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Status Updates posted by KesMuse

  1. yeah, lol! hehehehehe!

    You going skiing there or sumin?

  2. Yeah, they're pillocks, most of them. The rest are hilarious though! I'm always splitting my sides in class. Which is odd coz i'm a bit of a nerd really!

    do you play an instrument?

  3. Ah, you're one of the older yr8s! i'm one of the younger yr9s. In our school it's always the year nines. always has been, always will be! it's crap, but it's really funny! lol


    What you doin this half term?

    i'm just hanging here; in shitty rainy old britain. Same old, same old. I despise this time of year. i hate it so much... just goes beyond words! i DESPISE it! I'm just hanging out at home with my depressing Guns'n'Roses CDs and listening to other people talking about their lives. *sigh*

    You just watch all these sixteen-plus kids chilling and havin a good time, but you're stuck inside coz the weather's shit, you can't be asked to call your mates and your folks don't like you going anywhere interesting on your own. Fact.

    fun huh?

  4. cool, same! 13's a shit - pardon: rubbish - age in my opinion. lol! what do you think?

  5. hahaha! No, i like the books, but the films annoy the crap outa me! i don't like the script-writing. i think it's bland. Every sentence is about two words long! Anyway - i better shut up b4 i get lynched!


    Cool. What one? i'm going on the 11th.


    how old are you?

  6. Norway?! Shit! lol

    Nah, i'm just hanging here; in shitty rainy old britain. Same old, same old. I despise this time of year. i hate it so much... just goes beyond words! i DESPISE it! I'm just hanging out at home with my depressing Guns'n'Roses CDs and listening to other people talking about their lives. *sigh*

    Believe me, no matter how shit you think your life is now - it only gets worse. I bet you swear never to be the stroppy, sulky Teen. Course you will be. It's crap, but it's true. Well that was a nice depressing thought for you to consider. lol

    I really mean it though. You just watch all these sixteen-plus kids chilling and havin a good time, but you're stuck inside coz the weather's shit, you can't be asked to call your mates and your folks don't like you going anywhere interesting on your own. Fact.

  7. what are you doing this half-term? Anything exciting?

  8. cool! you're very good!

  9. woohoo! yeh, i got mine done for my tenth b'day! i want a piercing up at the top of my left ear, but it wouldn't be worth it coz i wouldn't be able to wear it at school until sixth-form and it'd prob close up! Besides, dad would eat me alive! (mum would probably just tell me off while laughing...) I'll do it when i'm sixteen. that way neither of them can complain and i'll be able to wear it school!

  10. yann tiersen? never heard of him!

    wow that's really cool! is that you singing or on the piano... or both?

    it's amazing!

  11. haha! i would fit in perfectly! lol

    I prefer to stick out in a chav school than blend in in a posh school!

    I still dunno... People never really like talking bout guitars when i bring it up. i know a few boys who play, but he's the only one who i could put up with for more than ten minutes! nah, he's nice, bless him! lol! *sigh* what-a-to-do?

  12. so you're going high skl end of this year? cool

    Private! ha! i feel so so so sorry for you! I despise all the shit we get fed at these bullshit schools and i hear private and grammar are like fifty times as bad. They're like where all the lawyers and politicians come from (they were never your average kids - don't believe a word of it)! OMG! how come you ended up in one of them?

    Sorry, i'm just taking the mick now... soz! I can't help it! How on earth did you end up there? s'pose if it's a primary then you didn't get much of a choice! My folks just shove me any old place coz they know that (no matter how much money we have) i'll always take the path they never really liked the sound of. They know once i make up my mind i'm not gunna change it, so they just throw opportunities at me and pretend not to be disapointed when i only take half of them.


    There's this really funny kid in my class. he plays guitar... i should ask him to play with me and patch... he'll prob laugh! Patrick's (patch) only nine... oh how bollocks is this? i should just ask him! He's been playing longer than i have, and i know he likes the same stuff as me (we disowned the kids behind us in english coz they never heard of Guns'n'Roses! i nearly died)... what do you think?

  13. i wish they'd teach us something worth knowing. ha, at least i don't go to a grammar school! Public bullshit is bullshit enough thanks very much!

    What about you? public, grammar, or private?


    Your pics are so great!

  15. Woopee! lol

    I despise school. So not worth my valuable time!

  16. definitely! he is so clever, with it! i can never believe how good they are.

  17. today at 3:30! WOOHOOOO! I'm so sick of school it's unbelieveable. using skl computer. i'm supposed to be working... Uh oh, teacher coming! see ya!

  18. ooh, lucky girl!

  19. ah, ok.


    Yeah - Wembley! AHHHHH! lol i went to Teignmouth as well! was amazing! What about you?

  20. Cool, cool.

    A friend played me Time Is Running Out and I got hooked and looked up all their other songs! She's obsessed with them too now! My fault! She only like TIRO before that! lol

    What about you?

  21. SouthEast. 30mins from London by train. Near Croydon.


  22. master. undoubtedly! i love him!

    My inspiration

  23. huh. i'm not laughing. they scare me shitless!

    I take it you do?

  24. England. Boring old, freezing cold Britain.

    What about you?

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