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The Final Track

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Everything posted by The Final Track

  1. Never heard back from you. How are you doing? :)

  2. Oh, I forgot to reply to you! Sorry! :(


    Yeah, I was born and raised, so I'm sort of Norwegian, I guess.

    Not yet :\ I'm gonna try to finish and record something soon, though.

    What, why?

    Yes, I agree. Though my personal favorite is prbably the harp.

  3. I'm Swedish/American, actually :)


    Yes, I play piano, a litt pump organ and guitar, and I sing. But mostly piano and synths. What about you?

    I was busy :$ not...

  4. :LOL: Like Torbjørn? Yeah, awful stuff, that :(

    I'm actually not Norwegian, so my surname isn't any more so, haha.


    Yes, some art, but nothing big. I study music, so it mostly revolves around that, and small drawings.

    Imagined it was something like that. No worries :)

  5. No, it's not, but it's pretty popular up here :LOL: What were you expecting?


    That's a pretty name :awesome: I love the arts in general as well.

    I don't really have one :p:

  6. :happy:


    Allright. Hi, I'm William, I'm 16 and I love music.

  7. Yeah, it's really lovely. :p Haha yeah, it's a bit of a hell driving around all of them, but it's very beautiful.

    Ah, that's sweet. I'd love to go to Australia some day-

  8. I live in Norway. I guess you're aussie? whereabout?

  9. haha....well, you seem like you have good taste :p I'm Will

  10. :shame: I expect great! I will get them!

  11. Yeah, that's pretty awful....


    Well, see you around :)

  12. Yes and God forbid, haha! :LOL:

  13. Doesn't suit him :\ Black suits him best.

  14. Oh ^^ So you now have to redirect everyone here? :p Ah, well. I like your avi, btw, except the hair color.

  15. Oh :| Why'd you make a second one then?

  16. Hey :awesome: Why you gonna get it deleted?

  17. It'll probably pick up.

  18. I'll check the thread :awesome:


    Boards back! :dance:

  19. More censors? idk


    It is :awesome: in 34 minutes

  20. Hope everything goes as usual for the awards, though...

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