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Everything posted by futurophu

  1. 'superarket' :chuckle: haha

  2. loool :LOL: i don't know why i find that so funny.. i so could never go to the superarket in heels.. i look like a man in drag they way i walk in them :chuckle:


    i actually haven't brushed my hair for 2 days, been such a slob.. it's all frizzy and shit..

    have you finished school yet?

  3. one's white with ginger patches one's extra fluffy and dark brown with lighter tabby patches and one's grey tabby with spots and a white belly :happy:


    kitten talk is the best talk :awesome::chuckle:

    i'm a'ight.. kinda behind on art coursework and still looking at uni so a bit stressed.. you?

  4. Charlie and Miso :happy: i didn't pick either of them :LOL:


    your boo boo is better than her boo boo, your boo boo is a kitten :happy: *squee*


    aww wow that cat int he picture is preeetty

    two of mine have orangey eyes :eek: i feel so lucky lool love cats with orange eyes

  5. awwww ice lolly name is even cuter (mostly because i don't pay much attention to hp :chuckle:) :happy:

    we still have one with pretty much no single name.. so i just call her whatever comes to mind.. mostly baby, diddums, little one, kitty... i may try boo boo :LOL:


    n'awwww greedy kitty :happy: what like colours are yours?

  6. wow my estimation of time was actually almost right :awesome:


    i knew someone who's fainted like twice in public.. i'd be so embarassed :chuckle:


    awwww :happy: piggelin is definately a lot cuter than pigwidgeon i have to say :D

    nah they came from a house with like two cats giving birth, the first cats tried to get milk from our kittens mum so our kittens got less... there's one really skinny one with spindly legs lool, not unhealthily skinny just insect like

    *waffles about cats*

  7. last time i payed attention to who won propery was when i was like 7 :LOL: i think they won sometime around then... w/e


    maybe you just almost fainted.. hmm.. i've never fainted.. i'd kinda like to faint at home so i can deal with it better if i end up fainting in public sometime :chuckle:

    and bless :happy: so there's like.. hedwig?


    a bit better.. i didn't know how much vet bills are :eek: there should so be an animal NHS..


    awwww! i got well scared about mine as well they were underweight apparently.. poor kitties..

  8. brazil always wins innit :LOL:


    it's actually got nicer since this morning here :happy: hence i am happy

    grey weather ucks the most really.. rain is interesting at least..


    eee kitten reference :D *keeps reading*

    oh wow that is weird.. i get that head rush thing as well.. i think once i felt sick because of it but almost fainting sounds dodgy indeed..


    speaking of kittens mine were ill for a while.. sick kittens are the most depressing things ever :supersad:

  9. we suck as well :LOL: people get all optimistic about winning but it hasnt happened in like 50 years or something lmfao.


    i swear summers come really late here as well it's rubbish.. like it hasn't started properly yet..


    ugh it's horrible.. what's worse is if you sit cross legged then have to get up and you stumble because your feet are numb :LOL: makes you look a bit of a tard xD

  10. arghh im like 4-ish weeks away from summer holidays :( and have boycotted the world cup :LOL: i don't like the sort of people who use it as an oppertunity to be all patriotic..

    so not that much interesting for me lately

    i sort of agree.. but i think i'mma do a LOT of relaxing this summer :D

    and painting.. should be nice to finish stuff..


    whyyy is the weather like this all of a sudden :[[ it was so nice for a while now it's all rainy and overcast


    my left foot keeps getting numb really quickly compared to my right from sitting cross legged... hmm :LOL:

  11. indeed :awesome:

    i have a new online comic to lose my eyesite from reading for too long :LOL:


    how're you?



    and now i cant delete this same post from my page :chuckle:

    le fail

  12. indeed :awesome:

    i have a new online comic to lose my eyesite from readin for too long :LOL:


    how're you?

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