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Status Updates posted by KesMuse

  1. scraped? eww, what's that?

  2. it feels good! lol

    When are you next going to see muse? or any band for that matter?

  3. ssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeexxxxxxxxxxxxxyyyyyyyy! lol

    i have a lie-in tomorrow! We have a academic tutoring day and i don't have to go in until 2:30pm. wahoo!

    they're a total waste of time, don't get me wrong, but at least i'll get some much-needed sleep.

  4. It was so cool! unbelievabubble. Utterly...

    i was too young to apprieciate it at the time, but looking back i think they were pretty fit.

  5. are you kidding?! tell them to get f*cked!

    i hate skl swimming. i used to have to do it in primary skl and i hated it so much! i depised it! there was like 30seconds to get changed and that was it!


    best day of my life... possibly the one that was joint worst day as well... i don't know... the best-worst day of my life was when i got beached while sailing and the Lifeguards had to take me away coz there were like 30ft waves coming over our heads and (coz it was so nice on land) i had no coat. that was a funny day...

    Or the best one could have been that teignmouth gig... that was AMAZING! i think it was that!

  6. yeah, i'm back at school too. i hate school. I don't know why i try, when no one else does. perhaps if they made it vaguely interesting then i might be... you know - vaguely interested?

  7. yeh, i hate school. Defo! Summer... uh, i can't wait! i love summer so much!


    I know the feeling. I've finally done that Art Project. it took me ages coz i had three essays to do at the same time!

  8. lol

    anyway... i've finally finished my three essays and one art project. Good!

  9. lol

    done all the hmwk now! woohoo! lol

    Had fun? skl 2morro?

  10. haha!

    Ah, i'm the same. there sun here too, but it's still cold and also i have an art project to do, due for friday. i've gotta get it done now tho coz by monday i'll have a whole new lot of homework to get on with.


    i can't wait for the summer. i cannot wait for it!

  11. that would be cool, (if it wasn't for the million km distance)

    maybe one day...

  12. lol

    -25? jesus fucking christ!!!

  13. nope, not in the slightest! but i've always wanted to try!


    i'm sick of rain and fog and yucky yucky crappy weather! i hate it all!

  14. lol, would be amazing!

    I'm not a very good guitarist. i can play Unintended and the guitar solo in New Born, but those are the only muse songs i can do. :( i'm getting better though. i can play hundreds of songs in just chord form! lol

  15. lol

    1/8 of an essay and 7/8s of an art project still yet to do. shit, i'm really running outa time!

  16. I know the feeling. I'm on my own as well.

  17. i won't. But cheating's not very good either.

    2 essays down, 1 (and one art project) to go. My head is about to explode... Ouch...

  18. oh why aren't there any cliffs in purley?

  19. i don't know why you're laughing when i'm about to throw myself off the nearest cliff.


  20. Croydon. Surrey, in other words. It sucks. It stinks. It's all grey, grey, grey.

    Yeah, i play electric guitar, but i'm dying to get my hands on a bass! Just saying that... :D lol! My brother's friend's parents are splitting up and they're selling the house, so we get to 'look after' his drumkit while they redecorate the room! wahoo! I benefit from the downfall of others! How evil is that?

  21. lol

    Do you sing in a band or anything, or just on your own?

  22. tell me about it. two essays down, one to go (plus a sodding art project). kill me now.

  23. I've never been. Sounds cool.

    oh shit, i gotta go finish those three essays and one art project. huh, great.

  24. red will always be the best!

    Cool, Lymington's gorgeous. Much better than skanky old Croydon!

    How long you been playing guitar? I've only been playing about a year.

  25. i suppose i'm the same as you then really! lol


    Me too! Sort of... i gave up piano a few months ago coz my teacher was a right old slave driver! she just wanted me to do all the exams and i just wasn't in it for that, you know?


    Whereabouts in hampshire do you live? i spend a lot of time in Lymington and the New Forest.


    i love your red hair matt pics! i adore that hair! Adore it! I plan to dye my hair that colour, purple and blue (hopefully not all at once) one day! Glorious!

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