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Status Updates posted by KesMuse

  1. oh... no. (or do i?) lol!

    I know, my parents aren't really like that, but in a subtle and disapproving way they always push their point. My mum's always saying: "Yeah, i thought that when I was your age..." and Dad's doesn't take me very seriously. My mum wanted me to have an acoustic too, but me and my guitar-teacher-to-be persuaded our way into me getting an electric guitar. It's good having someone so similar to me as my teacher!

    You're 13, right? i am. I'll be 14 in August... scary!

    I go out of my way to quietly and subtly go against everything my parents have ever known and held as rules of life. They drive me insane because they just can't seem to take me seriously, you know? I mean, they sort of take some of the things i do and say a little bit seriously, but they don't understand me at all, which is kinda concerning considering they brought me up!

  2. sounds plausible

  3. oh thom yorke?

  4. what's genious? them?

  5. Yeah!

    I'm so tired. I think i'm just drained...

    Teenagers don't scare me. I am one! The whole song is about how adults always feed us with books 'to make a citizen out of you'. here, take a look at all of the lyrics - http://www.metrolyrics.com/teenagers-lyrics-my-chemical-romance.html - I always feel like someone or another is telling me what to do, you know? I hate it... Yeah, take a look at the lyrics... Do you think they fit? I know they are appropiate to my situation... *sigh*

  6. Ahh, we did!! Sunny! Wahoo!

  7. i know, me too!

  8. It was cool. Went to the Mayflower pub. Always go there... ah, but that pasta was the best thing!!!

    There was this goth guy up the high street and i had to laugh. I mean, don't get me wrong - he had the coollest jacket i've ever seen - but he looked like he was trying too hard, and his ten-year-old chubby cheeks didn't fit the whole rigmarole! I want his jacket though.

    'They say: "All teenagers scare the living shit outa me"

    They couldn't care less, as long someone'll bleed.

    So darken your clothes or strike a violent pose

    Maybe they'll leave you alone

    But not me...'

    (My Chemical Romance - Teenagers) i know the feeling.

  9. it was out today, but it didn't last long, and it wasn't that warm...

  10. hahaha! It's the same with everyone at the moment i think! Just wait for the sun...

  11. Oh yeah. Hampshire.

    Hey, i'm going down to Lymington tomorrow!

  12. I know, it's evil!!! I feel like i've put on five-thousand pounds, when i haven't gained even one! i feel so heavy and so very very very tired!

  13. Oh, you're so so lucky! I miss the sun! I haven't seen it for so long! I can't wait for this miserable weather to end!

  14. hahahahahahahaha! Oh, don't i know that feeling!

    God, i'm so tired... it's only like... 8:15pm or something... *yawn*

  15. thanks! It's amazing, but it's not really... cool! in fact it's one of the nerdiest things i've ever done! But it was lots of fun, so what the hell! It's the second year running that we've won that! Woohoo!

  16. Ooh, Lucky!!! i so want one!!!

    Bloody hell, i have the worst headache... awful... anyway, i made it through today. Only just. i nearly went home, but i just couldn't abandon my team! and we won! we won!!!! It was a book quiz and so we got a bag of books and sweets just for turning up! We swapped all our books around coz i'd read all mine and my friend didn't want one of hers because she hates horror. We found a spare bag and raided it! I don't think the teachers even noticed! The prize was a £10 book voucher and a bag of stationary, pencils and a planner thingy! One of those diary things, but it has a radio and the time and the temperature and everything! Eeek! I think i'm gunna break it... uh oh!

  17. do you get to keep them afterwards?

    I've been off school today... not good! I'm part of a team doing a quiz tomorrow at school though, so i have no choice but to go in. Well i've had my day of recovery so i ought to just go. My mum's offered me a lift there anyway. It's coz i'm in a team of only five and i can't just abandon them, no matter how bad i feel! I'll survive.

  18. Oh sorry, i didn't reply last time... can't think why!

    Life's alright. I'm just south of Croydon, and who doesn't know what croydon's like?! Well if you don't then it's great if you like chavs and drunks. Which i don't. But at least i have a train station right at the bottom of my road! I can escape!

    How about you?

  19. Oh ok...

    woohoo, that's so cool! i want one!

  20. so what's wrong with him?

    Lucky girl

    Hoodies! OMG! I want a personal hoody!!!

  21. My favourite!!!

    Do you have sun? I have grey clouds and yucky rain!

  22. Uh, sensitive question but... How did they help your brother?

    I love discos, but i never go to any! There are none around here!

    Ooh-err! i'm in all our choirs, but (despite being amazing (and bloody cheesey)) we're not that famous!

    All the teachers trust me! Ooh, i've got them twisted around my little finger! They're fooled! I can't help but laugh at the shock on their faces whenever i step even slightly out of line! I hate to be so manipulative, but it's not intentional!

  23. lol, that would be so cool! yeah, our school hall is massive and i bet i could convince them to let me have it for a night or two. I'm a bit of a goody-2-shoes, so they'd trust me. BIG mistake! lol I could like charge peeps to get in and give all the money to charity. Our skl will do anything for charity! I've got some yr11 mates who are always doing some charity thing or another so they've got friends (teachers!) in high places, you know... Wow, there's a plan forming here!

  24. Wooooooooooooo!!!

    We should set up a massive London party or something! Wouldn't that be great? lol

    I'm gunna set up some amazing house where the top floor is a cafe (no alcohol coz it'll only be for 10-16yr olds) with some shitty jazz band or classical performers and then ground floor would be a club (again - no alcohol (damn!)) and then the basement would be a gig venue for rock bands and jumping up and down ONLY! lol! But how cool would that be? i mean it should technically be legal and it would be just so amazing! coz wot else is there for us to do? you probably don't notice it yet - i haven't really until this winter - but there is nowhere on earth that caters for teens properly! Everyone gets so bloody bored! It would be so cool!

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