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Status Updates posted by KesMuse

  1. Oh it's really really great! Tell me what chords you can play and i'll tell you all the muse songs i've found with those chords in them! I love chord versions of stuff, coz it still sounds full even when you don't have a band behind you! My brother's trying to get a drum kit though, so i may have a little backing from him!

  2. Wow! Out on holiday again?!! Just how rich are you? lol, only kidding.

    I'm going to Rome in the May half-term for a week! I can't wait!!! And next year i'm going skiing in February and then i've got a skl trip to Greece in easter!!! It's not a hard life, is it?

  3. Omg, how cool is that?! Amazing!

    I live in Purley, Croydon. I mean, how boring is that? lol

    Bye! :kiss:

  4. oh okay


    I can't believe the weather's about to go shit again! I can't bear it! How long must this winter go on?

  5. Lol!

    I know, but it was so SO funny! Omg, i was practically falling off my chair!

  6. All schools?! Wow!


    Yeah, so South London's a bit rubbish. I live right on the edge, so i can see the very tip of london from my window, but not much. Only the purple-black sky! lol

    Everything's grey here. The sky, the ground, the buildings - everything. I can't wait for summer, when everything goes all bright and colourful again... i miss the sun!

  7. South London. The suburbs.

    Do you have to learn English like a language in school? Well, how else would you know it? But Mexico's right underneath America or something, isn't it? Do lots of people in your country speak English? Or is it mostly Spanish?

  8. Yuck, i hate science!

    I know the feeling. I've got two younger brothers who are always stealing my folks time!

    Yeah, i play guitar. Love it! I've only been playing a year, though. You?

  9. Aw, lucky! I have to wait until next thursday before i get my holiday!

    Where are you from? Like, country or whatever. It seems like everyone on here speaks English, so i never know! I'm british, but it's not as much fun as people make it sound!

  10. You saw who kissing?

    lol, anyways, i was always like that! My mates the other day were complaining that in their next lesson they had to put a condom on a fake cock, and i laughed so much! As we split up to go to our separate lessons, i shouted after them that their lesson sounded like fun and could i join in[?]! One of my friends mimed being sick and i totally doubled over in giggles!

    Yeah, same. I'm supposed to be doing latin homework now, but i just can't be asked!

    Omg, the other day some of the boys in my DT class decided to bunk and they were playing some ball game right outside my DT room! How dumb is that?! They got caught, needless to say!

  11. Okay, i thought i was bad! I mean, even if some of the guy teachers at my school are both gorgeous and just really really great guys, i'd never look them up on facebook! Geez!

  12. Haha! Oh i know i am! lol

    I love them! Haven't been on one since year seven! Je l'adore! I want to go on another one! I should so have gone on the return trip in year eight... aw, damn, now i hate myself for throwing away the opportunity! lol

  13. hahaha! was it a school trip thing? i'm guessing so.

    was it one of those adventure things? like absailing and kayaking and rock climbing and stuff?

  14. i'm cool. You?

  15. Hey, there.

    Sorry it took so long to reply. I guess i just forgot. Sorry!

  16. I know, there's some spazzy boy in my tutor who always does that when whatever's happened was so obviously his fault! God i hate that guy!

    Teachers aren't too bad... a bit thick sometimes, but at least they don't try to get inside my head. My Latin teacher's great though! She's into History and English and Ancient Civilisation, books and rock music... she's cool. That word doesn't apply to most teachers i know! i lent her a book the other day and she plays trumpet in the school band and she's just like, you know, the only teacher who i feel like i'm friends with as well as a pupil of, which is nice.

    My parents, on the other hand... They don't really get me, and usually it seems as if they don't really try... although that's better than when they try to understand me. I hate it.


    I always feel like i'm deliberately wasting my potential... You know, i don't know why... I guess ever since i was really little i've always wanted to do things my own way.

    Whenever i got a new board game, or a doll house that needed assembling, or anything like that, i never ever looked at the instructions. I always worked it out on my own. And even if things didn't go quite to plan, i always got it right in the end.

    I get the impression that that's going to the story of my life! I mean, i excel at most subjects (yeah, and i'm modest too!), i'm an alright person - although i wouldn't really call myself a good person - but i insist on following up my music.

    I can't quite explain what i mean... it's almost as if i know most people would look at me with a deep set scowl on their faces if they knew what i could do and yet what i insist on aspiring to. i think people deem it not good enough for me. I despise that! I'm smart, but no way am i Einstein! I feel like i'm always being pushed into a normal, monotonous life. That's not what i want.


    Jesus Christ, I write a lot! And that's not the half of it!

  17. aw, camp! I haven't been camping for years! Where'd you go?

  18. omg, that's disgusting! It wouldn't make her shiver so much if she knew just how much they were taking th piss outa the show she hosts! lol

  19. i'm in year nine, but i'm one of the youngest.

    Rules are SO made to be broken! I despise rules and regulations, but i have too much pride to break them openly, you know?! I just break them in my own quiet way and pretend i didn't do anything when i so did! lol

    No one really gets me. I feel like i'm still treated like a five year old and... i suppose it pisses me off because it's just such an insult to my intelligence!!! People were working, married and with children at my age 400 or 500 years ago!!! It's stupid! I can't bear it when people treat me like a foolish child! Do you know what i mean?

  20. no...

    which is it?

  21. it's amazing!!! I don't watch when it's actually on, coz it's the wrong day to be that late (sunday, 9pm) but the second series has just finished with two huge bangs!

    It's about these three people trying to live normal human lives, despite one being a ghost, one a werewolf, and one a vampire. Ooh, that vampire is sexy... i LIKE his dark side... ;)

    Hey, don't get me wrong - the werewolf is hilarious, but his ears are too big.

    Annie's good, but i'm not a lesbian.

    It's a comedy and it's great!!! I love it!

  22. ok, maybe that's a bit extreme...

    do you watch being human?

  23. i love it!

  24. yeah, she was in the library at break.

  25. hahahahaha! Utter falacy! Unbelievable! Truly a disgrace!


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