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Status Updates posted by Furygirl

  1. Have a Musey Xmas! :rudolph:



  2. That looks lovely! Aww, cold kitty is cold. Look at her cute little footprints. :happy: Have a White Christmas! :eyebrows:

  3. To you too, Ines! *hugs* :)

  4. So you did xmas tonight? We went out to an Italian restaurant with my folks and some family friends. It was fun! Clara was up until 10. Hopefully she'll sleep late tomorrow. I tell ya, I'm loving this xmas break from school because I've been sleeping until 9! Heaven! Clara's pretty self-sufficient in the morning. Consequently I've been staying up even later. :facepalm:


    We have a couple of busy days ahead, but never to busy for Muse boards, though. But yes, Merry Xmas to you, too! :party:

  5. Thanks, Brooke! You have a good one, too. :kiss:

  6. Yes, I'm seeing them in Atlanta on 2/27. :D Aren't you in St. Louis? I hope for everyone's sake they announce more dates soon. :(

  7. My daughter is singing We Wish you a Merry Xmas at the top of her lungs, but other than that, good. :LOL: Getting ready to go out to dinner with my folks and some family friends. Now she's singing Frosty. Loudly. How're you?

  8. Oh, well, his folks won't drive him to Chicago and who knows if they'll ever announce anymore fricking dates in the mid-west. Well, maybe he's over it....


    Best Mature Muser! :awesome: I was an add on, so I don't know who submitted my name. And yes, I'll vote for you. :)

  9. ZOMG! I don't know how I missed it! :awesome: GA and everything? I'm so happy for you. I feel sorry for Numbers, though. :(


    P.S. Vote for me. :shifty:

  10. OMG! I'm kinda excited! :awesome: I know that's silly, but I am. :chuckle: I was a late add in. I wonder who submitted my name. Now I'll have to work on a new sig. :shifty:


    I am undecided in many of the categories. :confused:

  11. Haven't checked out the PMT today, but I just looked at Setty's boat. :supersad:


    Sorry about TIX and PMS. :(

  12. I'm assuming you didn't get a ticket since you're not on here spaffing about it? :( I hope you did, though.

  13. Hey, did you get a GA ticket?


    Here's the Awards area. http://board.muse.mu/forumdisplay.php?f=47 The voting hasn't started yet. Some interesting and surprising nominees. I am not one of them. :phu:

  14. Lick, indeed. :eyebrows: Growing up, I had zero athletic ability. I was a music/book nerd. Nowadays though I'm doing pretty well with going to the gym and stuff, but I've been slack the last two weeks because I've been busy with xmas crap. And now Clara's out of school, so this is the part where I just say, oh wait until January like the rest of the world! But now I really have an incentive to get in better shape, if I'm to survive "the pit." :stunned: Some of the stuff I've been reading is a little daunting.... :erm:

  15. Suvi! Did you know you got nominated for Best New Muser? :awesome: But it's under Heino. Maybe you should PM someone and have them put both names. http://board.muse.mu/forumdisplay.php?f=47 Where's my nom? :phu:

  16. I think my recipe will be better if they actually crisp up. Aside from the non-chewiness, they kind of have a diff. texture than the better recipe. Instead of dense and chewy, they're more crumbly. They'll do. It's probably a good thing I don't love them that much, or I'd eat more of them! I still have 2 more baking projects and some candy to make before Thurs., so that's what I'll be doing.


    LOL, granny! Sometimes when I start talking about gardening and birdwatching, I feel like an ol' fart. :rolleyes: Next to Muse, gardening is my fave hobby. The two go well together, actually. :happy:


    I suck big time at pool, and pretty much any sport, even the ones like pool that aren't really sports. Like bowling. Fun, but I suck. I do kick ass at air hockey, though. :yesey:

  17. Same to you! :kiss: Doing good here. Just finished wrapping some presents. Been baking and all that crap. Hope you're doing well, but sorry about Benji. :(

  18. Not much going on. Hubby had to work (busy season with booze sales and all). Slept till 9, pretty much, which was ace. Clara and I went to Kroger then after lunch we made the gingerbread cookies. She actually behaved herself! Partly because molasses by itself is rather disgusting. Bleh! She helped put the icing on. It was a new recipe and actually kind of disappointing. The ones I made last year were way better. Nice and chewy, even days later. :)


    And your kids better give you a b-day present! I'll probably rent that movie. Been kinda wanting to see it. There are 3 presents under the tree for me, but I'm trying not to snoop. Well, Clara is hassling me about using the computer, and since I promised her, I better go. Later! :D

  19. No time for cookies! Besides, don't you have to let the butter soften? Or I guess you have a microwave. (I am the only person in the U.S. that doesn't have, nor want, a microwave). I just took some butter out to soften because tomorrow Clara and I are making gingerbread men. I hope I don't get frustrated. It usually ends in a battle of wills because she will not follow directions and all she wants to do is keep tasting everything, even if it's just straight flour. Silly girl....

  20. That sounds like a pretty neat celebration. :) If I had to pick a religion, I suppose I would be a pagan. My spirituality could definitely be improved upon, but I'm easily distracted because my desire to improve it is really not there, tbh. I know when Clara gets older she will have questions. She already was questioning things a little bit when she was going to a Presbyterian pre-school (hey, it was cheap and excellent...), but you don't get all that religion stuff in public school, that's for sure! My beliefs don't really fit in a neat little box because I kinda make up my own stuff. We thought about going to a Unitarian church at one time, and may do so in the future. Meh, I don't know... I'll worry about it later! Be here now...


    Yay! SNL! :D Have you seen all the crazy tweets?

  21. Hi! Yeah, I'm very excited! I got a GA ticket, so I'm planning on lining up really early to get a good spot. Here's a thread that pertains to the gig: http://board.muse.mu/showthread.php?t=68651&page=85 I know you've got seats, but if you want to get there early, we're sort of planning a muse.mu forum member meetup in line. :)

  22. Oh, and I hear you about Dick Cheney. What an appropriate name, eh? :indiff:


    What did you do for your birthday? Anything fun?

  23. Yeah, I knew it was the shortest day of the year, and I knew that you're a witch. I believe Jesus was real, but that he was an enlightened hippie, basically. But what do you do for your celebration, dance around a cauldron naked and eat eye of newt? :LOL::erm: Or do you just hang out at someone's house and drink wine?

  24. Oh, right. 10:30. :facepalm: Time zone fail. Have a good time at your Solstice celebration. I admit, I have no idea what that is. :erm:

  25. Hello! Will you be around for SNL tonight? I'm excited to be able to follow something that's going on in my own country at a reasonable hour, in my time zone! :awesome:


    Oh wait, do you guys get it an hour later, Or does it come on at 12:30 there?

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