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Everything posted by futurophu

  1. i find it very hard to like really.. so do most of the people i've asked about it.. it just struck me that i'd never considered it was actually very popular that's true.. i spose i did only pre order it because at the time i wasn't it expecting to find it that dissapointing, i was still muse obsessed..
  2. manly :awesome::LOL:

    they do have nice legs it's true, apart from cyclists with their gianormous calf muscles..


    like a week and 4 days :( AND i dont even get EMA for it or learn that much.. i'm planning on taking as much time off as i can :LOL:

  3. i really REALLY don't understand how TR sold so many copies, i mean i know it's extra poppy but it's just... not that good, how could so many people actually like it enough to not just download it illegally..
  4. i'm sorryy.. wassup?

  5. backs are also awesome :yesey: i like natural shaped bellies :happy:


    i found out today it really is so much worse when it's humid i doesn;t even have to be that hot.. stupid british weather.. actually rubbish all year round :LOL:


    wow :stunned:

    because we have coursework already we haven't even enroled for next year yet (NNN)

  6. nah.. i like necks :awesome: they niice Neck.png



    mmm spring is totally the best season, like it's not as depressing as autumn either :happy:

    although summer weather as pretty nice today :D


    iii didn't watch thaat :LOL:

    i'm pissed off at biology.

  7. ahh i had that period like last year :chuckle:


    asses are problematic indeed :LOL:


    ughhhh it's too hott.... i've heard from two people who've lived in africa that the heat here is worse than there because it's so humid :LOL:


    how're you?

  8. it really is a good colour :awesome: when in doubt wear black


    ahh i'm like the opposite i have a size 14 butt and i've managed to get into size 10 tops :stunned: stooopid body :noey:


    school (NNNN) and also babysitting kittens :happy: i proper wish i could be bothered to do anything with my hair :chuckle: curls are niice

  9. thats what i usually do but my roots were like a meter logn :chuckle:


    that sounds nice, pale green has been like my favourite colour for about a month i have two new tops that colour :awesome:


    i just need anything that covers my ass :indiff:

    i just wear a bra insead when i'm not planning on going in the sea or y'know if i'm not at the beach :LOL:


    aanyways, wassup?

  10. mehhh.. maybe if it was better music we got played...


    true it's not my favourite song of the album :erm: shame they didn't make a video for one of the better ones.


    but i have to go school with a blue head now :LOL:


    whasit like? i have actually never worn a bikini everr, just noo chance my ass would work with bikinis...

  11. may have said this already but i dance like a nervous, less creative thom yorke :LOL:


    yuss :D


    omggg you're so lucky.. i have another 4 weeks of school :( then less than 2 months holiday..


    i've just dyed my hair blue black again and my scalp and forehead looks like i've poured like ink on my head then let it drip down :chuckle:

  12. i'm ok.. having a slight spaz because art coursework is due in sooner than i expected and i still haven't bought a dress for my school prom which is in a week lool


    and it's the gorrilaz video :D which.. makes little sense but is still good :LOL:


    howre you?

  13. yeahh, i cant remember half of my childhood so it's more stuff i did a couple of years or months ago... so annoying lol..


    i know.. eye nipple :stunned:...pfffffhhht :LOL: it's just weird..

    bless :LOL: i think 2 of mine will attack your feet but not lick them :chuckle:

    my older cat likes to smell inside your mouth if you open it...........

    i've come to the conclusion cats are strange :LOL:

  14. i have such a problem with embarassing stuff lool i relive allt he dumb stuff i've done in my head for aages sometimes


    n'aaww :LOL:

    one of mine sucks peoples eye lids if they lie down wit him on them :stunned: i think he thinks it's his mums nipple :LOL: still pretty disturbing though :chuckle:

  15. last minute important decisions ftw :LOL:

    lucky you lmao it's horrible being reminded of dumb stuff you did :chuckle:


    awwwwwwww :supersad: ....:LOL: bless.. did it get all sulky and defensive because it made a msitake? like one of mine fell in the bath ( as the water was running out so there as only a little bit in there and she looked so like humiliated (..if a kitten can look humiliated :chuckle:)

  16. loool i idndt even think of it like that but now i have thats hilarious xD


    its horrible i only just dec ided like in the last week i want to take art at uni and now i have to go look at unis and sort everything out.. way too fast.. or i'm unprepared.. w/e lol

    ughh i used to be even worse when i was a kid.. been a proper uphill battle with myself to gain what little social skills i have :chuckle:


    ohh i hate it when my mum gets nostalgic mostly because she tells me embarassing stuff lol

    what you did sounds kinda cute though :happy:

    yeah like walking.. like you can do it without even thinking but had to learn it...

    long post is long :LOL:

  17. ughh lucky, my hair gets frizzy apart from the roots with get greasy (N)

    ahh i see... that sounds quite a good idea actually i think kids would benefit from more school later in life when they're old enough to be influenced by people other than their parents.. i never even went to nursery :noey: i think that's why i lack social skills :LOL:


    i still remember learning the alphabet :happy: and how to read :chuckle: it's so weird thinking that once i just didn't know how to read.. i can't imagine that now...

  18. wooow that is a bad unintended insult there :chuckle:

    i do love how heels like force you to look nicer :LOL: make you stand up straight and stuff..


    embarassed smiley storm lool

    i think i may have gone for longer, like if you're just hanging around the house you don't really get properly dirty :chuckle:.. but i ACTUALLY left the house couple of days ago (shock horror :eek:) so i'm reasonably clean loool


    wow 2 years? you get longer in school than me then.. although i'm taking a 1 year course before i start a BA degree so i guess i'm pretty much the same..

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