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Me Rug I Sty

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Everything posted by Me Rug I Sty

  1. If you must know, she saw Uprising in the Jonathan Ross show and said she quite liked it, so when she comes home for work HAARP will have been accidentally left on :shifty:

  2. Yes. :p

    It was originally going to be animated, but there is a size limit on gifs so it didn't work. :indiff:


    The reason I asked was cause you were saying you love feeling good; most people hate it an most people wouldn't say they loved it. :LOL:

    To be fair it is severely underrated.

  3. Haha. :LOL:

    Yeah another version of jingle bells wouldn't seem right. It hard to see muse taking the piss as well-I know TR wasn't all serious and was fun, but it ounded relatively serious, I think an proper Xmas song would be to blatantly silly for them to pull it off :LOL:

  4. Christmas isn't about religion anymore. It's about being sucked into comercialism. Anyway; who's says that it couldn't be a Christmas conspiracy song :p or a fuck comercialism song (my suggestion)

  5. ahh, thanks :)


    Where can I hear it?

  6. so GOB was the original version of Assasin, but they changed it before putting it on the album? And some fans think the GOB version is better?

  7. Don't blame them for USoE, blame me :D

  8. How would muse doing a Christmas song be ironic? :unsure:

  9. I think I over-estimated them :phu:


  10. Morgans aunty was your libarian?

  11. It didn't sound right the way I wrote it, I agree. But people who say "People aren't meant to be gay, It wasn't in gods plan, lah de dah de dah" I counter that "if it wasn't meant to happen in wouldn't"... Make sense?

  12. I'm suspended!?

    Was that in the rules? :unsure:

  13. Damn. Reaction testing thread back fired on me :p

  14. B&H is your favourite song too! :happy:


    Can you vote for it in the Muse Song World Cup?

  15. I killed USoE :supersad:

    I need witness protection now!

  16. I'm PMing someone about me going away

    here's the conversation so you can't not believe me



    Oops i think i might of sent this to some of you multiple times :facepalm: Sorry if i have done so :unsure:


    I'm sending a generic message to people on here who i think will actually notice (sorry, couldn't be bothered personalising it - reply if you want);

    It's nothing really important, just telling you all that i'll be going away on Christmas eve (8 days away) untill sometime in the New Year (i don't know the date), so i won't be here for probably more than a week as where i'm going I can't get internet (and i wouldn't be allowed it if i wanted it).

    Anyway just letting you all know that when i dissapear suddenly i haven't died ;)



    have fun wherever you're going

    *remembers not to arrange funeral * :D

    Well, if you forget what's happened then you have to play an instrumental version of B&H for my funeral :D


    :LOL: piano geeetar or strings?

    Actually, just get muse to peform. makes it nice and simple :yesey:


    yes, that should be easier :chuckle:

    though they'll probably fuck what you want and play feeling good lmao



  17. I guess so... actually i might wait till a song is down to 1,2 or 3 votes before i vote (either USoE or IBTY) does that count as organising :unsure:

  18. Actually, after listening to USoE again today i've gone against everything i've been saying for a week :facepalm:

    I've suddenly fallen in love with it, so DOWN WITH IBTY :LOL:

  19. Okay. Well i think i'll just wait for a bit :)

  20. Well i can post later today and i think they are planning to do it tommorow....

    I think IBTY is just as bad, so maybe i'll just vote that down...

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