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Status Updates posted by Furygirl

  1. Yay for "mature" women! :D I guess once you get to be our age, you learn how to smolder instead of self-combust! I hope that none of us would ACTUALLY make fools of ourselves like those crazy Robert Pattinson fans do. :noey:

  2. Good morning! (Or afternoon, in your case, I guess.) :D Hope you're having a good week. I'm getting ready to see my daughter off to kindergarten.

  3. OMG! I totally LOL'd at that! That pic does make the mind wander... I wish I knew how much lurking they do here. I would think it gets rather boring during traveling. I was daydreaming the other day and imagining getting one of those tees someone designed that have ".mu forum member" on them and a place to put our username, and wearing it to a gig. What if I met Matt and he saw my username and said, "Oh, I recognize that name. You're one of those crazy ladies from the PMT." And then he runs away screaming. :LOL:

  4. Oh, that makes sense. The arm seemed a little too "fit." :LOL: Yeah, why do people do that? Guns suck, anyway. I guess I don't have the post-gig blues anymore. The forum definitely helps! I feel like they have to announce US dates pretty soon, so I'm looking forward that. Surely they'll come to your area, don't you think?


    And yeah, we might be out-perved! I can't bring myself to say what I'm really thinking. Kids these days, lol.

  5. Hi Nicole! Hey, I don't mean to sound ignorant, but where is that pic from of Matt from on p.366 of PMT where he's holding a gun? I'm assuming it's a music vid? I haven't watched all the music videos 500 times like most people, so it doesn't look familiar. For some reason I prefer to watch live gigs footage:p and interviews. Go figure.... I've watching the Uprising one numerous times, though! :eyebrows: But I still have intermittent problems watching things on YT. Very frustrating. Anyway, just thought maybe you'd know. :)

  6. Okay, I see why you dig David Tennant now. I'm sure you've seen this (or vids like it), but we've been spaffing over this on the "Oldies" thread. :stongue:

  7. Oh nah, I didn't think much of it, don't worry. But yeah, Ducky and RM sometimes butt heads, but in a friendly way most of the time. I think they're both stubborn! Well, I'm really stubborn too (just ask my hubby, lol), but I try to fly under the radar on here unless someone really ruffles my feathers! :D

  8. LOL, my daughter's only 6, but give her a few years and I'm sure she'll start being embarrassed to be seen with me! :LOL:

  9. Thanks dude! I was in my party av mode at the time. Party on, Wayne! :awesome:

  10. Hmmmm, sorry about the work situation. It seems like with a new one opening up they would need more workers. Still no news for me.


    Bummer about BDO. Seem like a lot of people weren't able to get tix. Well, they're going back to Aus. a few months later, I guess.


    The Atlanta gig was FUN! Sure, I wish it was longer, but it was great just knowing I was in the presence of awesomeness! They played Uprising, MotP, Hysteria, SMBH, UD, US, Starlight and TiRO. (I would've preferred KoC and PiB instead of UD and US, but I shouldn't complain.) They've mixed up the setlist a bit at the U2 shows.


    Our seats were in the top tier, row 18, but we moved to the front row of the section since it was virtually empty! So at least we got a little closer. We were behind the stage, too, so I only saw their butts. :chuckle: I screamed my brains out. There weren't alot of Muse fans in my area, but others have reported that down front on the floor, there was quite a bit of enthusiasm for Muse, so that's good. I did hear a lot of cheering throughout the stadium. Hopefully they will come back in spring! :D


    xoxo Renee

  11. Well, I'm not gonna lie, it was great experiencing them in person, even for such a short set. Are you going when they play Portugal? I hope they will come back to Atlanta in the spring even though they were just here. I'm so glad I went, but now I'm sort of sad it's over.

  12. Hi! Wasn't that an awesome show? I want more! I'm sleepy, though. The rain isn't helping. Get any good pics? How did the crowd seem around you? All in all, I only saw 6 people wearing Muse shirts. Yours was black, right? I saw someone that looked kind of like you but their shirt was grey, so I didn't yell Pam! at them. lol. I was so far away from the stage, but at least I was able to move up to the front row of my section because it was virtually empty. I yelled my brains out! Now the PMS starts (Post Muse Syndrome). Have a good day! :)

  13. Did you end up getting BDO tix? And has your job started?



  14. So excited about Tuesday I might wee! :D You?

  15. Have a Musey Birthday! These decade birthdays are kind of a pisser, aren't they? Oh, maybe not. :D



  16. Oh, congrats! Great news! :D


    My gig is on Tuesday! I can't wait!!!!! I know BDO is expensive, but I hope you get to go. Maybe now that you have a job, you can justify the purchase. :yesey: But if you don't go, isn't Muse supposed to be going back to AUS anyway? That's what it says in the Jmag. Do you have it yet? Well, they may not play where you are I suppose. It's a big country! Oh, and in the magazine article, there's a list of Muse's OTT moments, you know? I submitted one of those, hee hee. :chuckle: The one about Matt getting trapped in a white cone on stage. :awesome: That makes me feel kinda cool.

  17. Yes, yes, yes! Very excited. :D *tries and fails to not rub it in* :erm: Next Tuesday's the day! I know I won't be able to see much, but just to be there will be awesome enough. I can't wait! I wish I had a fancy camera, though. I'll look forward to other people's photos, I guess. I'm interested to see what the Muse crowd, if any, will be like. Seems like they got a decent reception in VA. Atlanta's got lots of young hipsters, so maybe it'll be good. But then again, so does NY, and the crowd at Giants was puny. I wish I could take a Muse fan instead of my husband! Seems so unjust, but he kinda wants to go, and he's more interested in U2 than I am. Meh.... We'll probably leave before U2 finishes so we can relieve the babysitter.

  18. lly Yeah, seems like I read somewhere your political leanings! I'm not very interested in politics, really. I've seen bits of Olbermann and R. Maddow's shows here and there. As far as news goes, it's definitely the more interesting network! My folks are at the beach, and I'm sure my dad is excited because they get MSNBC there. :LOL: I agree with you that Limbaugh and Beck are frightening. I'm very liberal, socially. Politically, I'm not savvy enough to know what's what, but I definitely lean to the left! What really gets me is when any sort of social issue gets mixed into politics. It really has no place and should be irrelevant, imo. I mean, what the hell do religion, sexual orientation and stem cell research have to do with government?? Gah! Okay, I'll stop now. This is why I stay away from TV. Ignorance is Bliss, har har. I know, that's really a crappy attitude, but meh.

  19. Yeah, I realized later you meant a pic of all three of them together. Ah well, it's still a rather inviting photo! :D

  20. Hey, I tried that trick where you pull out your headphone part way, and I was finally able to hear that crazy falsetto in the last chorus of Uprising that people keep talking about. :D It was driving me crazy that I couldn't hear it. Well, it's still hard to hear, but I can make it out a little bit now with the headphones all the way in, now that I know what to listen for. :)

  21. Hi Sam! Any word on your job interview? How'd it go? Hope you have good news and are over your cold. :)

  22. Maybe this pic will help you out? Good luck with your project! :)





  23. Hmmm... no, I don't use Qwest. I tried YT on Internet Explorer too and it does the same thing. I guess I give up. Maybe it's a passing things. It's happened before, but not for days and days like this. Bleh!

  24. Awwww, cute pic of both of you! :D If you want to have that pic show up under your username, that's an avatar. If you want it to show up under the body of each post, that's a signature. The picture on here is just the profile pic. If you're on the main forum page, go up to the menu bar and you'll see Quick Links. Under there you'll see Edit Details. Click that and you'll see your profile stuff. On the left you'll see a list of things, and included are links to Edit Avatar and Edit Signature. It's pretty self-explanatory from there. HTH! :)


    P.S. Only 5 days!!! :awesome:

  25. Oh poo,I already tried that! I did all sorts of cleanup yesterday. But just to make sure, I just now did a search to specifically get directions for clearing the cache in Firefox (browser I use), so I did that, and vids are still not working for me! I guess I can try watching them in Internet Explorer and see what happens. Thanks, though! :D

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