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Everything posted by pikakrn

  1. goodmorning! *sends you a cuppa tea or coffee*:)

    hee i like some musing to start off my day too :happy:

    come to think of it chris would make a great dad dont you think! he looks like a teddybear, i'm sure he's real gentle and family-man-ish around his kids. that image just warms the cockles of my heart :happy:

    i just realised recently some muse songs are kinda painful to hear! like it's so emotional and intense it makes me uncomfortable. haunting, especially matt's voice!:stunned: i still love their songs though it's kinda draining with all the emotions.:happy:

  2. hello! (: how's you!

  3. hello! sorry i went off (:

    haha yeah i heard one kid for each album right! but still he's so quiet everyone's liek OOH CHRIS CAN TALK! hahah

    and yes he's quite lovable too! muse is getting more and more awesome by the day (:

    how's you today! (:

  4. thankyou! (((: and i'm so surprised that wasn't how i expected him to sound like at all! haha he's kinda like a huge teddy bear though. (: before that i was just thinking he's always absent and muse was mainly about matt and dom. :happy:

  5. hahah i love how Dom has skinnies in every colour of the rainbow, and he can still pull them off! (:

    i'd love to be surrounded by Mini Doms and Chris' and Matts, we could go all day spouting Muse nonsense and singing songs (: wouldn't hurt if they could play like them too (: or even just look like them :LOL:

    yeah i've not even heard Chris say anything once! though i think his backing vocals are awesome (: what's he like when he talks! i shall go youtube him now :happy:

  6. haha that's so cute! :happy: now i want a Mini Dom of my own too :LOL: shall attempt to convert friends to muse! not just okay with their music but in lurrrve so i can call them Dom and Chris and Matt :happy: and woww she has the whole outfit? then she's AWESOME in my eyes! :LOL:

  7. hello! i'd love to help spread the llama love too! though i'm stuck in aussie. but i can help provide umm my brains and moral support?
  8. :D haha i realised that i've been dressing like matt all along anyway :happy: he has good fashion sense! :happy: (more recently anyway, was looking at the anti-PMT :LOL:)

    awww you have a Mini Dom!! explain? hahah i think people will think me mad for liking a band so much (it's not very typically me, but then muse is not a typical band either!:happy:)

    haha yeah i know what you mean! it's like when you say something muse-related it instantly has a red flag in your head but nobody gets the reference :$ and then you get such a buzz out of it and nobody else gets why either :$

    i love their britishness! :LOL: i wish i could speak english slang like then. hello there mate, would you like a cuppa tea? cheers! :LOL:

    :LOL: i just had that same thought today!! about fishing. maybe the musers should meet up to go fishing! then we can all say LOOK WE CAUGHT A PWOPPER FISH DOM LOOK! (and assign someone to be called Dom so we can point at him!)


  9. :chuckle: hello i'm back! (: how's your day!

    haha i was looking through my wardrobe and realised i've got some potentially Matty clothes (: i've even got the red pants and red&black checkered braces! yay i can be a Mini Matt whenever i want :LOL:

    though that would make me a dyke since i'm a girl :$

    haha yeah i get what you mean! today i used 'proper' and that gave me a cheap thrill though nobody else noticed. :happy:

  10. hahah that's a nice way to put it :LOL:

    i've never been on other boards before though, haven't really liked anything/anyone enough to join. :happy:

    okay i'm off to school now, accompanied by muse on my ipod (: haha i've been looking at the PMTs so much i think i'll dress like matt today (: black, red, white. :LOL: not that anyone will get it, but it'll make me chuckle to myself (another weird habit of mine :LOL:)

  11. hello! haha you caught me back on museboards immediately after waking up. (am obsessed i tells ya.)

    haha i was talking to a friend who's on a forum talking about handball and she says they're the same! i guess fanatics everywhere crazy enough to join forums are all the same no matter what they're crazy about :LOL:

  12. haha nope i haven't seen that vid, but good for me because they sound like twats! reminds me of that really old jap interview where matt looked really bored though, haha. they obviously weren't fans of muse then. which sucks, cause so many of us would love to get a chance to hang with them!

    haha yeah i know! i'd be so painfully awkward if i were to meet them too! but i wouldn't really want to meet them at those signing/pr things ya know? so...commercialised. it would be cool to bump into them at a bar or something though, then we could just chat or something (: haha they give me the impression that they're kinda weird too so i think we'll just all act weird together! (:

    hehe my friends say i'm pretty weird too, high five! (:

  13. bye! have a good rest (:

  14. aww that sucks. i didn't know muse weren't that big in the US? actually i was quite surprised when i came on here and found many saying that not alot of people know of muse. i mean, they're the AWESOMEST! :LOL:

    and i come from singapore (where they played and i wasn't into them at the time, how dumb :$) and they're quite popular i guess. at least most of my friends have heard of muse (mostly starlight and smbh though, but that's a start! (: )


    hahah i'm the only muse addict i know too! my friends are just ambivalent about them save for one. the other day a friend saw my muse playlist and commented that they're not very girly music. -_-

  15. hello! (: nice to meet you!

  16. hahah if i saw a bunch of people singing a muse song in the streets i'd definitely join them! if you're a fan of muse you must be a-okay :LOL:

    where do you come from? i can't imagine being picked on just because i happen to like music others don't! those radiohead nerds suck :mad:

    i do like some radiohead though (: when i'm on a muse-break that is (:

    i'm good! though i didn't manage to finish my work (with all the muse video watching and dancing in my seat hehe):happy:

    how're you! (:

  17. haha yeah! just imagine if we were out someplace in a group and a muse song comes on! (:

    or other fun things we can do, like stalking people on the streets who happen to look like muse, try slipping as many muse-related phrases and words into our conversations, burst into song! (:

  18. hello! i'm karen (: how are you! (:

    haha i love that thread, everyone's agreeing with everyone else's comments!

  19. hello! i guess i'm on chat, but seems like i'm the only one here -_-

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