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Everything posted by kueller

  1. Hoodoo Take A Bow Glorious Darkshines Citizen Erased Too many to count.
  2. Showbiz Hate This and I'll Love You Space Dementia Unnatural Selection Assassin
  3. This one's better. [YT]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wua7z0xxuoo[/YT]
  4. I can't remember the first song I heard from them but I pretty much had the same experience.
  5. I was talking about the content of the image, not the failure at formatting.
  6. So, 2 things that seemed to work for me although I'm not sure how consistent they are. In the FoFMuse folder I changed Hyper Music's folder name to "3.1 Hyper Music" instead of "4.1 ...", that was an error on my part.

    Then I deleted the .fofix-cache file from the folder and restarted the game. Things seem to be loading correctly and I'm trying it out right now.

  7. No pre-chorus at all, goes straight into the chorus http://picosong.com/R5Lp/ Instrumental, no vocals during the pre-chorus http://picosong.com/R524/ Similar to the last one, but I added some extra guitar tracks to the existing one to try and make it fuller. http://picosong.com/R52V/ http://picosong.com/R52b/
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