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Status Updates posted by Furygirl

  1. Oh, yeah! I actually saw this one. I think it's one of L's. At first I was like where's Matt??? But it was probably the most I've actually seen Dom play drums without the scene cutting to someone else. So I really enjoyed that, and Chris' headbanging. But yeah, the end was quite nice. :eyebrows: Thanks!

  2. I just posted in your boat. :chuckle: Well, it was better than Twilight, I thought. And it had some genuinely funny stuff in it, which was good. Twilight was mostly unintentionally funny. And the werewolves were H-O-T I have to say, even though that's not normally my type, as you know. ;) I think the Jacob dude is by far the best actor (or maybe Charlie, Bella's dad). Bella's acting was better. I enjoyed it, but it doesn't take much. I just liked getting out of the house and having fun! :)

  3. Thanks for asking. :) She's fine. I haven't checked her temp yet, but she's currently playing and has been eating popcicles and ravioli. (She was so bummed to miss school because the lunch was ravioli). I hear her talking to herself right now about cupcake sprinkles. She mostly just has a cough and sounds stuffy. I doubt it's H1N1. Hope not. Have a good lunch! :D

  4. Hi Nicole! I was in Kohl's today looking at clothes and I saw a b/w checked shirt the same pattern as Matt's and I thought, Oh, I have to tell Nicole! Then I thought wth, I'll try one on, so I grabbed a medium, and I also had some pants to try. So in the dressing room, none of the pants are fitting; I can't even get into them. I'm like :wtf: The shirt actually looked pretty flattering, but I couldn't move my arms out in front of be because it was too tight. THEN, when I went back out in the main store, I realized I was in the Juniors section! :LOL: :LOL: In all fairness, the area I was in was on the border b/t Missus and Juniors, and really, the sign for Juniors was much further down. Anyway, *sigh* all the regular clothes were shit. But I did get an okay pair of tan velour loungey pants. And I looked in 8 stores for a leopard print belt. I dunno why I'm so hell bent on finding one. The online store doesn't answer their phone, and they didn't return my email about sizing, so I'm not shopping there. :shifty:


    Anyway, hope you're having a good day. Give me the highlights of the latest gig if there's anything I have to know. If you're still keeping up, that is.


    :) Renee

  5. Well, I'm glad it's going well. I have a funny McD's story. Years ago a family friend went to McDs and ordered a sundae. The lady that took the order asked if he wanted nuts on it, and he said "yes." Then the lady said, "You want your nuts crushed?" :LOL: No, sounds painful. Thanks for asking, though!) We laughed about that for a long time. :p


    Status quo (boring) here. Quite honestly I haven't been looking for a job; just keeping my ears and eyes open. Just got back from eating Thanksgiving lunch at my daughter school. It was pretty :vomit:. School food hasn't changed much over the years. But really T'giving is next Thurs. We're going to my parents' house.


    Later! :kiss:

  6. Hi Sam! I guess you're on here and stuff, but I never see you. Hope you're doing well and that the job is working out okay. :D



  7. That's awful! And rather depressing... I'm not sure if it's a cultural thing, an age thing or what, but that's just bad manners. :noey:


    Yeah, I think I'll be going to bed in a few. Goodnight! :)

  8. Well, supposedly that quote was what the Russian girl was told. Apparently they specifically said back pain. I don't think she posts here, but knows some people on here I guess. She's active on a Russian forum I think, so once she shares her story there, maybe we will get more info.


    And I kept seeing stuff about beer mats. I don't even know what this is, or what it means or anything. Plz explain. :confused:

  9. Here's a quote from the horrid "breakup" thread in Media:

    the winner from Moscow yesterday had to meet with MUSE, and she conversed with Dom and Chris some time, waiting Matt, but then a manager came out and said something like "Matt can't meet with the winner today, because he has a pain in his back after the concert, so he'll meet you tomorrow after the concert"

    And the Russian girl was told Matt was generally "unhappy." So then there was all this yada yada on why. Probably back pain, I'd guess. It starts on pg. 6. Then there was some stuff on the last page or two on the Musewire thread in News.


    That's really weird that you felt something odd on Wednesday. :stunned: I'm not good with stuff like that. You know, all that hippie crap, lol. Dude, I'm totally kidding! Do you know Ines (Pokemew) at all? She does the aMUSEd cartoons? She recently did a level 2 course. I have a friend who did Reiki alot years ago and sometimes tried to fix my gut, but I think I was too far gone for it to help. (I had ulcerative colitis real bad, but that's another story...)


    I think I'll upload a few pics to my photobucket. Maybe a coupla posts on the PMT. I've been slack lately.

  10. I couldn't help but notice part of your convo w/ Musex. So Matt was like srsly groping his ass for like a minute? :LOL: WTF? I sure wish I'd seen that. Maybe a video will surface.

  11. Yeah, that stupid break up rumor is bogus. I wish the mods would lock that thread. I tweeted Muse to tell them to tweet to let us know it's all hogwash because people are freaking out. I'm so surprised I didn't hear back from them. :phu:


    I'm all over this board I guess, for the most part, because I hate to miss stuff. But the gig threads are kinda boring except during the actual gig and then there's bitching. It seems kinda slow on here tonight, though. I've only been on for a few minutes and feel caught up.


    It's weird the stuff people are saying about his back hurting and being unhappy and unable to meet that Russian fan until the next day. I hope he is feeling better! I wonder if he was really unhappy about something and that's why the Thurs. London gig was supposedly not as great as the Friday one. Or maybe his back was really bothering him. Poor dear, he needs a pwoper massage. :eyebrows:

  12. I love GL. I don't know why it gets so much hate. But then, I don't really like Invincible. I'd love to hear GL AND MK Ultra WHEN I go see them in the spring. And I could care less abut Feeling Good, but I wouldn't boo. I'd be happy with Feeling Good, Invincible, Jimmy Kane and Pink Ego Box!


    Well, I better go to bed! It's 1:00! G'night! :kiss:

  13. So what's the summary of the Rotterdam gig? I just got caught up on the PMT. Jesus christ bananas. Now I understand even more about what you said in you PM. :stunned:

  14. Happy Birthday! :party: I know I don't really know you on here much, but I love your username! :D

  15. Yeah, I think you pretty well summed it up. My fanaticism seems to be getting more intense, though. I guess because this whole Muser community here is so addictive, and I've been getting more and more immersed. I really wish I knew some Musers irl. I know there are some other Atlanta folks on here, but I guess I don't "know" them well enough where I'd just call them up, you know?


    I haven't following the gig today. It's hard to keep up! I have my own "gig" tonight at 8:00. I'm in a choir and we have a performance. It's so fun! I've been in choirs most of my life, but then quit when Clara was born, so I only started back in September. Anyway, see you later!


    Oh, and I have a boat now! :awesome:



  16. Oh, you should get those! But I bet you could find a top somewhere. I'm gonna get this belt:






    I just can't figure out the size because I would wear it around my hips, rather than waist, of course. I called the place yesterday, but there's no answer. LOL, it's called Beltplanet. What's wrong with us? :LOL:

  17. You like that, huh? I did think it was rather clever. :happy: I followed about half of that gig. Looks like the crowd was alot better than Thursday night, at least according to Matt! :eek: I'm finishing up reading some of the post-gig comments now. Such drama at times. :rolleyes:

  18. Well, you know, Manuella is personal friends with Kirky, so there you go. :phu::LOL:


    Oh dear. I'm barely awake this morning after only 3 hours of sleep! Was in bed at 1 and then a noise woke me up at 4 and I couldn't go back to sleep. At least I don't have to really do anything productive today so hopefully I can catch a nap. Have another rehearsal from 7-10 pm, so I'll never last if I don't snooze.


    Have a good day! :)



  19. Well, the original request about the pictures said that people wouldn't be notified if their pics were selected. BUT, there have been several people on here posting in various places about receiving an email saying their pictures were chosen. This was earlier in the week I guess. Jeez, maybe we're too OLD! :rolleyes:


    Well, I'm gonna get ready for bed. Have a good night, and sweet dreams! :happy:

  20. Oh, I'm fine I guess. Just bored and restless in general. Pip's pictures are amazing! They make me want to move to London and meet a bunch of Musers so I can hang out with them!


    Did you get an email about your pic being used? I didn't.... I wonder how many ended up being used.


    How are you? I'm gonna sign off in a few. I'm trying to go to bed before 1 a.m. but that's not going too well...

  21. :LOL: You might be right about that video.


    Oh, did they use those pictures tonight? I haven't checked the gig thread since about 4:40 just a few songs in. Had a 3 hour choir rehearsal tonight, so I'm not caught up, other than seeing the setlist.

  22. I'm back again! And you can def. work the red skinnies! Maybe I'll get me some o' those. My favorite thing is yoga pants. You just can't get any more comfy. I was all excited about a leopard print belt I saw advertised in Penney's of all places, but then when I actually went there (I hate to shop), they didn't have any. I totally would've bought it!

  23. Well, once I saw the vid of the ''guitar smash" it seemed more like a "meh, you bore me lately" toss. It's hardly 2001 again! But I do wonder if the megaphone toss was his way of saying "I hear you wankers, all right? I won't fucking sing FG anymore! Gah!" Time will tell... :LOL:

  24. Oh gosh! You've got one of those wretched milestone birthdays coming up too! My sympathies to you, lol. Oh well, you don't act your age, that's the important thing! Yeah, every time I'm in a store, I look for colorful jean, but then my Virgo side kicks in and says WTF? Not because I couldn't pull it off, because I think I could, actually, :) But unfortunately my philosophy is comfort before fashion. It costs alot to look trendy, too! I'm far too practical for my own good. :facepalm:

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