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Everything posted by pikakrn

  1. Stranger: hiya Stranger: asl? You: hello! You: 31, male. italy You: you? Your conversational partner has disconnected. nobody ever wants to talk to Matt!
  2. :LOL i love yours ROCKETTE! (by the way, what's your name? i'm karen! (: )
  3. Stranger: hallo! =] You: hello! (: You: did you know that the buke of dom's cockminster is sacked? Your conversational partner has disconnected.
  4. Stranger: Cydonia is on mars, so unless he can teleport... Stranger: he's F'd You: but he's got his TARDIS Stranger: AAAAAAAH ok Stranger: then he'll find you... at some point in time You: i think i like you. You: do you agree that Muse>radiohead? Stranger: i do, though i never really liked radiohead Stranger: <3 muse (and then we talked random stuff after that, but i was so that i found a muse fan!)
  5. Stranger: hey You: what the Stranger: what the what? You: KECK! You: partayyy! Stranger: KeK? You: affirmative Stranger: what typew of partayyy? You: The Buke of Dom's Cockminster is Sacked. You: a BUKE PARTAY!! wooot! Stranger: ewwww You: that's horrible. You: you've hurt my feelings. ): Stranger: im sorry? Stranger: what can i do to make it up to you? You: where are you from? Stranger: USA You: ): are you Dom? Stranger: nope Stranger: are you? You: i seem to have lost him. ): You: have you seen him anywhere? Stranger: good luck finding him in here this place is huge You: ): but i think he's in Cydonia! You: ): and now his Cockminster's Buke is Sacked ): Stranger: well then hes dead You: NOWAI!!!!!!
  6. haha yeah the book was pretty surreal! i was wondering if my english was terrible at first, until i realised the slang was partially made up. i like the british-ness of it though. always been abit of an anglophile. (:

    PS: just saw your profile, you're ginger? that's way cool in my books! :happy:

  7. didn't watch the film, loved the book though it did make me cringe! (: and hello! (:

  8. :D glad you had a great day Sever! (by the way, is that your real name? (: i'm Karen. (: ) and haha the thread has been hijacked by us chatting and going horribly off-topic :$
  9. :happy: Enid Blyton is essential to everyone's childhoods it seems (: miss those innocent days.


    :eek: your house sounds pretty much magical! how huge is it? :D if i were you i'd stay there and never look at another house, how can anything compare with all of that? i'm seriously amazed that such a house would exist, it's so vastly different from anything i've seen (and sounds so much like something out of a book!) it's :D! i love your house too!


    haha that reminds me of the whole maturation of society thing, i can't wait to see how Singapore will turn out really. we've already got the youth apathy thing down pat, though at the same time we seem to have a very bright future? /end discussion of too serious topic on which i'm nowhere qualified to speak on in the first place, oops :happy:


    :happy: yeah i'm not really looking forward to working life either, though if all goes well i'll still have four years more in university which would make it a total of six years in tertiary education :facepalm: enjoy your last few years of student life! (if you're planning to continue after your MA? when i was little i always wanted to get a PhD- but that was also when i only knew of Oxford, Cambridge and Harvard universities, so all who asked me where i wanted to study at were duly impressed :rolleyes:)


    20,000 words! what topic is your dissertation on? all the best with that, i remember my friend in the process of writing his thesis- not fun at all :noey: aww cheer up, maybe you can travel in the winter instead! go somewhere warm, beachy :cool: and liberating, celebrating your MA! :happy:

  10. :LOL: me too! i'm just there along for the ride :D aww the heavens are crying in joy at your special day! :D:party:
  11. :$ i'm sorry, i've been leaving massive essays on everyone's boards lately! should stop writing so much before everyone gets sick of replying. and also, yay for elephant hair! :happy:

    EDIT: that sounds kinda weird, haha. don't mind me, i'm slightly deliriously happy for no real reason today. :happy:

  12. :eek: in your very home? wow that sounds like something straight out of an Enid Blyton book! (read far too many of them as a kid, guess that's where all my British stereotypes come from.) but no srsly, that's really awesome. what are they though? like a little shed full of gnomes and pixies? naaw. :happy:

    i guess coming from HongKong, where there aren't many heritage buildings still around with majority pulled down in the name of progress, and Singapore, with only 44 years of independence. most of our buildings are what my architect friend calls 'desperation buildings' - built solely with the aims of speed and cost, hence having little aesthetic and cultural value - everything else seems pretty cool to me! (: haha some parts of Singapore's beautiful, but some of the government-built housings are really terrible, they look as if they were painted by the colourblind! :rolleyes: i've begun to really appreciate the place after living in Aussie though. that's probably one of the best things to come out of my studying overseas. :happy:


    :eek: you've been to almost half the world! yes university is the best time to travel aye? when we're all still young and carefree and have months of holidays a year. it'll give us something to look back on when we enter the rat race (: i've got a friend who took a gap year to backpack around New Zealand alone, working to support herself along the way. she's one of the bravest and most inspiring people i've known! :happy: where do you intend to go next? (:

  13. hello! saw you post on the Cockminster thread, you've got an awesome username! :happy:

  14. hello! :happy: just wanted to say that you've got a nice sig. :yesey:

  15. :eek: why would i remind you of that song!! haha that's SCARY!

    and nahh i was kidding about breaking into their hotels. that would mean they'll remember me for the wrong reasons! :happy: am a normal, sane girl. (....or am i? :shifty:) hm what's TH though? i'll make sure i don't cross paths with one, haha (:


    :yesey: i like your description of Matt's voice. i'd say it's beautiful and haunting too sometimes. (: actually Muse is the first band whose music made me super emotional. i can't listen to their music for too long cause it's so draining sometimes! (except the happier songs, i like dancing to TIRO in my room (: )


    :LOL: Kurt Cobain's not bad! i guess it depends on the style of your song as well? haha i used to listen to alot of The Offspring, but their songs don't seem very difficult to song? and it's good that you're not singing songs The Offspring way! (: i read some of your lyrics, and me likey :happy: they're pretty good,, i like your style of writing (: they'll be great as songs as well! saw your Glitterati ukulele as well, HOW COOL IS THAT!! :awesome: you glittered it yourself? WOW srsly it's real pretty! (: i like it more than the Glitterati Manson :D sadly i've never heard an ukulele though, do you use it in your songs?


    :happy: good to hear about your dad, but srsly Poland sounds :erm:

    :D that sounds like an excellent plan to me! i'm always so impressed and inspired when i meet people with really awesome dreams. (like my architect friend who wants to design homes to close the social gap between neighbours), remember us when you become famous! (: (: and i'll go to your performances, buy your CDs and start a fan forum! :party: you'll have your own PAMT and crazed fans trying to break into your hotel :D (okay now i've made it sound unappealing!) but seriously, go for it! :D i'm pretty excited for you :happy:

    gah speaking of future mine looks rather bleak, unless i kick myself on the arse and manage to catch up with and finish revision in a month! ): i'm trying to transfer over into the course that i really want, Veterinary Science, but i'll need first class honours for this year for a shot at it ): it's really daunting, and i don't want to stay in science and be a labrat for the rest of my life! ):


    hmm maybe you can move your whole family over so you won't have to go back to Poland again! (: and yeah i understand what you mean, ): it's kind of sad though that it's so horrible you can't wait to move out. ): it really emphasises how terrible the situation is. ): hopefully someone will come along, reform the government and the policies, it'll be a slow process but any improvement is better than having so many driven away (:

  16. i'm good, could be better though. how're you? :happy:

    edit: i remember, you dyed your hair blue, yes? :D that's awesome!

  17. i've used my superduperly impressive detective skillz to deduce that it's your birthday today (it's past 12 midnight here), so HAPPY EIGHTEENTH BIRTHDAY! :party: *throws confetti and presents you with a llama cake and llama cookies and other things of llama deliciousness* :D

    edit: i'm doing good (: someone breaking the code would be a good development though. :happy: and how're you on this special day? :D

  18. PS: oops another supermassively long message! AFTER editing. :$

  19. :LOL: i like the way you think! nah fashion's for fun, no need to take anything seriously. (:


    :D my class was awesome, apart from themed days at school most of our class parties had themes as well (: those were the good ol' days of junior college. (: naw high school can't be that bad! unless it's really the stereotypical high school like in Mean Girls. which would be terrible, but who cares what other people think! :fear:


    hehe you're welcome to come annoy us on teh muse boards any time! (: and you ARE epic. epic win! :D srsly i was surprised at the many decent people on here, i guess i wasn't expecting much of teh internetz. :rolleyes:


    :eek::stunned: that's EXCELLENT! congratulations! :party: *throws confetti and bakes you cupcakes* awww that's really great news, i'm so happy for you :awesome:


    (: we had those throughout our pre-tertiary education too! had annual fitness tests that we had to pass, or keep training and retaking till we did :rolleyes: and that sounded like a roller coaster of a day! :LOL: at the pairing with the boy, but it probably won't be too awkward unless *whispers conspiratorially* he likes you :ninja:? (: or unless you've got childish friends always attempting to start rumours about you! i have some of those, they never stop the pisstaking :rolleyes:


    wait, you take Spanish? (: is it some kind of compulsory language class or something? wow, i'd like to learn a language but never got the chance to, and now it's too risky a subject,might pull my grades down (i need a first class honours this year.) Spanish sounds cool though. do you know any other languages? :happy:


    twas a good day! and tomorrow i'm having laboratory practicals which are always fun. plus, i get to see my cool friend with a muffin tatt on her butt (not that i've seen her butt, but i'll take her word for it) :happy:

  20. ello there (:

  21. HELLO you have the best username ever! *hands you a prize* :D

    EDIT: i see someone else has noticed it too. agreed! (:

  22. :happy: that sounds beautiful! i'll go hunt down the rural parts then (: it's really nice to see places that have some history behind them. Singapore's just mainly sterile, modern buildings. :noey: was pleasantly surprised by Melb Uni, we have some really pretty and old (and pretty old) buildings! :happy: gives the place an academic, cultured air even if we don't act like it :happy:


    wow your thailand trip sounds :awesome:! i'll have to get myself some adventurous friends and do that some day. (: rafting + drunken water fights + staying in tree houses = win! hee i've gotten to ride an elephant though, the hairs on his head were so prickly and wiry. (: and then we went to feed the giraffes with their huge blue tongues. strangely i can't remember where this was,:erm: hmm. come to think of it i can't remember many of my trips :stunned: looks like i'll just have to visit all the places again :D


    :LOL: i'll have you know 'twas more innocent than that. but you're amusing, i like you already.:happy:

  23. :LOL: will make sure i get the real ale next time! these substitutes aint nothin' compared to the real thing :happy:

    aww are the beautiful bits like the countrysides with the quaint cottages and sheep in the fields, and adorable old couples with the old man wearing a paperboy's cap and smoking a pipe, and the old lady sitting in a rocking chair knitting? :happy: </stereotype> sounds like a nice serene place to be! plus, i hear London's got good shopping. :cool:


    :happy: that sounds like an excellent trip! i'll be heading over to Sydney myself after these pesky exams. can't wait! (: Thailand's another great place, where did you go? (: unfortunately i've only ever been to Bangkok, cause shopping's the only thing we've done there. :rolleyes: the last trip was real fun though, went with four of my best friends and we had a real girly stereotypical bimbotic shopping trip complete with nighttime bonding sessions and pillow fights. :happy:

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