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Status Updates posted by .BleedTheSame.

  1. It sucks that its the 17th there and the song isn't out yet. I mean, they should be nice to the poor Aussie Musers. Plus, if they released it now, I could hear it too and Ite wouldn't be the 17th here :awesome:

  2. I have 2. I'm pretty lucky :awesome: My and my one friend always sing Hysteria, all the time. And we always make up these stupid Muse jokes that we tell to my other Muse friend. Its fun, and it all balances out, like you said. :D

  3. It was so awesome, I freaked out.


    I like the music but the lyrics are terribly cheesy. But I like the music and I'm excited for...tommorrow O: Omg Its coming out tomorrow!

  4. I know exactly what you're talking about. It happens with my little brother, except something good came out of it. He said he was singing Resistance at school and his one friend said, "Muse? I like them!" :awesome:

  5. That lifesize cutout story reminded me of a funny story. Me and my friends were at the mall, stuffing around, when we go into fye. theres this lifesize cutout of Taylor lautner and my one friend says, "Someone knock him over so I can say 'May he rest in pieces'." That kid is so stupidly hilarious sometimes.

  6. I have so many Twatlight friends its not even funny. Its okay with them, but then I have these small Twatlight cousins. Whom I hate. They annoy the heck outta me and have a terrible taste in music. They like Disney people and Justin Beaver and stuff. Oh, and Paramore, which totally ruined Paramore for me and now I can't stand them even though I liked them before. Well, all I know is that they'll know NSC and they'll sing it and stuff and I will get really mad, but I can rest assured that I knew this song before it came out.

  7. Jaimee!! The most FLIPPIN OSSUM thing just happened. I went to my friends Bat Mitvah(A Jewish thing), and we were dancing and stuff and me and my friend asked the guy to play Muse about 7 times and we got other people to ask too and then we got the girl whose(who's?) birthday it was to ask for Muse. I though they would at least play Uprising or SMBH. So, while we were eating dessert I hear snapping and bass and I scream and it turns out that they were playing TiRO. TIRO!!! I died inside, It was so awesome!!! I went out and danced with my friend and we had a grand old time :awesome:

  8. Yeah well, the whole music-in-the-car thing happened last night again. We went swimming(its a little early for swimming, but, who cares?) and on the way up I popped in Absolution and my brother was like, "I don't want to listen to this!" So my mom turned it off, and when I try to make an argument against it, she shushes me. Well, we got there, and since we were swimming, I got US stuck in my head(We're not droplets in the oceann, oooooceann!) and I started singing it and my brothers were humming/singing along. Then, going home I tried to play Absolution again, and my brother said, "I hate them! Why do we have to listen to them? I don't want to listen to this crap." And we stopped listening to the CD again. D:< Stupid brothers. They don't make sense and they contradict themselves.

  9. lol YES! The only downside is that there'll be people singing it all over and stuff, but I'll be like, "I knew that band and song first, so suck it."


    I'm still excited anyway, I don't even care if the lyrics are cheese :awesome:

  10. Hey :awesome: What do you think of NSC preview? I'm excited, honestly.

  11. I have an older and a younger brother. The older one beats me up and the little one annoys the crap outta me and they both say they hate Muse just because I like it.


    And whenever I want to play a Muse CD while the whole family is in the car, my older brother is like, "I don't want to listen to this crap!" and my parents always listen to him and we never listen to Muse in the car. The other day I got so pissed off and I yelled at my dad and my brother and they were like, "o: umm..." But I still never get to listen to Muse in the car unless I'm just with my mom and it sucks.

  12. You have a twin :awesome: Sister? I have 2 brothers D: not fun.


    OHWAIT. I just remembered that I saw a girl in my school with a Muse shirt, but I just passed her in the hallways and I didn't notice that it said Muse until I had passed her. I was like, "Darn! I didn't get to say anything to her!!1!!!11!1!"

  13. I've never seen anyone with a Muse shirt before :awesome: Today was a first for me. But I did see someone on here a couple of times who lived in my exact town. I don't live in Philly, but I live right outside. So I have suspicions. Gosh I am so happy right now :D

  14. oRly? Then I will try :awesome: I just had an epic expirience. My and my brothers and mom went out to play tennis, I don't play, so i was just sitting there, listening to my iPod and watching them play. Two girls come over and start playing, and when I look up at them, the one girl is wearing a Muse Resistance tour shirt and I just keep looking at her like :awesome:. My mom is like, "Do you see her shirt?!" to me(Oh, I'm wearing MY Muse shirt right now), and I'm like, "Yeah :awesome:" and the girl smiled at me! Gosh, that made my day!

  15. I can't wait for monday! ack its hard just sitting here waiting. I watched it like 20 times too. and I'll probably watch it 20 more times today xD

  16. Omg! I'm so jealus! If I hadn't stopped playing the piano like, 4 years ago, I would most likely be able to play most of their stuff now D:

  17. I know, I was like, take a feild trip/have a small concert here today! Its crazy sock day!! :awesome: I said this to the Maffoo in my mind. My seriously logic-twisted mind.

  18. :awesome: Today at my school everybody is wearing crazy socks, and I'm wearing these purple ones with polka dots. I'm wearing my Muse shirt too, because in my mind's twisted logic, Matt can somehow see all the people and their awesome socks through my shirt xD
  19. I like the preview though, I'm excited for the whole song.


    *taps mic* Woah!! *silence* Thank you everybody!

  20. Ohmai, I cracked up so hard at those its not even funny. except it was funny. xD? lol

  21. School. its almost 6 pm here, so I'm done school for the day :awesome: But then again you're in the future and you finished the day I'M living in yesterday.


    Bye lol

  22. :awesome: That was like, my favorite part of the whole vid. And Dom randomly "firing" that gun, then Matt just took it out of his hands. Oh, I love those "The Making of" vids. :D
  23. Well, the whole time thing confuses me, are they going to release it GMT? Or what? #needsmoarinfo

  24. Just randomly clicking when I stumble across your profile and I'm made happy cos of your profile picture :awesome:

  25. I know!!! *headdesk* Can. Not. Wait. Whole. Weekend. For. Song.

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