I listened to the interveiw and...poor Matt.


    Its my first GA concert! WOOHOO.

  12. Omg since I wrote that message it grew on me more. I'be listened to it al least 10 times, and I seriously dig it.


    Crap, I'm excited for my concert.


    OMG CONCERTS. That reminds me. Have you ever heard of Coheed and Cambria or Circa Survive? Well, I'm seeing them in concert on Friday :awesome:

  13. Well, in my Tech Ed class, we're making sweat shirts and I'm putting my Muse concert date and little bits of Muse stuff on it, so everyone knows I love Muse. I always talk about them and people are like *eyeroll* So I'm like, "OMG Guys Muse are coming out with a new song today!!!111!!!11!!!!!1! Its for Twilight?"(the girls I sit with are Twilight fans) But they were just like, "Um. Nice?"


    They'll be obsessed with the song once they see Eclipse, I swear.

  14. Omg, all day today I was like, "HAY GUIZ THERES A NEW MY00Z SONG OUT TODAYZZ!!!! *hoping for some reaction* AND ITS ON TWATLIGHT? LOL" There was really no reaction except for a "cool" from some people, and a "OMG FOR SRS?? OMGYESSLOL" from my Muser friend :D


    Ahhh I have off tomorrow so I can listen to it all day :awesome:

  15. I sing it. Alot lol


    I was singing it before, just the 30 sec clip. Now I'm like, "SNOWFLAKES IN TEH OSHUN!!! LUFF IS FOWEVAH!!" YEAHHH

  16. lol the site just crashed for me again.


    The beginning is like..."Ew." But after the first verse its :awesome: I love it! At first I didn't like it that much but now that I've listened to it its growing on me. :dance:

  17. OMG. The beginning was like, "Ew." But then near the end, its like :awesome: If I can get through the first verse, I can really rock out and be happy :D:dance:


    I think its a really kewll song!! :D

  18. O:


    Holy crap. The song is... Holy crap. Its good-ish? The beginning was hard to bear through. I kind of wanted to barf when he said "Neutron Star Collision" but later in the song I kind of like it. The end is really nice. Overall I give it like, a 7 out of 10. Its not what I wanted it to be, but its still good. Near the end.


    *cough* It will fit perfectly with Twilight. I hope Smeyers happy.

  19. Oooh, what's the quest?

  20. Alright, Jaimme I gotta go beddy-bye. G'nighty, I'll most likely see you at 3am :awesome:

  21. I srs did not hear it like Resistance at all o_o maybe. But but I like Resistance D: Its not my favorite or anything, but I don't not like it.


    Idk, I have hopes for this song. We will see. Soon.

  22. Aw get bettah. My throat hurt all weekend. D:


    5-ish your time=3am here? Yeah. I think so. *waits* I'll set my alarm on my phone B-)

  23. I don't really know. They didn't say anything about time D:< I assumed it was GMT since this is .mu's time...


    I have a question Jaimee, why aren't you in school? xDD lol just wondering...*notstalkeripwomise*

  24. I was so happy that his friend knew Muse :D *is so pwoud*

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