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Me Rug I Sty

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Everything posted by Me Rug I Sty

  1. Really?

    I didn't think I got noticed :LOL:

  2. Meh, I probly won't change it so..:p

  3. Yeah, they kept calling him Mattaratzi in main muse after that happened. :LOL:

  4. Yay! :dance::p

    It doesn't really matter about the name I don't think :erm:

    If I were to be creative i'd probly do something like Mattaratzi, but then thats pretty corny so...*shrugs*

  5. Um, I used to have an even less original name that was taken in some other place I tried to sign up to, and I couldn't be bothered thinking originally answered it was the first generic name that came to mind :LOL:

    And it's stuck so...*shrugs*

  6. What does your name mean? Whenever I see it I read sorbet...

  7. Really sorry. Gotta go for an hour or two. :supersad: PM when I'm back :kiss:

  8. Hi, when you can be bothered to do the translation thing, can you just PM it to me? :)

  9. Gotta go. Dinner :supersad:


    Have a good night :kiss:

  10. For me it's ST>HF/Sawdust>D&A

  11. Hmm, it is actually.

    Yeah, I didn't mind the HF days when he was relatively less extravogant.

  12. Fair enough. His dress sense makes me embaressed to be a fan :facepalm:

    He's married though.

  13. :LOL: silly parents. :awesome: my Mum thinks the killers are heavy metal :stunned:



  14. :LOL: your mum is discreet. :p


    I think mum finishes late today anyway :LOL:

  15. How do you pick open a paper bag wrapped in sellotape? :LOL:

    I also know I'm getting some kind if poster. And I'm90% it's a muse one :awesome:

    HAARP just ended :indiff:

  16. I didn't look in cause I would leave evidence :phu:

    And it was purely a coincidence that I saw it. :LOL:

  17. No,Dad asked me to get him some socks and mum left a DVD in a brown paper bad on her bed. It was selloteped shut :shifty:

  18. Yeah. :( I've never seen it live. We have a small Internet plan so I can't we YouTube :indiff:

    But I'm pretty sure I'm getting hullabaloo or Xmas :D

  19. :LOL:

    Yeah. I'm annoyed microcuts isn't on the dvd :indiff:

  20. 'cept I'm nearing the end and as much as I love it, twice in a row is a bit much :LOL:

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