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Status Updates posted by .BleedTheSame.

  1. D:<< I told my mom I wanted to do that. It would be really easy! But its on a Sunday night and I can't really afford to get home past 1 am. If we stayed and waited for them, it would be like, 4 in the morning by the time we got home and my dad would kill me. Plus, I'd be really tired in school. I will be anyway.

  2. O:! Whaaaa????? You are meeting them? Zomgwhenwherehow? Omg!

  3. Omg I just fell in LOVE with flippin Absolution! I never really gave it a thorough listen, so I'm just hypnotized :awesome:

  4. yep. D:< I just gave in and started watching live shows/haarp. I try to keep away from them or else I implode from the idea that I'm going to see them but its so far away.


    But I gave it cos they are so epic live and I can't resist.

  5. lol yea exactly xD



  6. I say it how Matt does, cos when I pressed the thingy on Dictionary.com, it was all wierd and I couldn't say it, so I just say it how Matteh does. Its easier. :awesome:

  7. I just listened to FAWY for the first time(dun ask why, I just never listened to it before), and it is like, so sweet I love it >:

  8. Yea I'm going to one in October. D: its so far away but its the only one where they come near me. I missed them in March so I need to go to this one D:<<

  9. I know, he's like, what? 16? Gosh, I'm pwoud that I never was a fan of him, and I never will be.


    Qwestion: If love is our resistance, and I can't resist chocolate, then I can't love chocolate? D:

  10. Noo!! Don't change it! lol I love TiRO. I can't wait to see it in concert. <3


    Thanks for teh friend request =D

  11. I heard! He's going through puberty or something, and so he's losing all his fans and stuff :awesome: yaay

  12. D:< I really hope it doesn't suck but it probably will. I just want the older Muse back D; like, so badly i want them back.

  13. I agree, I submitted it to my morning announcements at school and when they finally played it, people were like, "Ohhh, THIS is Muse..." and were singing it all day...D:


    this is how i hear matt say floccinaucinihilipilification: floc-y-moc-y-ni-fil-ip-i-ca-shun. :awesome:

  14. I don't understand Muscle Museum. "I have played in every toilet"? lolwut? As Vlad would say, what is this i dont even

  15. ur sig and avvie make me go :awesome:

  16. Its better than Justin Beaver D:

  17. Whenever I hear In Your World I think of Justin Beaver D:<< waah!! halp me kayla!!

  18. KoC would be good, but Its a little long, and theres a lack of Cave knowelege. I'd do something more known, you know?


  20. New Born popped into my head as soon as you asked that. Maybe cos it was stuck in my head to begin with, but I think that would be a REALLY epic song:D

  21. I know she never would since she wants to see them so badly too xD But whenever I say something like, "whatever mom" she's like, "Thats it! No Muse concert for you!"


    :facepalm: it would be the end of the world if she was kidding D:

  22. Coolies. lol. ahh I'm going to one of their concerts in Oct, but my mom is like, "I can take the tickets away at any time if you're bad or something." D:<


    She also like, "I'll take your little brother instead." (jokingly, but still...hes 10 lol)

  23. yea well, ive had this shirt for 2 months and no ones said anything, and im not sure she was saying it to me but im just so mad at myself cos i didnt point to myself and say, "me?" or something like at, at least D:<<<

  24. D:< i SWEAR i heard this one girl say "hey, I like your shirt." but im not sure D:<< im so mad at myself for not pursuing the matter.

  25. :awesome: at least I know your time cos my other friend on here lives there too. 14 hours ahead lol xD
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