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Me Rug I Sty

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Everything posted by Me Rug I Sty

  1. Yeah, in a year or so I'll probably be listening to the killers or something if thy make a decent album-muse will still be my favourite, but it will go in waves as they release albums. I discovered them last year, but untill 5 or so

    Months ago I only had SMBH and time is running out (got 'em from my friend) then i downloads like 10 more and I didn't like it that much, 2 months later I started to so I downloaded bout 20 more and I fell in love within 1 week of that! Then it got more so when I came on here to ask Whig was the best DVD :D


    Now that you know my life story...:awesome:

  2. Bad-cos you spell jonnIE with a y :supersad:

    Good cos I just completed my muse back catalogue, and cos I got 3 single cd/DVDs for 10bucks(i've taken to collecting them :D)

    Ugly cos school starts again :supersad:



  3. :LOL:

    Well I have as much variation as you - jon, jono, jonnie or Jonathan. We should both be thankful :awesome: !

  4. Jonnys actually my name. (though I spell it jonnie)! I thought you were stalking me for a sec (paranoid much) :shifty:

    I have no idea who jonny greenwood is...

  5. I don't mind losing pennant, we need better wingers, but we really only have riera as a decent winger now.


    I'm jonnie-from new Zealand. If you don't know where it is-it's near Australia :D

  6. Okay, i'm gonna make the Muse ultimate cover album 1. Lil Wayne - Lollipop 2. Britney Spears - Oops i did it again 3. Anything by Radiohead 4. Miley Cyris (spelling?) - 7 things 5. James Blunt - Your Beautiful 6. Coldplay - Viva La Vida (without asking so they could plaugerise a plaugerised song 7. The Killers - Spaceman 8. The Chordettes - Lollipop (you know - lollipop, lollipop, oh lolly lolly...) 9. Kylie minogue - Can't Get You Outta My Head 10. Devo - Whip it 11. The Jackson Five - ABC 12. And then something from the 1200's (monk's or something ) :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
  7. Yeah well i can do that awesome:awesome: thing too! See? See? Now who's awesome :awesome:*no good dirty rotten punk* Thats what i thought :happy:

    I will keep supporting them, just not as strongly, bit annoyed about them selling alonso aye.

  8. I just found it :D. Thanks anyway

  9. [chant]cup-board love

    cup-board love[/chant] :LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:

  10. Teeheehee. :LOL: I should find a some priest to bless me.... :D Do they have yellowpage listings? :awesome:

  11. Oh well. Maybe there is a god - and maybe he'll take pity on us :D. Though i don't see how something that doesn't exist could take pity on us... (sorry if you religious- i'm a bit of cynic)

  12. SWEET! Lol it's kinda funny i wasted a few hours of my life on something i will probably never ever win. Also i just realised i put the answer on your page - you might want to delete it :D

  13. Sorry to ask you this but...

    ARGHH :'( This is so depressing, i've been looking since 7 and now it's 10:30 and STILL haven't found it :'(:supersad: PLEASE GIVE ME SOME HINTS (or the answer :eyebrows:) :$ I'm a new fan... :(

  14. Sorry to ask you this but...

    ARGHH :'( This is so depressing, i've been looking since 7 and now it's 10:30 and STILL haven't found it :'(:supersad: PLEASE GIVE ME SOME HINTS (or the answer :eyebrows:) :$ I'm a new fan... :(

  15. Hey generalfernandotorres - regarding your signature

    Undisclosed Desires

    I love it,even if you don't.

    You're not the only one who loves it :D. Also - good username - You like liverpool too?

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