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Everything posted by jackparker

  1. Happy Birthday!

  2. :)


    Are you? (: :chuckle:


    Ah thats ages away! :( Not fair is it?


    :eek: Seriously? :LOL:


    :LOL: Sheep in a field :LOL:

    Your welcome Jade! :kiss:


    Haha that was a good description! I know what you mean now :chuckle:


    How was your Friday? Weekend!!


    Love you too!

    xxx <3

  3. Did they? Are they touring soon? :')




    Ah Genetics! That's horrible, I just finished that one! :vomit:


    Nooo not like that! I finish school July 1 for the summer holidays! I still have Year 11, 12 and 13 to go! :p Dont worry, I have 3 years! :chuckle:


    Ah that's a shame, the weather was terrible here today! It was literally all flooded! :eek:


    Those Download pictures are :awesome:! I like your racoon hat! :LOL: Awesome

    Hollie does look a bit stoned though :LOL: You're pwetty :D

    Well it looks like you had fun! I couldn't see in that picture what kind of ride it was, what is it exactly??


    How was your day today??


    Love you!

    xxxx <3

  4. :happy:


    Really? :noey: doesn't sound good ): Maybe just an off day :(




    Gooood :)


    Oh good luck on Friday! What topic is it that you're on now? :) I'm on Evolution :/


    I went to school which was boring, apart from that I have some homework and i'll watch some tv! Not long now, I finish 1 July! :awesome:


    What did you do today? Any pictures from download yet?? :)


    Love you too!

    xxx <3

  5. :)


    (: Yep :happy:


    Cool! Were Pendulum good again? I saw you watched Modestep, are they good? You must like dub step then? :D

    Ok! :awesome:




    :supersad: You make your mind up wifey :) Just do what you think is right :)


    Do you take Science or Biology, Chemistry and Physics seperate? I take Biology (:


    Love you too!


  6. :D It was awesome (:


    :chuckle: Yeah haha. I wonder if they liked it? :p


    Nah she probably doesn't "like like" me, probably as a friend :)

    Yep she is :awesome:



    It does sound like you had a lot of fun from what you did see :) I saw your "bands you have seen live" post, did you see all those bands before Download or were most of them Download? (apart from Muse, their supports, Pendulum and Paramore) Oh and did you not watch Def Lepperd? They're awesome!

    Was The pretty reckless on the main stage or was it something else?

    Hey did you take good pictures?? :D




    I had school, then I had to go to the dentist and now i'm here :)


    :stunned: Really? What do you think you should do? If he did ask you out, how would you react?

    I think you would be better off as friends y'know ;) Keep it as that and you'll probably both be fine :)


    What did you do today? :)


    Love you!

    xxx <3

  7. Jaaddeeee :happy::D


    It was great fun! I went to places like Brussels and Ypres and had loads of free time! Our hostel was awesome too! In my room I had a friend whom I converted to museism not too long ago :happy:

    We had free time for 2 hours in brussels and we went, well, everywhere! I even got my museism friend to buy OoS in a record shop (: (I settled on Viva la Vida by Coldplay (: )



    There was one night (when we had 3 hours of free time at the hostel, curfew was midnight!) where we, in our room, all stood on our balcony playing the beatles.

    I (with some other friends, not my room) also played ukelele and bongos on the balcony too :) I remember my friend had a ukelele, the other the bongos and i had the bass drum :LOL: Can't remember what we played though, but I think only 4 people watched, not including the sheep and chickens in the field opposite :L


    on the way back home I spoke a lot to Sarah and we had fun talking and laughing :D i also spent a long time with some other girl (Marta, she's from portugal) discussing music! She really likes Muse, MCR, SoaD and Radiohead :awesome:

    it was great!


    How was your trip to Download? Did you have a lot of fun? I thought you'd be there for all 3 days, right??? :D

    tell me allll about it ;)

    I missed you a lot too! Glad that you're back now!


    Love you!

    xxxx <3

  8. :D


    :chuckle: Really? If he's good at buildingwork & fixing things you could ask him to apply to be a Muse roadie/stagehand! That would be :awesome:


    :LOL: It is awesome! (:





    :eek: I won't! I won't talk to you for 3 days (or more = download festival!):( I hope that there is too! Welcome :)


    Cool ;) I need to go to a festival next year! Either in Holland or England would be fine! I'll probably go for Pinkpop or any UK fest Muse (or anyone else) is playing!

    Your very welcome! I hope you enjoy it! :D


    Well done Jade! A* is sooo good! :awesome:


    How was your Tuesday? Alright?


    Love you too!

    xxx <3

  9. Yeah a lot of websites do that! :LOL:

    :happy: Welcome

    I'm gonna watch eastenders now, byee x

  10. :LOL: Keep it up!

    Really? I thought that NME varied a lot more than Kerrang :$:LOL:

    Welcome ;)

    Btw, your tumblr is just....:LOL: :LOL: :LOL: some stuff is just really funny! x

  11. :wtf: whats up with Frakkles? Just ignore him..

    Made any more random muse spoofs recently? :p

  12. :LOL: Doesn't sound good...:/ You very busy?

    Yeah same, I do that a lot when I have no websites to go to!

    Haha yeah, I just saw you followed me, following you back :D




  13. :happy:



    Cool! Does he enjoy it?


    Played swingball with some random kid! :LOL: I love swingball!


    Niiccee :)

    I quite like Fire and Vlad the Impaler by Kasabian :D Yeah I get you (;


    :D Awesome!


    :awesome: There better be bloody wifi! I'm not going 3 days without the boards, NME, daily mail and iTunes! I'll talk to you if there's wifi, pwomise :supersad:


    Nice shot! I need to go to a festival! I might save up for a decent one next year :D Are you camping? oh and by the way, http://www.nme.com/news/system-of-a-down/57116 it's the schedule (times too). It's looking good!


    My day was good thanks (: Boring as usual :( Yours?


    Love you!

    xxx <3

  14. cool, whats your tumblr? mine is musefanjack :) Haha I think we all like to sketch :p on tables, books, everywhere :LOL:

    Errr, a deaf person? :chuckle:

    I spend a lot of time here, NME, somehow the Daily Mail and Gmail :D

    Are you still doing that celtic thing?


  15. :LOL:

    -_- seriously? Haha yeah that's true...

    :D Always! What else do you do apart from lurk teh boards?


  16. Cool :happy:

    Haha ok. :D

    I'm listening to some Arcade Fire and just doing random stuff on the internet :LOL:

    You still doing your celtic drawing? :D

  17. :facepalm: At my gig they played Guiding Light and Feeling Good...but they also played MK Ultra, Bliss and Citizen Erased! :awesome: It was a stadium show after all :D

    Bliss is a cool song :happy:

    Hmmmm, it sounds interesting :p:)

    Welcome. :)

  18. :LOL: Oh yes he likes to torture us! Did they play it at your gig? (:

    Yeah it is! I love it, the guitar is just :awesome:

    Bliss? Hmmm...:chuckle:

    What's a Triskelion? :LOL: Good luck on the coursework :D

  19. It's alright :/ Well that's probably because I'm a Chelsea fan and they play there :awesome:

    Yeah I don't see why everyone loves Feeling Good so much! I mean, it's alright but not their best :/

    Starlight? Cool :) OoS is amazing!

    Mine is probably Uprising or Citizen Erased but I think they're all great to be honest!

    What are you doing now?


  20. :happy: I love London! I come from South London :awesome:

    Nice :) bahaha Scheibe! Yep, very useful! :LOL:

    :LOL: That's not good :( Yeah my mates are forced to do the same. They tend to know Uprising, Unnatural Selection, MK Ultra, Knights of Cydonia and Resistance thanks to me :)

    What are your fave muse songs?

  21. :awesome:

    where in the UK do you live???

    :LOL: same here, none of my friends like muse!

    Cool! I'm learning German! :D

  22. Cool! Have you seen Muse live then?

    I'm going to Spain for 3 weeks then Ireland :D

  23. Yep :happy:

    It will :) Where are you going for the holiday?

    :stunned: Me neither!

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