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Status Updates posted by Furygirl

  1. Hi Nicole! How's it going tonight? As usual I'm wasting time. It finally stopped raining, though! Definitely need to get outside tomorrow. Have you heard the live MK Ultra? I posted a good vid of it somewheres. Sounds amazing! I'm feeling certain we'll get to hear it when they do the U.S. shows. I'm getting so anxious!


    Pretty crazy about Matt wrecking the megaphone and tossing the Glitterati! I hope the guitar is okay. :supersad: I wonder what's gotten into him. Tomorrow in London should be interesting. Toodles!

  2. 'sup? Where ya been, #s?

  3. Hey you noticed! :D That must mean it's not too confusing then. I was never crazy about the other one, but you know how it is when you open an account and can't think of anything clever at the time... :erm::)

  4. Yeah, the thread was on fire today! My god. I was just doing a little reviewing. :chuckle:


    I definitely wanted to stay out of that earlier discussion for sure. Flying under the radar works for me, unless someone really ruffles my feathers, personally. Then watch out! :LOL:

  5. Baaaaaaaaa, you crazy nut!

  6. A home facial sounds nice. I think I'll treat myself to another cup of tea. And yes, I concur with adorable, sexy genius. *sigh*

  7. Yes, Matt does seem truly zany and impractical doesn't he? His head's in the clouds, not the earth, but that's what makes him so other-worldly.


    You're right, when it comes to Muse, I'm definitely not very practical. :chuckle:

  8. Well, the moon signs sound pretty accurate. I had my chart done about 15 years ago. It was eerily accurate, although I don't remember the specifics. I'm a Virgo and it seems like my rising sign is Taurus. So yeah, basically I'm practical and boring. :erm: I don't remember the moon sign.


    Oh, and sorry about the hormonocoaster... But I love that term. :chuckle: I was gonna have a glass of wine this evening, but I feel a cold coming on, and my choir has a concert in a week, so I don't want to mess that up if I can help it. My neighbor across the street has whooping cough, so I hope I haven't caught that! Apparently, once you hit 40, the vaccine booster for that wears off. And she just turned 40!

  9. I don't think any (or many) people really thing Matt and Dom have a thing. It's just silly fun to pretend, I guess. I don't find either of them particularly feminine (just British, lol), although Dom obviously does seem to favor pink and leopard print. I really have no explanation for that. :stunned: They obviously love the ladies! I think the brotherly love b/t all 3 of them is quite endearing. :happy:


    I really should go to the store, myself. I haven't had lunch yet, and Clara is still in her PJs, so we're having a slow, lazy day today. Hubby is working a wine festival today. (He's a wine rep.) It's such nice weather, I need to get outside!

  10. Very nice! Thank goodness for occasionally useful children! Does he know why you wanted to learn how to screencap? :chuckle: If so, I can imagine the eye-rolling, lol.

  11. Hi! Regarding screencaps, all you do is when you're watching a vid, pause the vid, hit the Prnt Scrn button on your keyboard. Then go into Paint (under Windows Accessories on my pc) and hit Ctrl V. Then the image shows up in Paint. Then you just save it and crop or edit in whatever viewer you use for pics. Neat!


    I agree, Chris looked knackered in that pic.

  12. I'm 5'5" too, and fairly scrappy, but I think I'd enjoy a seat more. I want to be able to move my arms! Oh, and I'm with you on the upper arm flab. I've given up on that, though.


    I just learned how to do a screen shot. See?



    Smarty pants 14 y.o. Raining Muses taught me. :awesome: Like it's a no brainer. Well, it's not, dammit! Oh well, you're never too old to learn stuff. I think I'll log off and go pick out a new book to start before bed. Have a good Friday! :D

  13. Oh, I see. Yeah, the things we do to please family. Every once in a while my mom harasses me about church. She goes regularly, but it's mostly for social reason if you ask me, plus she's in the choir. My dad hardly ever goes with her. It's odd. And I didn't get our daughter baptized which I'm sure drives her crazy. My grandmother passed away when Clara was 6 months old, or I probably would've just sucked it up and done it to please her. Screw it.


    Clara's at that age where she's starting to ask questions about stuff like that and I'm not ready to go there! I'm not even sure what I believe! I don't consider myself an atheist, though. I just make up my own stuff.


    I'm not thinking about what kind of tix to get yet since I don't have any clue what venue they'll be playing. Or god, what if they don't even come here? I'll cry forever! After reading some of the posts from Liverpool about people getting crushed and dehydrated, I deffos don't think I want GA! I'm too old, or at least too short, for that crap.

  14. What's that about, the confirmation farce? Ugh. Let me guess, a girl is involved.


    I read that about Chris being afraid of heights. Poor guy! Hopefully by the time they get to the U.S. the shows will be even more immense! I can't wait to hear something!

  15. I'm feeling pretty good now, but earlier this week I was just bitter and angsty for some reason. Bleh! Like PMS x 1000. But I went for a nice walk with a friend today in the beautiful fall sunshine and I felt better after some exercise and company. She said she'd been feeling the same way and deduced that it was an overdose on Halloween candy. She felt better after she quit eating candy, so maybe that was my problem. I've tried to cut back on it today. It's almost gone, finally! I love Halloween, but sometimes I wish I had an office to unload the candy on! But I guess Clara (daughter) wouldn't appreciate that!


    Oh, I finished reading 1984. Wow, I enjoyed it, but not exactly a happy ending. :stunned:


    Yeah, I'm tired of the moaning. Haven't been following the gigs too closely and didn't hear about the controversy over Matt's sore throat. Part of me does sympathize with the moaners if previously Muse had longer and more varied gigs. But I just keep thinking there must be a valid reason. I mean, why would they just purposely be slack and want to disappoint people? It doesn't make sense. I think they might be a little caught up in the stage set and it's distracting them a bit or making them nervous.


    Yes, the pictures L took are awesome! :stongue:


    Well, that was a long message! :LOL: How has your week been?

  16. For sure I agree with you there! I find his brain and personality equally important. If he had a wanker personality and an IQ of a gnat, his good looks would mean nothing. And I think it's really endearing they've been going to all the museums and stuff, being all cultural. :happy:


    I'm reading 1984 finally and am 2/3 through. It's actually really good! I guess I read it in high school, but none of it's even remotely familiar, so I probs just had the Cliff notes. :facepalm:


    Oh, and the PUDT is still there: http://board.muse.mu/showthread.php?t=67353 It was created because people were just trying to turn the UD video thread into another PMT and "some" people were freaked out by it. :rolleyes::chuckle:

  17. Hi Nicole! Just in case you haven't seen this yet: http://board.muse.mu/showpost.php?p=6683289&postcount=7288 :stongue:


    Have a great Monday!



  18. I know, and so have about 10 other people! I'm getting confused... I never was crazy about musemom, but I wasn't feeling clever when I made my account. Didn't think at the time I'd become an addict. :LOL:

  19. Awww, Melina. Busy with school? Happy Halloween! :party:


    Edit: BTW, I have a new username. :chuckle:


    :kiss: Renee

  20. Hee hee hee! I kinda wish I'd done it earlier before everyone got used to musemom. You know how it is when you start an account without giving much thought to a username because you don't have any idea at the time that you'll become addicted? Well, that'd be me. :D

  21. You've probably seen this already, but I hadn't. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oo9F0XPg4c4 I think it's the hottest thing I've ever seen. Rowr!!

  22. Hey Duck, you'd totally win teh internetz if you gif-ed this little Helsinki gem.

    Anything b/t 4:10-4:25. I don't know why no one's done it already. Will you be my hero? And the PMT's... In your spare time? Pwetty pwease? :)



  23. OMG! It's not custom made? Wow. Let's hope he doesn't have the shoes!

  24. Hey, do you think this might be "the book?" http://www.amazon.com/Grunge-Michael-Lavine/dp/081095317X The size looks right, and it's mostly b/w photos. Oddly, a friend of mine had commented on a picture of it on FB. It has Kurt Cobain on the cover and for some reason I thought thought "that's it!" But I could be wrong, could be wrong. lol

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