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Everything posted by jackparker

  1. Is not :phu:

    Oh yes! :yesey:

    :D yes, it was very nice!




    Awesome :awesome:

    ugh i spent the whole day in the car driving back home! :noey: not good...


  2. :)


    :D I hope so too!


    :D All 3 are brilliant inventions!


    Yeah! It'll now be hard punishing them all though :/


    Cool! What was the name of the song you played?? :D


    :LOL: Really?

    No, we're not! :chuckle:


    Goooood! Ok! I might go see that! ...another movie I want to see! There's so many!

    What's Avengers again? It sounds familiar...:$


    Not many good ones actually :( We're going to look around a bit more to see what else is around :) We're coming back again in October :D


    How was your sunday?


    Love you too!


  3. Is not :phu:

    Oh yes! :awesome:

    :dance: It's awesome! Just had dinner with some friends downtown! We haven't seen them in a while so it was nice :)



    Cool...I guess...:chuckle:

    How are you today? :)


  4. How are you? x

  5. :)


    :supersad: Hope he's fine :)


    :chuckle: That's a while now!


    Errr no. Holland is a big :noey: . Anyway, I'm moving to England so i'll find someone there :D


    I'm here till Sunday and I have room wifi! :dance:




    I think it's pretty much over now!




    Oh how did it go apart from that? Sounds like you had a lot of fun at this band camp thing! :D


    England is good, as usual!

    We went out for dinner and I walked past a pub and I saw a pound coin on the floor. I tried to pick it up but it wouldn't budge! I then walked on and came back and tried to shove it off with my feet, then my hands again. Still didn't work.

    Then I looked into the pub...10 people standing there laughing :LOL: They superglued it as a trick for passers by!

    So stupid of me :noey::facepalm:


    How was your day?


    Love you too!


  6. Is not :phu:

    Yellow is definitely a classic! :D

    :awesome: I got that email too :D I'm in England now :)

    :chuckle: I know!


    Cool! What did you do today? :D


  7. Is not :phu:

    :eek: I haven't gotten to like it much yet...

    I know :noey:

    Yeeeaaah :awesome: And then a concert after school on the first day back! :D

    :awesome: Oooook. Cool :)

    :D I'm leaving in an hour :)

    What are you gonna do today? (:


  8. Is not :phu:

    Hmm i'm not too sure about that song yet...:/


    haha :LOL: why are america and england so different yet so similair? :confused:

    Nope! I go back on 24th but I miss that and the 25th cus' i'm in Ireland! I go back 29 August then :) You?

    Cool Name :)

    I'm going now because I'm packing for England! Speak later tomorrow! :D


  9. Is not :phu:

    :awesome:. I'm not such a fan of Parachutes yet either, still need to listen a bit more! I do like Shiver though :)

    Haha we pretty much like the same Coldplay songs! :p

    Yeah it would be sooo much easier! :)

    Yeah :(

    I know! I get to miss 2 days of school too! :awesome: What's his name and where in Ireland is he?? If I see him or if i'm nearby, I'll say hi :p



  10. Is not :phu:

    Hmmm, that's an interesting choice. My favourite album would probably be Viva la Vida... although Parachutes would be close behind that! My favourite is either ETIAW (i know :facepalm:), Major Minus, Charlie Brown or Fix You. 42 and Death and all his Friends are very good too! :)

    Hmm we have that too in some form but we tend to use the analog more...

    :( That is quite sad.

    :LOL: Cool

    Ah I just chilled and I'm going to England for 3 days tomorrow :) And then Ireland on the 22nd :)



  11. Is not :phu:

    :awesome: What is your favourite song?

    ...how does it work then?? :wtf:

    Yeah they're pretty much almost over now. It is terrible :noey:

    How was your day?? Oh wait, what are you gonna do today? :chuckle:



  12. :chuckle:



    Ah good (:


    :supersad: That's not good. What job does your dad have then?


    Really? :awesome: You should have your picture with him and tell everyone you met Dave Grohl! :p


    Oh ok. I'll try and find it somewhere and see if it's any good :) Ah 1997's not that old. You were born in 1997, right? That means you're old-ish :chuckle::p


    Aww thanks Jade :) It'll take some time :( Probably in England seeing as Holland is no good...


    I'm not sure what we're looking for really :confused: I leave tomorrow morning so I might not have wifi unless the B&B has connection!


    :noey: It is all pathetic! I'm really annoyed at why they would do all of that!

    <3 :kiss: your welcome

    yeah, it should die down soon. It was very quiet yesterday apparently, which is good!


    Today I'm going to Rotterdam :)


    What are you doing today?


    Love you museboard wifey :kiss:


  13. Is not :phu:

    Woo! I love Coldplay! :awesome:

    nope it's 20:45 here!

    Do you? It's quite bad here now with riots!

    Your welcome :D


  14. Is not :phu:

    Yeah it was ( :) ) Yeah it was :)

    No I didn't actually :LOL: It came out from the stage but it didn't reach me! I was sitting on the edge of a barrier right in the middle of the crowd and was above the rest of the people! The streamers got stuck in all the camera stands and lights cus' of the wind! :LOL:


    Cool :) Ah my day is almost over :chuckle: I just chilled, again!Going to England on Friday! :)

    Have fun swimming!


  15. Is not :phu:

    Yeah they do, although they did have the acrobats at rock am ring for exo last year! (Probably :D). Yeah I did, but that was from one of the English gigs in September. Goffertpark was in June :)

    I followed the gigs since May 2010 but didn't read about the streamers. Nice surprise anyway :)


    Haha, bad mistake :facepalm:


    So, what is your plan for today? :)


  16. Are you from Pakistan or North Korea?

    Just that your YouTube says North Korea and here it says Pakistan....:confused:

  17. Is not :phu:

    Aw I really wanted Exo! I think it was probably Vicente Calderon or Wembley :LOL: (how do I know that?? :wtf:) Yeah I did! Totally wasn't expecting those streamers :LOL:

    Ok cool :D

    Niice, did you have fun? :) I just chilled :)


  18. (: :chuckle: What a weird name!

    Haha that's very cool! :D


    Hmmm, remember #singitforjapan? That was a charity single! (:




    :supersad: Aww that's sad.




    :) Yes Dave and Matt are both amazing!


    :eek: no i haven't! It sounds quite interesting, is it set in the 2nd world war or is it set around about now? It sounds like a good movie, maybe I should watch it (:


    Cool :)

    Awww that's nice for you :) I still wish I had a girlfriend :( You seem to be so happy with Liam..


    Nope. My dad has his own business! We just think it's time to move! We're going to Kent and this weekend we're house hunting! :D


    It is all so sad! I wish it was all over already! I hope you're safe! <3 :kiss:


    Love you a lot!


  19. Is not :phu:

    You didn't get them? I got those and CE! But I got no Unintended or Exo :( I was hoping for the acrobat, but I got streamer instead :LOL:

    Sorry, I just miscalculated! It's 6 hours! I messed up with 1PM being 13:00 and then all that 7pm stuff :facepalm: Is it 11:00-ish now in NY?

    Im goood too thanks :) What are you doing today?


  20. Is not :phu:

    Same. I thought that with stuff like Bliss and MK Ultra and Unnatural Selection when I went.


    So I think there's like 4 hours or so difference.. :)

    How are you?


  21. Ok this is actually serious. The user PlugInShowbiz sold me a drum stick signed by Dom (pics and all) for 50 euros. I paid for it via PayPal about 5 months ago and it has never arrived. I believe i've been conned out of this I posted this in the old thread and no one took it serious but I took it a bit further. I contacted her via a different form of contact semi-anonymously asking her if I could buy a drum stick I saw advertised a few months ago on here. She said she decided not to sell it. So not only has she conned me out of 50 euros, she has also lied about the drum stick being posted and also never told me of her change of mind. Because I did it via PayPal I can report JESSICA SHADWICK (That's who I bought it from - shaddywick on Twitter) and get my money back plus PayPal will fine her. I am unsure, do you think I should report her? She also said on Twitter that it was never her. First she decided to not sell it she said, and then said it was never her. It doesn't add up. She contacted me when I wanted to first buy it via Gmail, and her Gmail profile picture is the same as her Twitter profile, so it certainly is her. Also, if I now reply to her, she has blocked me on Twitter. She clearly doesn't want to co-operate All I want is my money back I am very annoyed that I have had to come to this. I was promised a signed drumstick of Dom by a supposedly trusted and popular muser, and now I have this problem! What do you think I should do? I am not finished and won't be unless I either have the drum stick or my money back. I don't know if this is the right place to post but it is the most suitable sounding thread. Please PM me, I have taken contact with all members of Muse and Tom Kirk. I will email Kirk later with an explanation to see if anything can be done, as Jessica can not co-operate. She seems to be refusing to. Thanks! I hope one of you can help me! Jack
  22. Is not :phu:


    Same. When we got it live it so much better than on album


    Of course, you're hours behind! What time is it in New York? I bought the new Cage the Elephant album today :D


  23. Is not :phu:

    No, I can't just follow on with everyone else :D

    Really? It took me a while to get into it, especially Citizen.


    What are you up to today?


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