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Status Updates posted by Furygirl

  1. I've been catching up in the PMT. Bad of me to neglect it for so long. Ooooh, nice-sounding gloves! I bought some this year also, to replace the ratty ones I've used for years, but they're just boring leather. Still no luck finding a leopard print belt. You'd think those would be all over. In my search I've acquired 2 other belts, though, that I normally wouldn't have bought. But the one I was using was about 15 years old! But is trendy, anyway.... Yeah, I'm not much of a shopper.



    Yeah, I don't mind a little sweat, either. I mean, isn't that par for the course?


  2. Pam! I kept meaning to ask you about what happened with your son the other day. Did he have an allergic reaction to something? I bet that was scary....

  3. Hee hee! I forced Clara to listen to White xmas in the car on the way to school. It was the Burl Ives version, though. :LOL:


    I'm still light-headed knowing I'm going to Muse!!! I teared up in the car yesterday listening to SS. :rolleyes: I'm such a sap. I've always thought if I can see that song live I can die happy. Now I just have to make sure I don't have some giant in front of me. I'm pretty determined to get barrier though, even if I sustain injuries.


    Listen to me blabbing on, and you don't have your dates yet. I'm sure they'll come to Chicago, but I bet they'll do MN as well. Hopefully you'll find out Monday! Are you gonna get GA tix? Will the kids go with you? Sorry if you've already told me....


    And bummer about your cold. :(


    Later! :kiss:

  4. Oh dear. That sounds like a typical husband. That's why I'm totally ditching mine! For once I'm actually glad he's not a Muse fan! I've already told him I'm going early to stand in line and he asked "what time?" I said I wasn't sure yet. He's probably thinking I mean like 4:00. Ummmm... :erm: Well, maybe not 4, but I don't think he realizes I'm considering getting there at breakfast time! Even I think that's a bit early. But now I'm actually thinking maybe I can get to the barrier if I'm that committed. Any chance you can come earlier by yourself, and just save his spot in line? I doubt anyone would give you a hard time since he's your hubby and all.... At least we have plenty of time to figure things out. Are you considering going to any other shows? I'd love to, but I think with a kid and all, it's too much for me to seriously consider.

  5. I'm seeing them in Atlanta, which is where I live. You're in St. Louis? I'd think that would be on their list. I know everyone is anxious for Monday. I feel lucky that the anxiety is behind me! :)

  6. Doing great now that I got my Muse ticket! :D You?

  7. Hi! Thanks for the friend add. :)

  8. Well, you're not alone in being baffled, so that's a good thing! Good luck tomorrow!

  9. Oh! I just posted a response on the Atlanta thread from someone on the main thread. Ticketmaster says there are no codes. :facepalm:


    Yes! The countdown begins! :awesome:

  10. The only passwords I know of, which I won't post on the thread, are Muse and Tickets. This is what was emailed to me 2 days ago for the Muse presale, but I ended up not really needing those words, and I think most people bought tickets without them. You said you got one for the Atlanta show, right? Did you use those passwords? Well, maybe one or both of them will work for the Ticketmaster thing. That's all I'm aware of. This presale is a real clusterfuck! :LOL: Good luck!

  11. Hi there! I saw the picture of you in your ".mu forum member" shirt on the t-shirt thread. I want to get one now that I finally have a US gig date! :D What size did you get? It seems like it's always a gamble trying to order any type of Muse shirt! You appear to be about my size, so figured I'd get whatever size you did. Does it seem like it fits okay? Some say they're rather tight across the chest, but I'm quite small in that area, so that wouldn't be an issue. :chuckle: Thanks for your help!! :)



  12. I'm wearing a Muse shirt, so I figured that's why I got lucky. :chuckle:

  13. I just read through all the pages I missed! I'm so happy it worked out for most people! I def. want to line up with you and whoever else. It seems like one group is aiming for breakfast time, and others around noon. I hope alot of us will be able to queue together. It sounds fun! One good thing is that the parking lot is free, and very close to the actual entrance. It's basically just like parking at a mall or something. So at least it won't be like parking for the Dome! We can easily put things in our cars and stuff.

  14. Did you keep trying? Keep trying! Even now! They've been releasing them in batches. I got my one ticket and after 1 minute it was saying Sold Out and everyone was freaking out. I was thinking OMG How lucky am I???? Even at 1:00 there were still some for ATL. You have to keep checking. Hopefully the sale tomorrow will make more sense. Silly Muse. Good luck! Let me know what happens. :)

  15. LOL, White Christmas porn. :chuckle:


    As it turns out, they were releasing the tix in waves, so now just about everyone is squared away. :) So don't worry anymore!


    I heard on the news about all the blizzard stuff where you are! :eek: It was 60F here when I woke up!!! That's unusual. It's real soupy out, like tornado weather. And tonight it will be 27F. wtf, weather?

  16. Yay! I'm so happy you managed to get your tix! Man, that was hairy for awhile there....

  17. Yes! Just got my one teeny tiny ticket. Apparently it sold out in 2 minutes and I was VERY lucky. In fact, I feel like if I tried to get two, it probably wouldn't have let me. Hardly any of the ATL people got any. Everyone's mad and freaking out. I really think they only released a tiny amount for this presale. Folks will have to try radio presales tomorrow. I feel so fucking lucky and happy right now! :D But I'm really really sad for others. :supersad:

  18. Squeeee! :eek: I don't know how I'll sleep. It's like xmas when I was a kid! Needless to say, I've not been this anxious about getting tickets to a concert for as long as I can remember. It brings to mind the time I spent the night in downtown Atlanta with a friend at age 15 camping out for U2. You know, wayyyyy before the internet? :LOL: That was a stupid thing to do. My parents had no idea. But we got 4th row!


    Yeah, its' good to see the boys having fun. :happy: I think Dom drew the short straw. :chuckle:



    His hand does seem a little unnecessarily high, doesn't it? :eyebrows:


  19. That's great news! :awesome: Good luck to you! And me as well.... Tomorrow will be really exciting! :D

  20. The radio presales I think are on Friday, not Thursday. Is there anyone who can get them for you tomorrow right at 10? I'd be nervous waiting until 11. If you can't find anyone, I'd be willing to try for you, after I get my own, of course (Atlanta). I think I can trust a fellow PMTer to pay me back. :) Let me know...

  21. I still have your cell # from October. I might call you tomorrow about tickets. Maybe talking with someone will help me decide! I'm pretty sure I want GA too, though....



  22. Well, I can't really get a feel from that photo, really. Yeah, I'm gonna try to go to bed now. Whoo... 30 minutes earlier than usual. I keep forgetting it's an hour earlier where you are.


    I'm wound up thinking about tix. Can't decide if I want GA or seated. :confused:


    Night! :kiss:

  23. November 26th is what someone said in comments. Link: http://twitpic.com/settj So yeah, not so new...

  24. This whole presale thing is confusing! I don't know why some people are having trouble and others aren't. When I click the gig info, there's a line that says something like click "here" for presale info on 12/9. When you click that link you should either get a screen asking for a username and password or this: https://tix.concertmaps.com/muse/. Tell me if this link shows the ticket purchase page called "Muse Ticketing." If you don't have that but have another login page, you're supposed to enter Muse for username, and Tickets for password. That is the info I was given in the email.


    Let me know if either of those things work. I'm really torn about whether or not to get GA. If I thought I had a chance of getting near the front row in say section 117 or something, I'd do it. I don't like freezing, and I don't like not being able to pee if I need to! I don't know.... Does your hubby definitely want to go? Part of me just wants to wing it and get GA and get as close as possible. I just wish I knew more what to expect. Of course, since it does seem like most people on here do want GA, the chances of getting good seats ahead of the crowd are pretty good. I'm sorry I'm so wishy-washy right now... :confused:

  25. I dunno why you can't get into the ticket area on muse.mu. Once you've created your own username and password, it should bring you up to another login screen to actually purchase the tix. At that screen, try username: Muse, and password: tickets. Yeah, real original Muse. Let me know it that works. :confused:

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