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Everything posted by pikakrn

  1. ello (: thought i'd say hi!

  2. haha agreed! :happy: i'm hoping i don't pick up new fangirlism of anything else, Muse is taking up way too much time ):

    i'm good! though the result of all this lurking around on museboards is me still up at 0545 ):

    how's you? hope your essay is finishing soooon (:

    name's karen by the way, nice to meet you! (:

  3. hello! saw your post on You know you're addicted to Muse when...thread and wanted to say hi :happy:

    i wish my econs essay would write itself too ):

  4. yeah it's really time consuming! and all the best for your exam! :happy:

    HAHA i'm listening to the interview now and it's :stunned: but :LOL: at the same time! alittle TMI though. (:

  5. hello ciara! (: it's such a pretty name :happy:

    i know! ): haha more like assignments+exams+new found obsession with muse+ perfectionist streak (MUST have as many pictures/songs/videos as possible!!!) = EPIC FAIL ):

    haha actually i've been pretty happy watching all the interviews and stuff floating around on the internet! :happy:

  6. haha but why? boybands+alcohol+drugs seem like a weird combination, or maybe i'm too sheltered :happy: our boyband days were the stick-posters-on-the-wall, kiss them goodnight and matchmake-them-with-spice-girls days :happy: and those friends are....:stunned:

    i know! my friends used to get drunk and it wasn't a very pleasant experience taking care of them. and there's all the different types of drunks: the quiet ones who turn emo, those who start screaming/singing, those who start crying (the worst kind!) and then the next day everyone pretends like nothing's happened :stunned:

    hehe what're you composing? sounds cool, i'm such an artistic noob :$

  7. i had my first Muse dream today and all i could remember when i woke up was 'i need to post thing on the Muse dreams board'
  8. let y=fn(x)

    (y)^2+ (y+1)^2= (y^2)+(y^2+2y+1) = 2(y^2)+2y+1

    would that be correct? (:

  9. dood i'm srsly the worst the person to ask about math! ):

    i've done this question at Alevels but know shit about it now ):

    will ask around and get back to you! :happy:

  10. haha i know! the anticipation is keeeeeling me ):

    tis a good day! swamped by uni work but Muse is keeping me company (:

    how's your day going?

    i'm karen by the way :happy: nice to meet you!

  11. *waves back* :happy:

    HAHA i just got the :awesome: after the banana :happy: took me a second there (:

    swamped by school work! ugh.

    how's your day going? :happy:

    loving your posts on You know you're addicted to Muse when...thread ! (:

  12. hahah it's britney, bitch :happy: my very first album was her first! a friend gave it to me saying she was going to be the next big thing. and i was ): ): but i wanted a BSB album ): hahah. everyone else had such cool taste (with the exception of me) back then! i had friends listening to eminem and declaring themselves 'boyband slayers' because the BSB and N'SYNC fangirls always argued over who was better :LOL:

    woww that's a very high tolerance! i've never gotten drunk before either since my friends keep being very concerned about the redface -_-

    okay i'm off for today! ta :happy:

  13. ..am uncultured, having just emerged from a cave :$

    hehe i don't know, older than me at least! (: i have this friend who gets into things years earlier into me, she was into the offspring at 12! (while i was still singing backstreet's back alrighttt thinking they were real cool -_-)

    haha but yes more is definitely better! :happy: none for anyone all mine roar. wine's good too (: but i get the asian glow real quick which always makes people think i'm drunk -_-

    hmm i stay in aussie so our time zones are probably very different! :happy:

  14. heh thankyou! (goes off to google it) am so uneducated. :noey:

    haha i know! i was :eek: when i finally decided to check the folder i saved the pics in. slighttttly scary. haha are you an old muse fan? :happy: i can't believe i listened to them two years ago but never really got into them until this year :$ missed out when they came to play in singapore ):

    haha i'm loving the caption thread and the museboards in general, everyone's so friendly :happy: lots of funneh and muse pictures don't hurt too (:

    haha drinking on a sunday night! i prefer jimbeam and coke myself :happy: though my friends always comment that it tastes like cough syrup, which is good cause it means more for me! :happy:

    it's four thirty in the morning now but i'm wide awake!

  15. (: what's the opera you're talking about? hehe when you said carmen i only thought of uhh. where in the world is carmen sandiago? which reminded me of matt in where's waldo garb :happy:

    i've just been saving pictures! i just realised the other day that i've already gotten a collection of 1300 pictures. and i only started coming on this site and microcuts last monday :stunned:

    stalking captions thread, it's awesome too :LOL:

    how's you!:happy:

  16. hello! :happy: i'm karen, been stalking PMT for the past few days (:

  17. ello! :happy: how's you!

  18. ps: found an existing thread! here :happy:

  19. haha yeah that's true. new thread time! (: (: (: (i'd love a red trench, srsly (: )

  20. that's a great idea! unless there's only the two of us who want to dress like them. ): i'm thinking that it's pretty easy to dress like muse though, it's pretty similar to my own style anyways (:

    nice new dp by the way! me likey :D

  21. awww! that's really cool :awesome: is keeping foxes allowed? but he's reallly cute awww. just melts my heart :happy: so widdle! is he friendly? (:


    i've got a dog myself! am pretty worried about her cause she's fifteen this year and losing weight so she's real skinny when she's wet and not so fluffy ):

    here! :happy:

  22. hello i'm new too (: how's you!

  23. awww! :happy: where'd you get him! and naming him scruffy just increases his cuteness quotient (:

  24. :LOL: and their kids will go on to form the muse 2.0! will probably be not as good though who can be better than then :D


    yeah i know! especially when you think of the stereotypical empty life of the thrashed rockstar with lots of money and only a few true friends :( glad they seem much more down to earth and normal though :happy:


    a fox! so cuuuute! where? (: i'd love to keep one of those! or have one visiting my garden just like in the british childhood story books i used to read :happy:

  25. haha i can imagine Dom and Matt with their respective kids driving their respective wives mad because they'll act like kids too! they'd probably be really cool dads, Dom would bring his kids out to fish and Matt... his kids would probably end up knowing lots of conspiracy theories! :happy: come to think of it i think both of them would be great a friends too (: just imagine the kind of conversations you can have :happy:


    yeah i know! :( some days when you're happy and you listen you just separate yourself from the emotions in the song, but other days when you feel so sensitive everything gives you goosebumps and makes you wanna cry :( i always feel that when i hear hyper chondriac music. and bliss is ): i agree! haha maybe you should write in and tell them.


    you know some days i wonder if they're happy, what with being famous and always on tour and all, cause sometimes the songs seem so painful :( which i guess is quite creepy considering i don't know them personally but really i just want them to have happy, fulfilled lives :happy:

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