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Status Updates posted by Furygirl

  1. Hi! Saw your post in PMT about Matt/Gaia. There was also small mention in this article, but that's the only other thing. So no one's really positive about anything. I can't read Spanish, but someone translated for me. :(



  2. No, we just liked the name. Then I found out later that one of my Dad's grandmothers was named Clara! My Clara has seen the Barbie version of the Nutcracker, but that's about it. :rolleyes:


    And yeah, score! :LOL:



    BTW, meant to tell you I saw what you put as a visitor message for you know who, and it almost made me cry. :supersad:


  3. It was a really fun concert! Lots of energetic teens dancing and singing. Clara probably liked the ballet dancers the best. I could tell she got a bit bored at one point because there was a rather tedious version of Silent Night, but overall she enjoyed it. We were on the front row (got tix last night, so not much choice), but it was kinda cool. A couple of times I thought the dancers were gonna jump into our laps! Of course I kept thinking Gah! I wish I could be this close at a Muse gig, lol!


    I so hope tomorrow's the big announcement. I fear riots if it's not!


    And yeah, I'm a bit pervy this evening.


    I did get lucky earlier tonight, which was very nice and much needed. :eyebrows:


  4. Hi! Doing good here. But cold, brrrrr! And I'm super excited because I know Teh Myooosea is coming here on Feb. 27!!!! I'm totally spazzing. :awesome: Tickets on sale next week. Muse.mu needs to hurry and announce the pre-sale. Gah!

  5. Sounds like you had a great day! And congrats on advancing. :)


    They've just GOT to announce dates on Monday. It's getting ridiculous....

  6. That's awesome! :awesome: So glad it worked out for you. :happy: I'm buying tickets for 2/27 next week! ZOMG!!!!! :eek:

  7. Dammit! So sorry I missed your birthday! Oh well, that's what saying Happy Belated Birthday is for! Hope is was a good one. Oh, and I friended you on FB. :D

  8. Love your new festive av! :awesome:

  9. :chuckle: I know! I just so wanted to hop on the festive train. I asked Kim to whip me up something. She did it for me right away and seems pretty agreeable about stuff like that. I'm sure she's hook you up. I have no PS skillz. :noey:
  10. :LOL: You naughty girl!
  11. I read that thread about Muse on the Pope's playlist! WTF? I thought it was a joke. So random. :LOL:

  12. Here's some awesome Madrid pics! Holy effin' hell! :stongue:



  13. Wow, entertaining AND insightful! That's a nice compliment, thanks. :happy: When I saw the request, I admit I didn't recognize the name, and noticed you didn't post alot, but your posts seemed friendly, so I figured you're not a troll or anything, lol!


    I'm on here wayyy too much. :erm:


    Bye! :)

  14. No hadn't seen them. Some are pretty good! I haven't seen any of the vids yet, I don't think. Thanks for sharing. :happy:



    Did you hear there was apparently some Spanish article that said something about Matt separating from his "wife?" (per Ines and oobhMexico on twitter) Not sure if that was taken out of context from the Q article or a separate interview. Also not sure when it came out. Obviously details are sketchy!


    Edit: Here's the article: http://www.plasticosydecibelios.es/con-muse-en-madrid Pub. on 11/29, and I guess the interview was during their time in Madrid. I think the interviewer was just speculating since the comment doesn't appear to be in the interview portion. I just looked for the name Gaia to find the sentence.... Ugh. I can't seem to get the article link to work when I click it, so you may have to cut and paste...


  15. Hey, I just figured out that you can watch the VMA concert here: http://www.mtvmusic.com/artist/muse_uk_/videos/436695/resistance_live You know, the MTV World Stage thing that didn't air in the U.S. :)


    Edit: Well, some of the vids.... Maybe the others are you YT by now.

  16. Oh well, Orsetto's messages are not viewable to me, I guess because he's not on my contact list. I'll see if I can figure out wtf you're on about! :LOL:

  17. I see what you mean about the Limoges thread. :erm:

  18. Ha ha ha! Your avatar! :chuckle:

  19. Why, no you haven't mentioned your dream. :eyebrows:


    And what's up with the Limoges thread. Didn't know there was a gig, lol. I've been watching the Lisbon vids. :D

  20. My decorating is at a stand still. I'm too pre-occupied by gig rumors!! Supposedly they're playing a 2,600 cap. venue. :eek: Someone heard it on the same station that announced the date. Gah! If I don't get a ticket, I'll keel over dead. Well, no, I'll probs just travel to the next town.


    Glad you can at least stay home sometimes when you need to. And you're being productive! For some reason I was more productive about xmas stuff before I had Clara, and I was working and everything. That just doesn't make sense. :erm:

  21. I'm so excited!!!!!! It seems now there's a rumor that they're playing this little venue that only holds 2600 people!! That would be cool, but does make me nervous about actually getting a ticket. No news yet on when they go on sale.


    I would love for you to actually come visit! That would be cool. I expect I'll actually get to meet some boardies at this gig (assuming I get a ticket, that is :erm:).


    :kiss: Have a great day!

  22. Oooh, that was really pretty. :happy: One of my recent fave xmas albums is The Carpenters' Christmas whatever it's called. A double cd set! :awesome: I'm so lame. And old. :LOL:

  23. OMG! Yes, still giddy. So glad to know they're coming. I wasn't 100% sure Atl. would be on their list. Trying not to worry about ticket sale, venue, etc.... No sense freaking. I'm sure I'll be among the first to know anything! :LOL:


    I don't know tommyg14, but I looked at his pics. :) Lucky dude. I wonder how he managed that when so many others missed out. It really is mostly luck I think. I'm so glad Ines is doing better. I was worried....


    We only have our tree up, and I feel like that's a major accomplishment. I wish I had a Muse xmas cd! Then I would be more motivated to continue.


    Enjoy your yoga and relaxing! I'm gonna fold some laundry now. Ho hum.



  24. Pam! You were right about the date!!!! Squeeee! See U.S. thread for fangirl ravings! :D

  25. LOL, astewoids. :chuckle: So cute. I really need to dig out my horoscope chart. I used to know more about that kind of stuff.



    In reality, I'm probably not too compatible with Matt other than being a good listener and bringing him down to earth a bit. Oh well, supposedly Aquarius isn't too compatible w/ Virgo either, but that's what my husband is and somehow we've survived this long without too much tumult.



    BTW, when is your birthday? I know it's coming up... :)

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