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Everything posted by kueller

  1. A transcoded lossless file will sound better than a transcoded lossy file. It's only a cover contest so yeah kinda pointless but I can see why some people would want higher quality.
  2. Well I did mention that I'd have the time to hopefully do it in a timely manner. And transcoding is usually not a problem for me with audio files. I wouldn't have a problem with lossless.
  3. For clarification since I'm most likely handling this, what were the issues with file management last time?
  4. What about instrumentation? There was a mix last time of standard covers and full on instrumental covers. Are both allowed equally?
  5. All users must submit a picture of their dick with each entry. A unique dick-shot for each round. During voting entries will be judged on the quality of the cover in relation to the quality of the dick. The one with the least amount of dick votes in the end will get a Manson for compensation. The one with the voted best dick will get to go on a date with james90. It says family friendly, so I'll mail physical copies of the dick photos if you'd like to share with your family.
  6. Thank you. I'll be here all eternity
  7. Good point. I hope the next album is full of this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnWRDKuuqRU But with falsetto vocals of course.
  8. Can you really not infer negativity in there? Of course in the end the station will only play what charts. But in the previous comment they seemed fine saying that Green Day weren't played because they "were not good enough". You could take that as a quality judgment.
  9. If you argue against modernity and technology as not being valid musical instruments then the electric guitar shouldn't be an instrument either. Keyboard is just as much of an instrument as an amplified guitar. Pretty much on the same technological level.
  10. Clarifying an argument is contribution.
  11. If the context is so important then why does removing the soundtrack usually leave the viewer confused as to what will happen next? It's a regularly used tactic to create confusion. Also I first played the Halo series of games just cause I liked the soundtrack. It gave a pretty good idea of what mood the games would be in.
  12. I have some experiences.
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