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Status Updates posted by .BleedTheSame.

  1. Go now!!! You must see it now!

  2. So, the lyrics are kinda cheesey but I think its FLIPPIN AWESOME!! I'm excited :awesome:


    If you don't know what I'm talking about, the 30 second preview/vid clip is out. Go look on Youtube if you haven't seen it.

  3. ZOMG! The other preview of the vid/ 30 second preview of the song is out and its FLIPPIN EPIC :awesome:!!! OMG I can't WAIT for Monday!

  4. I love French Matt too. I don't see what all the fuss is about. Everyone is like, "He sucks in French!! D:<"


    ARGH like 4 days or something along those lines left!

  5. Cannot. Stop. Listening.


    lawl I love ToADA. Despite the lyrics, its a fun song :awesome:

  6. Arghh! The wait is too long! ololol I bet its going to be Chris singing the whole thing with Matt singing backup in French. This would be epic win. :awesome:

  7. She gawt it :awesome: :awesome: I freaking LOVE it! Can't stop listening! :D

  8. Ha. I call them boys too even when I'm like, half their age or something :facepalm: I have seats, but I'm in the first section on the side of the stage, and after seeing the picture of the place, I got all excited because I'm close and I can see them without being all squished :awesome: I still wanted GA though...


    I got Absolution today :D

  9. Idk maybe! I'm young though. And I'm in seats so I'll get there right before teh concert xD


    Do you hav GA or seats? :awesome:

  10. Lol yes! Gosh, I'm excited! I hope its good! Like, srsly, I want it to be good. I don't have high hopes though... D:<<

  11. LAWL Jaimee I was talking to my mom and she was liek, "I'll go to *record store name* and get it. But why am I getting this again?" "Mom, *cough*YOU*cough* want it, to prepare for the concert!" "But I don't want it." "Just get it mom"


    Yea I think I'll claim some keepies :awesome:

  12. o: Happy(belated) Birthday! We live near eachother and are going to the same gig so I was just saying hi :awesome:

  13. lol She was just like, "A new song. Out on Monday. We want leaks." <- that was pretty much it lol.


    When she out it was coming out on Monday, I kind of died inside cos I thought "OMG ITS SO CLOSE."

  14. Omg Muse are on the radio right now8DDDD


    D:< It was Resistance, but it was all cut off, like the epic piano part after the first chorus. The lady who informs me of everything musical was like, "They're coming out with a new song on monday(me: IKNEWTHATIKNEWTHAT) If anyone hears of a leak, tell me." Me:Tell me too!!

  15. Your avvie is :awesome:. Makes me lol everytime I see it.

  16. lol I just watched/read about that Ipswich "HEY YOU CRAZY KIDS" yelling screaming, messed up, big sunday show. i nearly cracked up, it was hilarious xDD :awesome:

  17. I yelled in her face. :facepalm: I did so much :facepalm: after that. I was so mad.

  18. Yeah middle school. It sucks. it really does. All these people who are like...URGH. I can't explain, and hopefully I don't need to. But yeah, this girl who annoys me and likes justin beaver heard me singing Uprising and was like, "Oh I know that song. I hate screamo music though." :fear:

  19. Poo. No one in my school likes them either, or even knows them for that matter. They only know the song Uprising, which they sing wrong. I'm a flippin middle-schooler, mind you, and all those Twilighters(which theres a surplus of) are going to be all like, "OMG Nebula(this is wrong for a reason) Star Collision! Love is FO-EVAH! Like, I LUFF that song!!" once they see Eclipse.

  20. Oh boy, my friends... Out of like, 11 of them, 2 are jealus and always say thing like, "You've GOT to record TiRO for me!" But, people will hear about it pretty much until the concert, whether they like it or not.

  21. Also- I can claim mah keeps today:awesome: I don't know if I really want to though...


    Should I keep stuff? :/

  22. I told my mom to buy it for "herself" in preperation for the concert, but she didn't. I don't think she will but I'll keep pestering her for it :awesome:

  23. Uni=University? xD Do you guys have year-round school down there? lol I get off all summer with short breaks during Christmas and stuff. The concert is a little after school starts, so yea I'm not off anytime soon around that time lol

  24. lol em, i dig ur profile picture xDDDD

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