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Status Updates posted by Furygirl

  1. This is a great interview if you've not seen it yet. :)



  2. Oooh, nice vid! But yeah, a bit far away. But you know, that gig was professionally recorded I think, so hopefully we'll get to see more. Shiny suit, hee hee. :chuckle:

  3. Yeah, I didn't really mean you were stalking me. But I felt the need to explain why I would be visiting such an odd thread. :LOL:


    I'm off for now, too. Gonna start a new book I think. Night!

  4. And yes, I might be too busy tomorrow. :chuckle:

  5. You know that Matt Killing Birds thread? You or someone on there mentioned the Matt's toothpaset thread you made and how lolzy it was. At the time I said I was gonna bookmark it and read it sometime when I was bored. Well, I was browsing said bookmarks and just read that thread. :LOL: What a nutter you are. Pretty ballsy for a n00b, you were. :chuckle: Yeah, the forum's kinda boring lately. :erm:

  6. You stalker!! :LOL: That thread was hilarious. Back when the Matt Killing Birds thread was going on, Ducky mentioned she had started this goofy thread about Matt's toothpaste. At the time I said I was gonna bookmark it and read it sometime when I was really bored. So I finally did. She's crazy....

  7. The latest news is that the band has postponed the Absolute Radio Q&A because of "personal reasons." I'm terrified of what's going on. Something feels wrong. :(

  8. Good news about the job then! But getting up that early, yuck. I guess the free food is a good perk, but I think I'd get burned out on it pretty quick, except for maybe the fried apple pies. :awesome: Or do they have those in AUS?


    And good luck getting a second job in a store. I've always thought it would be fun to work in a book store, or even a library. You'll be busy! Is your course ending just for the semester? I've done a wee bit of xmas shopping. Normally I try to finish by Thanksgiving, because I hate shopping and I hate the holiday crowds. I know I sound like a wanker! :LOL: But I guess I got a late start this year. I don't have too many people to shop for, though. You're gonna wait until the 23rd??? :eek: Brave. How far are you from Brisbane? Is the town you live in big or small? I guess I really don't know anything about where you live. Atlanta's pretty big, which is good sometimes, but can be bad in some ways too. Well, I think I'm gonna read for a bit. The boards have been a bit boring lately. I need U.S. dates!!


    Later! xoxo



  9. Ha ha, well I found it for you on Microcuts since I kinda knew where to look. Let me know if this link doesn't work. Good luck with your project!




    Edit: And yes, he's quite dreamy. :eyebrows:

  10. Hi! So far it's fine. We're just going over to my folks for lunch tomorrow. They only live 10 minutes away. I'm making creamed corn and the requisite green bean casserole in the morning. Already did the horrible task of shucking/cutting 16 ears of corn. Pain in the arse! Are you traveling? Hope you have a good day tomorrow. :)



  11. Hi! I'm good. You? Thanksgiving's tomorrow here in teh States. We're going over to my folks house (10 minutes away) for lunch. I'm bringing creamed corn and green bean casserole. :awesome:


    See you! :kiss:

  12. Hi Pam! Tomorrow's the anniversary, huh? I know it will be a hard day for you and your family. :( It looks like the weather may cooperate at least. I hope however you spend the day, you're able to feel a little bit of peace.


    Sorry I don't post more on the oldies thread. It's hard to keep up, and I can't help but feel a little jealous reading about all the gigs and meetups and stuff. Silly, I know. :erm:


    Will be thinking of you on Tuesday! *hugs*



  13. Hi Ines! I've been pretty good. Thanksgiving is next week, so it's the start of the crazy holidays. I love this time of year, but I live with Scrooge! My hubby sells wine for a living, so he is extra busy, stressed and crabby in November/December ('cause you know, everyone drinks heavily this time of year! :LOL:). I try not to let it affect my festive spirit too much. :) How are things with you?

  14. Yeah, I'm sure they are more interested in the reviews and setlist/gig threads, thankfully. I can't help but feel like some of the stuff on there could be a bit crushing. Some of it's just plain harsh. :noey: I wish they would post sometimes, but I guess Bertha would explode. :LOL:

  15. Oh, and I missed the Reiki part of your message the first time I read it. That's really cool. :)

  16. Did you hear that interview with Dom where he talks about how much they pay attention to the message board? :erm::$

  17. And you know, actually, it's quite nice in there late at night. Quieter.

  18. Awwww, so sad. I will miss you in there. But I'm pretty sure I won't be in nearly as much myself. I just scroll past the banter to see pics. I'm rather surprised the mods haven't said anything, as they seemed to be really on top of it before. I'm definitely going to try to spend more time in PMT chat instead. You've probably seen this, but it's the only "newsworthy" pic of late.







  19. Oh, Mel. I'm so sorry. :supersad: I know you must be torn up about it. I hope something will work out for you. But certainly Muse will be back your way in the spring. :) And maybe something will still work out for December. Keeping my fingers crossed for you. :kiss:



  20. Hi! Did you get your KROQ tix??? Hope so....

  21. I'm PMing you. :ninja:


    And thanks for the compliment about the profile pic. :) Yeah, I changed it a few days ago.

  22. I was like who is commenting on my photos! :LOL: One day I was having photobucket trouble.... Wow, an hour! You must be about to burst. When is your birthday? Indeed, that would be an incredible present!


    Oh, and yeah, I'm not keen on the UD video. I watched it twice. Spaz girl is spazzy. I'm not a bit music video fan in general, for some reason. I find that I like watching the live stuff alot more. Although the Uprising vid is rather :stongue:

  23. Hi, I'm back! Oh, so that would be the KROQ AA xmas show? Wow, that would be cool. When do tickets go on sale? I hope you get them! I am DYING to know US dates. I've decided I want to throw caution to the wind and queue up to be near the barrier, assuming they come to Atlanta. I'm desperate for info.

  24. Hi Mel! Hope you're doing well. Status quo here. The PMT is different these days. Sometimes fun, but sometimes a little weird. :erm: Well I have to go because my daughter wants to use the computer. Ugh. We need another laptop. Cheers! :D

  25. Dude. ? Winnah, plz. :awesome: New Born, right?

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