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Me Rug I Sty

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Everything posted by Me Rug I Sty

  1. I don't think ANYONE knew what that thread was about :LOL:

  2. :facepalm:



    If I make like a graphic for one of those t-shirt maker things, how good quality does it have to be?

  3. Evne though I think it's repititive, I still like it

  4. To convince me?

    No it doesn't change it's ranking. I agree, but I still like it.

  5. Fair enough, it is kinda repetitive

  6. But BH&R isn't exactly their HEAVIEST work...:erm:

  7. Yes but we've already determined we have a different taste :rolleyes:

    Half a year to a year a go, it would have been my favourite, but my tastes are moving in the opposite direction as Muse-eg Im liking the slightly heavier rock now.


    For the record;

    OoS=Absolution > BHaR = TR > Hullbaloo=Showbiz


    I'm bad at ranking things :LOL:

  8. I don't. I don't hate either. TR is one of my lower ranked albums (but thats not bad, seeing I don't rank any other bands albums above it, except maybe TK), but it's pretty consistent, and while the average rating (for me) is around 8.5 per song, USoE and IBTY are about 8...

  9. NO IM ENTHUSIASTIC TOO!!! :awesome:

  10. Should we take this to pm?

  11. Ah, but your here now :happy:


  12. I haven't had anyone else contact me yet...:indiff:

  13. Yeah. :LOL:



  14. 11.45 pm...

    I live in NZ...

  15. A bit the opposite actually. Might sleep soon :sleepy:

  16. Sorry, just checking :p


    Nice to "meet" you too:chuckle:


    How are you?

  17. Oh crap I'm - teenager, I shouldn't be doing this :facepalm:


    Is Suvi your real name? Anyways i'm Jonathan/Jonnie

  18. I guess it's either;

    •something like conformimg into the cliques which make up the majority or society.


    •What is most natural.


    It's one or the other, unless you call it natural to conform. Which I guess it is (pack nature of humans).


    I've over analyzed this haven't I?(and I could of kept going) :facepalm:

  19. I'd say Im one. But I think imma littl more sane. I agree with the TV point :stunned:

    I'm a paranoid person :facepalm:

  20. I think so. On his profile he says he doesn't watch tv cause they "force feed us "culture"" It could be massive joke, but I don't think so :stunned:

  21. Holly crap - that hunting S Thompson guys is serious! :eek:


  22. NOOOO! I missed you :supersad:




    See you tommorow then.

  23. Wait, we need a few people to do it all at once so USoE can't be saved :yesey:

  24. I has a challenge for you;

    In banter when you reply to me, only speak in song lyrics. See if anyone notices! :awesome:

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