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Me Rug I Sty

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Everything posted by Me Rug I Sty

  1. I know nothing about the setlists :LOL:

    In main Muse I check news and Songs once every couple of days and other muse topics a few times a day (mainly for the song competitions :chuckle: )


    It's odd, banter used to be so scary :LOL:


    I don't really like cave or sunburn :erm:

    They have better from the showbiz days. :yesey: play Showbiz. Or apocalypse please. Actually more from OoS and Abso. Best live songs from that era :yesey:


    They better be good *shakes fist*

    meh, I don't care too much tbh, I mean any muse show as a first (proper) gig is fantastic. :awesome:

  2. Imma hunt down every radio station they do interview for and make sure I can harrass them about it :yesey:

    The played b&h the other night :happy:


    Apparantly the main reason it hasn't been played is through lack of practice.

  3. Gig'll be better :phu:

    It will be towards end of tour, so they'll either be burnt out, or really good from practice :erm:


    Parents don't do early presents ::indiff:

  4. my paedofile :yesey:

    Damn. So long :supersad:


    I guess mum will be more likely to say yess if I'm nearly 16 :erm:

  5. On the new dates, there's no NZ gigs... Does that mean no NZ gigs next year...? :supersad:

  6. *English correction*

    I'll PAY more attention is what it should of said. :yesey:


    Going to sleep! Night

  7. I was quoting Sams town to see if you'd get it :LOL:

  8. :awesome: I guess.


    My brother was born on the 4th of July.

  9. :LOL:



    Around 6NZ$ an hour. Youth wage here is aroud $12 :facepalm:

  10. :stunned::phu:


    It's when you walk around deliverin junk mail to people who don't want it, for shit all pay, all because you are too young to get another job ;)

  11. :wtf:


    Remember-guys don't think other guys=cute :LOL:

  12. :awesome:

    I don't like brandons fashion sense though :LOL:

  13. Sams town is the one that does it most :yesey:


    I saw when you were young live video on tv. It was freaking awesome! I has to get live at RAB now :LOL:

  14. But Liverpool drew :supersad:



    It's odd, when I listen to the killers it makes me feel really young (the were the first band I liked) even though I'm only 14 now :LOL:

  15. Your face sucks :phu:


    What does dyyd mean?

  16. :awesome: you like TK, so it's only natural.


    Life if good :happy:



  17. We need a definitinon!

  18. Hey, mate.

    Don't worry about being ostracized(sp?) whilst new. ;) it happens to everyone, they just forget what it was like when they were new. People just get annoyed when you are new, and make lots of new threads about stuff you think is new, but is really old.


    Do searches, and whatnot. :)


    Good luck with life here ;)

  19. Large please. Thanks!

  20. No, he's the fool for not letting you :p


    Get 'em online if you are allowed. Tis cheaper ;)

  21. Fool!

    I never bought them on iTunes so yay! :awesome:


    I need to get DVD's now!

  22. Oh. I might do that. I don't have anything but CD's but I got a whole bunch of rarities so I have 17 muse CD's :awesome:

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