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Me Rug I Sty

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Everything posted by Me Rug I Sty

  1. Why is that dang? You need a wing man for the time of the big meeting? :eyebrows:

  2. Apparantly. I live in new zealand. (small country near aussy). U live where?

  3. Oh-THE GAME. I thought that only existed in my school. Dang we both just lost.

  4. I won't I won't. Or will I? (just kidding)

  5. On google the only thing that came up was sum rapper.


    Shall I read more?

  6. The game?

    I read one page. No very Interesting-u said you didn't want her to think u looked fat or nerdy when j net in life. Yeah...


    What game?

  7. I'm shaking in my lil boots. Are you gonna beat me up and take my lunch money?


    And worse - Like what?

  8. Reasonably-I'm in the top class. I will go for it, but I don't think i'm good enough to get it :(

    Oh well. Your going for it aren't you?

  9. It wasn't too bad-I think it's just the priciple of actually having to be at school :chuckle:

  10. Oh okay. Well sorry bout that :$

    How was the 1st day of school?

  11. okay, well that could of been bad if I'd said something along the lines of "when did you come out!"

  12. :LOL:

    There was one guy who drove up from chch who was like 34, he must have no life if he drove all the way from chch to hang with a bunch of 50 year olds



    Before I say so something that could be offensive - you are gay (is there a better word?) aren't you? You said something bout being camp so I assumed...

  13. Sorry to take everyone off topic, but I am starting to collect muse singles, so if anyone wants to sell some chuck ‘em on trademe and give me the link! I’ll buy for the right price. I already have Supermassive Black Hole, Sing For Absolution w/DVD, Hysteria DVD only
  14. Maybe they hit a certain age and they go all weird. :confused:

    Dads 50th was last night-I had to serve drinks and food. There were all these adults drunk off their asses saying weird shit and looking at me funny. It was pretty annoying. :LOL:

  15. Holly crap that is the history of my band loving! I was the same with day and age.


    Dunno why she doesn't like me, she just stopped being nice to me a few years ago-she's not mean, just not nice. Dunno why. Oh well, she's annoying anyway :chuckle:

  16. I like me too ;).

    The killers were also the 1st CD I owned :awesome: I was 11 too! I got t as a Present from my mums friend for Christmas (that was when she still liked me:LOL: ). I got Sams town, then this christmas I got Day and Age. I was going to buy the other 2 CS's, but then I think I got past them and I had them on my iPod, so I didn't spend the money. I hope they make another good CD

    Cos I think I Getting over them-I don't want to :supersad:

    Oh well. Random question - is it knights of SIGHdonia or KYdonia? I was just listening to it.

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